[38], On 16 February 2005, the Israeli parliament had approved its disengagement from Gaza, which would drastically change the Israeli–Palestinian relations in Gaza. After the legislative election on 25 January 2006, which resulted in a Hamas victory, relations were marked by sporadic factional fighting. With over 200,000 participants, this was the largest Fatah demonstration in the Gaza Strip since the Hamas takeover. I was in prison. [70] Human Rights Watch accused both sides with violations of international humanitarian law. [14] Dozens more were killed or executed in the following years as part of the conflict. Tensions between Fatah and Hamas intensified after Hamas won the elections of 2006 and the international community increased the pressure on the Palestinian Authority. Elaborating, he recalled that when he was in prison during the Second Intifada, leaders from Hamas, Fatah, and the Islamic Jihad all enjoyed support from Hizbullah and would meet to plan attacks.See more: https://www.memri.org/tv/hamas-saleh-arouri-hizbullah-supported-fatah, (September 10, 2020 / MEMRI) Hamas deputy political bureau head Saleh al-Arouri said on Monday that Lebanese Shi’ite terrorist group Hezbollah’s support for his organization and for Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah faction had “never ceased.”, During an interview with Lebanon’s Mayadeen TV, al-Arouri said, “In the Second Intifada, I was still in Palestine. [63] Fighting continued until a cease-fire was implemented on 30 January. As Hamas and other Palestinian forces go on the offensive amid a sharp escalation in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the group sees positive potential in … Hamas seems intent on using Hezbollah's "bullets plus ballots" approach to gain a military and political foothold in the West Bank, the PA, and the PLO. The Palestinian Independent Commission for Citizens' Rights has found that over 600 Palestinians were killed in the fighting from January 2006 to May 2007. Miscarea islamista Hamas si rivala sa palestiniana Fatah au semnat, joi, la Cairo, un acord de reconciliere, menit sa puna capat unui deceniu de conflict devastator, acordandu-si doua luni pentru a rezolva problemele cele mai spinoase. 1-Le Hamas et le Fatah. Hezbollah (/ ˌ h ɛ z b ə ˈ l ɑː /; Arabic: حزب الله ‎ Ḥizbu 'llāh, literally "Party of Allah" or "Party of God", also transliterated Hizbullah or Hizballah, among others) is a Lebanese Shia Islamist political party and militant group, led by its Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah since 1992. If you appreciate the value of our news service and recognize how JNS stands out among the competition, please click on the link and make a one-time or monthly contribution. [43], Following the elections, Hamas announced the formation of its own security service, the Executive Force, appointing Jamal abu Samhadana, a prominent militant, at its head. Though their problems differ, none of them are ascendant now (or at least not in regards to Israel). For those Palestinians without guns, Hezbollah encourages them to stab Israelis to death. [82] During the same day, in Rafah, one woman was killed and eight people were injured when Hamas security members traded fire with Islamic Jihad activists. News coverage you can trust Just $1 for the first month Bruderkampf zwischen Hamas und Fatah Was unterscheidet die Gruppe der radikalen Hamas von der eher gemäßigten Fatah als Vertreter der Palästinenser? Hamas was founded in 1987,[15][16] soon after the First Intifada broke out, as an offshoot of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood. [63], Fierce fighting took place after Hamas killed 6 people on 1 February in an ambush on a Gaza convoy which delivered equipment for Abbas' Palestinian Presidential Guard, according to diplomats, meant to counter smuggling of more powerful weapons into Gaza by Hamas for its fast-growing "Executive Force". [43] Fatah leaders called for the dismissal of the Hamas-led government and the establishment of an emergency cabinet. [52], According to the IISS, the June 2007 escalation was triggered by Hamas' conviction that the PA's Presidential Guard, loyal to Mahmoud Abbas, was being positioned to take control of Gaza. [58] Fighting broke out in the West Bank after Palestinian National Security Forces fired on a Hamas rally in Ramallah. In 2006, it won a stunning victory against the long-dominant Fatah Party of Yasser Arafat in parliamentary elections--and quickly had to learn how to govern. More than 90 people were killed in this period. "[90], Following the Egyptian Revolution of 2011 and the deposal of Egyptian president Morsi in July 2013, tensions between Fatah and Hamas reached a new high. Die seit der gewaltsamen Auseinandersetzung zwischen Fatah und Hamas 2007 bestehende Spaltung ist für die Palästinenser in jeder Hinsicht kontraproduktiv. A series of violent acts, ranging from physical assaults, torture, and executions of Palestinians, suspected of collaboration with the Israel Defense Forces, as well as members of the Fatah political party, occurred. On June 2, Hamas and Fatah formed a unity government in the Palestinian Authority after many months of reconciliation talks, with Hamas nominally dissolving its government in the Gaza Strip. Neither Hamas nor Fatah had enough votes to form a new government under the constitution. Hamas members were hosted in Beirut recently by Palestinian Islamic Jihad in a meeting of arch-terrorist masterminds that included a meal at what appeared to be a … Throughout 10 and 15 June of fighting Hamas took control of the main north–south road and the coastal road. 672, December 5, 2017 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: There is an expectation that the reconciliation trend between Fatah and Hamas will lead to the disarmament of the resistance, but the idea of resistance will remain whether it is armed or not. Fatah and Hamas, the dominant parties in the West Bank and Gaza, respectively, say they have agreed to hold a general election, the first in 15 years. [76] The international community smoothly recognized the government. [87], The 2009 Hamas political violence took place in the Gaza Strip during and after the 2008–2009 Israel–Gaza conflict. On 1 January 2008, at least eight people died in factional fighting in the Gaza Strip. After that it would need to be approved by the (Hamas-dominated) Legislative Council. The West Bank had its first casualty when the bullet-riddled body of a Hamas militant was found in Nablus, sparking the fear that Fatah would use its advantage in the West Bank for retaliation against its members' deaths in the Gaza Strip. On Wednesday, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh made the distinction between weapons of the state, which would be under the control of the PA, and … A few specific examples are worth highlighting. During the Second Intifada Hezbollah, under instruction from Iran, recruited extensively among Fatah members, training and arming them to attack … The disengagement plan from 2003 was already adopted by the Israeli Government in June 2004. In a statement issued by Hezbollah, it tried to emphasize the connections between it and Hamas. Pro-Hamas militiamen retaliated with shots at the home of President Abbas, wounding five guards. On 14 June, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas announced the dissolution of the current unity government and the declaration of a state of emergency. le salafisme est radical dans sa nature, c'est une violence guerrière. In June 2007, Hamas fighters took control of the Gaza Strip and removed all Fatah officials. On 25 June 2006, militant groups conducted a cross-border raid into Israel. This became more intense after the two parties repeatedly failed to reach a deal to share government power, escalating in June 2007 and resulting in Hamas' takeover of Gaza. [62], Intense factional fighting continued throughout December 2006 and January 2007 in the Gaza Strip. “Hezbollah supports the resistance, which it regards as a strategic way to deal with this [Zionist] entity,” he said. The Hamas government was replaced on 17 March 2007 by a national unity government headed by Haniya comprising Hamas and Fatah ministers. (September 8, 2020 / Israel Hayom and JNS staff) Hamas deputy political chief Saleh al-Arouri said on Monday that due to recent events in the region, the terrorist organization and its political rival, Fatah, had agreed to join forces.. To be sure, each still presents a challenge and a threat to Israel, but all three are the weakest that they’ve been in … Hamas Political Bureau Deputy Chairman Saleh Al-Arouri: Fatah Factions Received Support from Hizbullah to Carry Out Attacks during the Second IntifadaSaleh Al-Arouri, the Deputy Chairman of the Hamas Political Bureau, said in a September 7, 2020 interview on Mayadeen TV (Lebanon) that in the next war with Israel, which he threatened will involve the Israeli home front, Israel will pay an “unprecedented price.” He also said that Hizbullah’s support of Hamas and other Palestinian factions has never ceased. [54], The same day, Haniyeh was allowed to return to Gaza without the money, but while crossing the border, gunmen attacked his car, killing one bodyguard. The Fatah–Hamas conflict (Arabic: النزاع بين فتح وحماس‎ an-Nizāʿ bayna Fataḥ wa-Ḥamās), also referred to as the Palestinian Civil War (Arabic: الحرب الأهلية الفلسطينية‎ al-Ḥarb al-ʾAhliyyah al-Filisṭīnīyyah), was a conflict between the two main Palestinian political parties, Fatah and Hamas, resulting in the split of the Palestinian Authority in 2007. [56], On 17 December, pro-Fatah gunmen attacked Hamas' Foreign Minister Mahmoud Zahar. Meanwhile, to Fatah's consternation, Hezbollah has offered its support to its rivals, Hamas … Palestine : rapprochement entre le Fatah et le Hamas, le Hezbollah met en garde Israël 02 Oct. 2017 à 11:32 Le Premier ministre palestinien Rami Hamdallah est arrivé ce lundi dans la bande de Gaza aux mains du Hamas, sa première visite depuis plus de deux ans et un test de la faculté des Palestiniens à surmonter dix ans de divisions qui minent leur action. This support, emphasized al-Arouri, was separate from that of Hamas and Islamic Jihad. On 6 January 2007, Abbas outlawed the Executive Force and ordered its disbandment. Fatah and Hamas officials gave conflicting accounts of what caused the fighting but the dispute seems to have originated when Hamas officials demanded that the clan return a governmental car. As noted in the Memorandum Opinion in the recent case of Chaim Kaplan et al v. [81], On 17 October, clashes erupted in eastern Gaza between Hamas security forces and members of the powerful Heles clan (Fatah-affiliated), leaving up to two dead on both sides. Saudische und andere arabische Vermittlungsbemühungen (darunter die Bildung einer Koalitionsregierung zwischen "Hamas" und "Fatah… Hamas Political Bureau Deputy Chairman Saleh Al-Arouri: Fatah Factions Received Support from Hizbullah to Carry Out Attacks during the Second Intifada, The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI). Cette affaire a été en outre longuement et profondément discutée entre les mouvements du Hamas et du Fatah, au Caire. One Fatah operative said that Abbas had been threatening to call early elections for the past five months and that "more threats are not going to work". (Fatah controls the Palestinian National Authority in the West Bank and recognized Israel in 1993 in the context of the Oslo Accords.) La situation des Palestiniens du Liban a été exposée. At least 20 people were wounded in the clashes, which came shortly after the attempt to assassinate Ismail Haniya. The semi-constitutional and semi-presidential Basic Law gave President and Government a shared political power. Two days later, 7 more Palestinians were killed in the internal fighting, including some Hamas militants and a Palestinian Islamic Jihad militant.[83]. The reconciliation process and unification of Hamas and Fatah administrations remains unfinalized. Le Hamas, "Mouvement de résistance islamique", a été créé en 1987, en marge du Fatah, le mouvement de "libération nationale" créé en 1959 par Yasser Arafat. At least six civilians were killed and over 80 people were injured, some from being trampled in the resulting stampede. [36] The supposed plan for a Fatah counter-insurgency against Hamas backfired in June 2006, when Hamas won the 2006 elections. The attacks of Hamas gunmen against Fatah security forces in the Gaza Strip resulted in a reaction of Fatah gunmen against Hamas institutions in the West Bank. [64] The dueling announcements raised the prospect of an intensified armed standoff. Hamas and Fatah are the two most dominant parties in the Palestinian political scene. [86] On 8 November 2008, Palestinian reconciliation talks due to be held in Cairo were called off after Hamas announced a boycott in protest at the detention of hundreds of its members by president Mahmoud Abbas's security forces. Leaders of both parties tried to stop the fighting by calling dozens of truces, but none of them held for longer than a few days. References to resistance were largely missing from Hamas’s political platform for the 2006 Palestinian legislative elections. [44][45] Fatah refused to cooperate with Hamas. In fact, since the civil war that saw Hamas oust the Fatah-dominated Palestinian Authority (PA) from Gaza in 2007, the two sides have announced at … The Egyptians are trying to reign in Hamas from its past and current ties with Iran which supports Hezbollah. [31][73], Nathan Brown of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace commented that under the 2003 Palestinian Constitution Abbas clearly had the right to declare a state of emergency and dismiss the prime minister but the state of emergency could continue only for 30 days. - page 2 - Topic Fatah, Hamas, Hezbollah, Aqmi, Chebabs, du 22-10-2012 15:02:28 sur les forums de jeuxvideo.com The demonstration was forcibly dispersed by Hamas gunmen, who fired into the crowd. [54] On 14 December 2006, Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, carrying tens of millions in donations, was denied by Israel entry into Gaza via the Rafah Border Crossing. In less than 18 days, more than 50 Palestinians were killed. Security units loyal to Mahmoud Abbas and dressed in riot gear, used clubs and rifles to beat back the demonstrators before the shooting broke out. Within days, the US recognized Abbas' emergency government and ended a 15-month economic and political boycott of the Palestinian Authority in a bid to bolster President Abbas and the new Fatah-led government. Documents published in the Palestine Papers reveal that the British intelligence MI6 in 2004, helped draw up a security plan for a Fatah-led Palestinian Authority. If the tribunal decides to launch an investigation, a violent confrontation in the West Bank between Fatah and Hamas could break out. The three terrorist groups Fatah, Hamas and Hezbollah have all fallen on hard times. Hamas Wants to Employ the 'Hezbollah Model' Hamas source says its organization will be a party in government but will maintain an independent military; other Palestinian groups say Fatah-Hamas unity government won't last long. The President of the Palestinian Authority is a member of Fatah. More than 90 people were arrested. On 12 November, a large demonstration dedicated to the memory of late Palestinian Authority President Yasser Arafat was organized by Fatah in Gaza City. The Egyptians are trying to reign in Hamas from its past and current ties with Iran which supports Hezbollah. Including the targeting and killing of civilians, public executions of political opponents and captives, throwing prisoners off high-rise apartment buildings, fighting in hospitals, and shooting from a jeep marked with "TV" insignias. When Abbas and Hamas in the struggle for power failed to reach an agreement, Abbas appointed, on 6 April 2006, the Fatah-affiliated Abu Shbak head of the Security Forces, by-passing the Hamas Interior Minister. JNS.org – Hamas deputy political chief Saleh al-Arouri said on Monday that due to recent events in the region, the terrorist organization and its political rival, Fatah, had agreed to join forces. brief Top Hamas official: Hezbollah supported Fatah during Second Intifada In the next open confrontation with the Palestinian terror group, the Israeli home front will pay an “unprecedented price” says Hamas Political Bureau Deputy chairman Saleh al-Arouri. ", "Palestinian interior minister submits resignation", Gaza-Westbank – ICRC Bulletin No. Ca en fait du monde pour une soi-disant minorité non représentative de l'islam - Topic Fatah, Hamas, Hezbollah, Aqmi, Chebabs, du 22-10-2012 15:02:28 sur les forums de … [45] Because Fatah and Hamas did not co-operate, the parliament became dysfunctional and the PA suffered financial distress. [32][33] Since then, it has fought several wars with Israel,[34] and the Palestinian Authority has been split into two polities, each seeing itself as the true representative of the Palestinian people – the Fatah-ruled Palestinian National Authority and the Hamas Government in Gaza. Another gun battle on October 20 killed one member of the clan and a 13-year-old boy. Facing international sanctions, the Hamas-led Palestinian Authority depended on the import of large amounts of cash to pay its debts. The period from March to December 2006 was marked by tensions when Palestinian Authority commanders affiliated to Fatah refused to take orders from the Hamas-led Palestinian Authority government. [43][68] Violent incidents continued through March and April 2007. In prison, all the groups would come to us and we would plan attacks, and there were groups from Fatah that would receive support from Hezbollah in order to confront the occupation.”. Die Stärke der Islamisten resultiert nicht zuletzt daraus, dass die Schiiten mit rund 30 Prozent der Bevölkerung die größte muslimische Gruppe darstellen. Abbas had denounced the move as unconstitutional, saying that only the Palestinian president could command armed forces.[53]. Haniyeh had already cut short his trip due to mounting tensions between Hamas and rival faction Fatah, after three sons of a Fatah security chief were killed days earlier. On 8 February 2007, the Saudi-brokered Fatah–Hamas Mecca Agreement produced an agreement on a Palestinian national unity government signed by Fatah and Hamas leaders. In the next open confrontation with the Palestinian terror group, the Israeli home front will pay an “unprecedented price” says Hamas Political Bureau Deputy chairman Saleh al-Arouri. "Hamas: Palestinian Identity, Islam, and National Sovereignty," in Asher Susser (ed. Relations between Hamas and Fatah, the leading faction in the PLO, have not been close in part because of PLO talks with Israel in US-sponsored negotiations, which Hezbollah has roundly criticized. [56] At the time, Fatah PLC member and former Fatah security chief Mohammed Dahlan was blamed for this apparent assassination attempt. [72] The Israeli government closed all check-points on the borders of Gaza in response to the violence. The series of blows the US administration has dealt to the Palestinian Authority over the past year, from the announcement of the “Deal of the Century” to the normalization accords between Israel, the UAE, Bahrain, and Sudan, has led to an attempted reconciliation between Fatah and Hamas. ), CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (, "6 Die as Palestinian Authority Forces Clash with Hamas. [24][25][26], Calls for the implementation of the Cairo Declaration, including the formation of a unity government and the cessation of violence between Fatah and Hamas were made in the Fatah–Hamas Mecca Agreement of 8 February 2007. [47][48][49][50][51] Also, a PLC council member for Hamas, Anwar Zaboun, believes that ″Mohammed Dahlan had a big plan to remove the roots of Hamas, the resistance, in Gaza and the West Bank″. Hamas characterized it as an attempted Fatah coup by Abbas,[60] using undemocratic means to overthrow the results of a democratically elected government. Hamas and Hezbollah have had a dramatic breakup after the Syrian conflict erupted in 2011. [37], In July 2004, there were clashes between rival Hamas-led sections of the security forces in Gaza and violent protests, which were widely seen as a power struggle ahead of Israel's promised pullout from Gaza. For those Palestinians without guns, Hezbollah encourages them to stab Israelis to death. Hamas; Fatah; Tansim; Dschihad; Hisbollah; Hamas: Abkürzung für "Islamische Widerstandsbewegung" Die Hamas ist soziales Netzwerk und militante Bewegung zugleich. Wann sind die Gruppen entstanden? Like Hamas, Hezbollah’s official rhetoric calls for the destruction of Israel and its replacement with an Islamist Palestinian government. In mid-May 2007, clashes erupted once again in the streets of Gaza. The Fatah–Hamas conflict (Arabic: النزاع بين فتح وحماس‎ an-Nizāʿ bayna Fataḥ wa-Ḥamās), also referred to as the Palestinian Civil War (Arabic: الحرب الأهلية الفلسطينية‎ al-Ḥarb al-ʾAhliyyah al-Filisṭīnīyyah), was a conflict between the two main Palestinian political parties, Fatah and Hamas, resulting in the split of the Palestinian Authority in 2007. [13] The US committed $59 million for training and non-lethal equipment for the Presidential Guard, and persuaded Arab allies to fund the purchase of further weapons. Fatah (Arabic: فتح ‎ Fatḥ), formerly the Palestinian National Liberation Movement, is a Palestinian nationalist social democratic political party and the largest faction of the confederated multi-party Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and the second-largest party in the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC). Hamas Fatah Unity flag, image via CC BY-SA HonestReporting.com BESA Center Perspectives No. Tensions between Fatah and Hamas began to rise in 2005 after the death of Yasser Arafat in November 2004. Hamas has been the de facto governing authority of the Gaza Strip since its takeover in June 2007. JNS.org – Hamas deputy political chief Saleh al-Arouri said on Monday that due to recent events in the region, the terrorist organization and its political rival, Fatah, had agreed to join forces. Hezbollah and Hamas both emerged during the 1980s, regard themselves as Israel withdrew from Gaza in September 2005. Seite 2 — Der Konflikt zwischen Hamas und Fatah lähmt viele Prozesse ZEIT ONLINE: Die radikalislamische Hamas, die den Gazastreifen seit 2007 kontrolliert, hat den Plan ebenfalls abgelehnt. It called for a return of the Gaza Strip to the pre-June 2007 situation, though this has not happened. The Hamas-dominated Palestinian Authority and the parliament on the other hand were boycotted, and international financial aid was rendered via Abbas, bypassing the Palestinian Government. L'axe Iran-Hezbollah-Hamas s'organise contre les forces modérées en Palestine, par Patrick Saint-Paul. Hamas is often discussed alongside other groups in the region that engage in militant and terrorist activities to achieve their ends, yet Hamas has confined its militancy to Israel and the Palestinian territories—distinguishing it from the broader aspirations expressed by Al Qaeda and its affiliates. Though their problems differ, none of them are ascendant now (or at least not in regards to Israel). [55] Angry Hamas militants stormed the post, which was manned by European monitors and Abbas' Presidential Guard, responsible for security there. The 2005 Philadelphi Accord between Israel and Egypt turned over control of the border to Egypt. "Hamas" kündigt die Waffenruhe schließlich auf und die Situation im Gazastreifen eskaliert, bis sie im Frühsommer 2007 in einen offenen Bruderkampf zwischen "Hamas" und der "Fatah" von Palästinenser-Präsident Mahmoud Abbas mündet. To be sure, each still presents a challenge and a threat to Israel, but all three are the weakest that they’ve been in a long time. On Sunday, a Hamas delegation led by Hamas political bureau chief Ismail Haniyeh met with Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah in Beirut to discuss Arab countries’ new willingness to normalize relations with Israel, Hezbollah’s Al-Manar website reported. The Palestinian ruling Fatah faction and Hamas will work together to achieve an independent Palestinian state and foil Israeli-American "conspiracies" against the Palestinians, … After guards had fired at the Hamas militants, they took over the hall, firing shots into the air. 672, December 5, 2017 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: There is an expectation that the reconciliation trend between Fatah and Hamas will lead to the disarmament of the resistance, but the idea of resistance will remain whether it is armed or not. As tensões entre Hamas e Fatah começaram a crescer em 2005, após a morte do líder palestino Yasser Arafat.Logo após a vitória legislativa do Hamas em 2006, as relações partidárias foram realçadas por lutas faccionais esporádicas. The US had helped build up the Presidential Guard to 3,500 men since August 2006. [23] A major issue was control over the border crossings, especially the Rafah Border Crossing. Second risk: one of two rival factions within the secular Fatah party could win, and this would be inopportune for Abu Mazen. Pyongyang has also reportedly supported Hamas and Hezbollah in building tunnels and underground facilities, a speciality of the North Koreans, whose networks under the DMZ are renowned. The Israeli response left Hamas with half its parliamentary bloc and its cabinet ministers in the West Bank in Israeli custody.[43]. A member of Fatah's Force 17 was killed, together with a passing woman. 'Brigades of the Party of God') —or the Hezbollah Brigades—is an Iraqi Shia paramilitary group which is part of the Popular Mobilization Forces that are supported by Iran. However, it struggled to resolve the two most pressing issues: an economic crisis and a collapse of security in Gaza. Fatah leader and PA President Mahmoud Abbas insists that there can be only “one state, one government, one gun,” but Hamas seeks to maintain its armed military and terrorist wing even as it is set to hand over the reins of power in Gaza to Fatah and the PA this Friday, December 1. [55][59], On 16 December, Abbas called for new parliamentary and presidential elections, but his advisor Saeb Erekat said that "elections cannot be held before the middle of next year for legal and technical reasons". These two rival factions represent a gross departure in philosophy. [56] The announcement of elections provoked high tensions and gun battles between Hamas and Fatah supporters. "[75], On 15 June, Abbas appointed Salam Fayyad as prime minister and gave him the task of forming a new government. According to Hamas, the deliveries to the Presidential Guard were intended to instigate sedition (against Hamas), while withholding money and assistance from the Palestinian people.[65][66]. The plan mentioned as an objective, "encourage and enable the Palestinian Authority (PA) to fully meet its security obligations under Phase 1 of the Roadmap". A Hamas official accused the PA leadership of playing a major role in enforcing the blockade of the Gaza Strip. Abbas's only means of enforcing the order appeared to be coercive action by police and security units under his command, which were relatively weak in the Gaza Strip, Hamas's stronghold. Hezbollah was founded shortly before Hamas and, over the years, has also gotten help from Iran. This act, including the ransack of the ministry of education, was seen as a reaction to similar looting occurring following Hamas' military success in Gaza. On Thursday, the two movements announced they had reached a deal to … [88][89], On 31 May 2009, six people were killed as Palestinian Authority and Hamas forces clashed in Qalqilya. The Fatah-dominated PA had been given control on the Gazan side at the Rafah Border Crossing. After a month of fighting, which left 33 people dead, President Mahmoud Abbas attempted to incorporate the Hamas-led Executive Force into the security apparatus loyal to the president. [92], In the midst of negotiations to resolve the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict, the Shin Bet revealed an alleged plot by Hamas to depose Fatah in the West Bank. - Toate articolele Ziare.com pe tema: Hamas hezbollah Tensions further grew between the two Palestinian factions after they failed to reach a deal to share government power. [67] The unity government was formed on 17 March. The reconciliation process and unification of Hamas and Fatah administrations remains unfinalized.

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