© Middle East Research and Information Project. Indeed, the prospect of making Sahrawi political advances through military might alone is highly unlikely. The main driver of this colonisation is natural resources. The region has also been claimed by the Polisario Front, a guerrilla group fighting for a separate state, since 1975. Polisario’s war in theory. Strategic Studies Institute and US Army War College Press, 2013, Academia.edu uses cookies to personalize content, tailor ads and improve the user experience. The Executive Committee of War Resisters’ International supports the demand of NOVA, an allied organization of our pacifist, anti-militarist and non-violent network, that on the 45th anniversary of the outbreak of the conflict in Western Sahara, and the threat of a new armed conflict, a just and sustainable resolution that ensures the self-determination of the Saharawi people should be … You can download the paper by clicking the button above. The war in Western Sahara is being rendered invisible to protect what has been a productive status quo for Morocco and its powerful international allies. [2] Vivian Solana, “Hospitality’s Prowess: Performing Sahrawi Sovereignty in Refugee Camps,” PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review, 42/2 (2019). Renewed War in Western Sahara. So why return to armed struggle at all? It is never over until it is over. [1] More than a century later, on November 13, 2020, Morocco’s army forcefully removed the Sahrawi protesters blocking the road. At the time, European powers criminalized these actions, dismissing them as banditry. Polisario Flag. Tensions between the Moroccan government and Sahrawis flared up in November of last year, leading Reuters to title a report on the incident Fears grow of new Western Sahara war … The Polisario Front resisted this re-imposition of colonial governance over Western Sahara by continuing its armed struggle. On 13 November 2020, war returned to Western Sahara after a 29 year ceasefire. War looms in Western Sahara Morocco demands UN pull out troops after Ban condemns 'occupation,' Sahrawi independence groups warn doing so spells return of war. The U.S. military, unbeknownst to most people in the United States — it’s perfectly knowable but few give a damn — arms and trains and funds the militaries of the world, including almost all of the most brutal governments of the world. Home Op-ed “War and Peace” in Western Sahara: ... “Western Sahara: UN Security Council Renews MINURSO Mandate for 1 Year,” Morocco World News, October 31, 2020. • An official and unofficial Moroccan media alert has been issued to respond to a report broadcast on Algerian public television, documenting the ongoing battles between the Saharawi army and the Moroccan army in the contact areas in the occupied Saharawi territories, in the aftermath of the Guerguerat incident, which caused … The ceasefire collapsed after Morocco […] An Algerian-backed independence movement — which holds a fifth of the territory — has campaigned for a vote on self-determination through decades of war and deadlock. Western Sahara is a former Spanish colony mostly under Morocco’s control. Rabat, 4 January 2021 (SPS) – Researcher, journalist and former agent of the Moroccan intelligence services Farid Boukas spoke on his Facebook page of a lack of confidence and serenity within the command of the Moroccan army after the outbreak of the 2nd war in Western Sahara. Actors and Strategies,” Journal of North African Studies, forthcoming. A war was fought until 1991, when the UN brokered a ceasefire and installed a peacekeeping force – the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara, known by its French acronym, MINURSO. When Spain left, neighboring Morocco and Mauritania sent in military forces, dividing the former Spanish colony between them. A Liberation War . The Polisario Front inaugurated its armed anti-colonial movement with a raid on a Spanish colonial checkpoint at al-Khanga on May 20, 1973. in Western Sahara. In turn, Morocco received the support of its Western Cold War allies for a war that lasted 16 years; Mauritania withdrew from the conflict in 1979. There is a new U.S. war in Western Sahara, being waged by Morocco with the support of the U.S. military. It became a protectorate of Spain in the 19th century and was later claimed by Morocco, Mauritania, and local inhabitants. More than 30 years after the war began, the displacement of large numbers of people and a ceasefire in 1991 that froze military positions, its end remains remote. The Western Sahara conflict is bathed in misinformation and propaganda for one sole reason, because all sides involved are fighting an impossible war. We often forget that it takes two to tango, and the war that broke out recently between Morocco and Western Sahara could only continue because the international community stood idly by. Western Sahara is regarded by the UN as the last colony in Africa. It became a protectorate of Spain in the 19th century and was later claimed by Morocco, Mauritania, and local inhabitants. This failure has been mainly due to Morocco’s obstruction of repeated efforts to organize the referendum, culminating in the May 2019 resignation of the UN Secretary General’s personal envoy to Western Sahara, Horst Köhler. The territory remained disputed between Morocco and local forces well into the 21st century. The current war in the area known as the Western Sahara began in 1975, when the area then known as the Spanish Sahara was evacuated by its Spanish rulers. The fact that this road was built under the passive watch of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) only served to heighten Sahrawi indignation. The new war between Morocco and the Sahrawi People’s Liberation Army has started in western Sahara after a 30-year ceasefire in the region. Why Does Morocco Hide The Ongoing War In Western Sahara? Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. This would be in no one’s best interest. [6] Raquel Ojeda-García and Joanna Allan, eds., “Why do Natural Resources Matter in the Western Sahara Conflict? Western Sahara War Archive The Western Sahara War Archive (WSWA) aims to inform and to organize data about the latest stage of the last colonial war in Africa, which started on 13th November 2020 in Western Sahara. Depending on the source, the answer can be a definite “yes,” or a chuckle-inducing “no.” Algeria and Polisario sources are claiming a true “hot war” is taking place on Morocco’s southern borders, for Morocco all appears calm on its southern front. It is one of the most s… Global, Regional and Local Dimensions of Western Sahara’s Protracted Decolonization: When a Conflict Gets Old (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017). To Sahrawis, the road represents one of Morocco’s latest efforts to profit from the illegal commercialization of Western Sahara’s resources, further encroaching upon their right to determine the political status of the non-self-governing territory. But the political determination of the Sahrawi people is not going to disappear simply because it is systematically overlooked.

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