Depuis le siècle dernier, les Kurdes d’Irak cherchent à construire un territoire autonome de Bagdad qui engloberait l’ensemble de toutes les zones peuplées, selon eux, de Kurdes. Mountains in Iraqi Kurdistan include the Zagros, Sinjar Mountains, Hamrin Mountains, Mount Nisir and Qandil mountains. SALIM STREET, RAND GALLERY SULAIMANIYAH Tél :+964 770 393 3003 Voir sur la carte Ramaya Holding Head Office and Service Center Baghdad Arasat Al Hindiya St. BAGDAD Tél : +9647801917777 - +9647901375629 Fax : 9647708424286 Voir sur la carte According to demonstrators, the reason for the blocked protest was that Kurds in the Nahla Valley, mainly populated by Assyrians, encroached on land owned by Assyrians, without any action by courts or officials to remove the structures the Kurds built there. [119] Kamil Haji Ali, the minister of endowments and religious affairs, said in this regard that the new law would “spread immorality” and “distort” Kurdish society. In the following years, Baghdad government overcame its internal divisions and concluded a treaty of friendship with the Soviet Union in April 1972 and ended its isolation within the Arab world. Due to Qasim's profound distrust of the Iraqi Army, which he purposely failed to adequately arm (in fact, Qasim implemented a policy of ammunition rationing), Qasim's government was not able to subdue the insurrection. Barzani agreed to the ceasefire and fired the radicals from the party. During World War II, the power vacuum in Iraq was exploited by the Kurdish tribes and under the leadership of Mustafa Barzani a rebellion broke out in the north, effectively gaining control of Kurdish areas until 1945, when Iraqis could once again subdue the Kurds with British support. [101], Although the Kurdish regional parliament has officially recognized ethnic minorities such as Assyrians, Turkmen, Arabs, Armenians, Mandeans, Shabaks and Yezidis, there have been accusations of Kurdish discrimination against those groups. [19] A non-binding independence referendum was passed in September 2017, to mixed reactions internationally. [68] The area became part of the Muslim Arab Rashidun, Umayyad, and later the Abbasid Caliphates, before becoming part of various Iranian, Turkic, and Mongol emirates. [42] Due to the Iraqi withdrawal, Kurdish Peshmerga took control of most disputed areas, including Kirkuk, Khanaqin, Jalawla, Bashiqa, Sinjar and Makhmur. These accusations were later confirmed when the KDP-controlled provincial council of Alqosh issued a statement warning residents that they would face consequences for protesting the referendum. The League of Nations granted France mandates over Syria and Lebanon and granted the United Kingdom mandates over Palestine (which then consisted of two autonomous regions: Mandatory Palestine and Transjordan) and what was to become Iraq. Irak – hors région autonome du Kurdistan De manière générale, et compte tenu de la dégradation sensible de la situation sécuritaire dans le nord de l'Irak et des menaces pesant sur Bagdad, il est rappelé que tout déplacement y est formellement déconseillé. Arab settlement programs reached their peak during the late 1970s, in line with depopulation efforts of the Ba'athist regime. [105][106][107][108], The Kurdish regional government has also been accused of trying to Kurdify other regions such as the Nineveh plains and Kirkuk by providing financial support for Kurds who want to settle in those areas. This however changed with the establishment of the Kurdistan autonomous region. The Kurdistan region of Iraq enjoys more stability, economic development, and political pluralism than the rest of the country. Average summer temperatures range from 35 °C (95 °F) in the cooler northernmost areas to blistering 40 °C (104 °F) in the southwest, with lows around 21 °C (70 °F) to 24 °C (75 °F). In 1929, the Barzani demanded the formation of a Kurdish province in northern Iraq. The western and southern parts of Iraqi Kurdistan are not as mountainous as the east. [103], Assyrians have also accused the Kurdistan Regional Government of encouraging forced demographic change of villages that have been historically inhabited by native Assyrians. Tensions between Iraqi Kurdistan and the central Iraqi government mounted through 2011–2012 on the issues of power sharing, oil production and territorial control. The Kurdistan Region Parliament is situated in Erbil, but the constitution of the Kurdistan Region declares the disputed city of Kirkuk to be the capital of the Kurdistan Region. The Status of the Iraq Smooth-coated Otter Lutrogale perspicillata maxwelli Hayman 1956 and Eurasian Otter Lutra lutra Linnaeus 1758 in Iraq. The severe economic hardships caused by the embargoes fueled tensions between the two dominant political parties, the KDP and the PUK, over control of trade routes and resources. [105], In February 2016, Kurdish president Barzani stated once again that "Now the time is ripe for the people of Kurdistan to decide their future through a referendum", supporting an independence referendum and citing similar referenda in Scotland, Catalonia and Quebec. Turkmen and Arab residents in Kirkuk experienced intimidation, harassment and were forced to leave their homes, in order to increase the Kurdish demographic in Kirkuk and bolster their claims to the city. [54] Modern Rawandiz district was a religious center of the Urartians. [92] The Kurdistan parliament in 2008 passed a draft law outlawing the practice, but the ministerial decree necessary to implement it, expected in February 2009, was cancelled. [99], As of 2014, Iraqi Kurdistan is in dispute with the Federal Iraqi government on the issues of territorial control, export of oil and budget distribution and is functioning largely outside Baghdad's control. [1], The Kurdistan Region is divided into four governorates: the governorates of Duhok, Erbil, Sulaymaniya and Halabja. However, relations have been improved since then, and Turkey now has the largest share of foreign investment in Kurdistan. [104] This has been done through military land-grabs through the Peshmerga and financial incentives to encourage Kurdish citizens to inhabit those areas while encouraging Assyrians to flee. [81] The repressive measures carried out by the government against the Kurds after the Algiers agreement led to renewed clashes between the Iraqi Army and Kurdish guerrillas in 1977. Girls and women receive conflicting and inaccurate messages from media campaigns and medical personnel on its consequences. Under pressure from the Iraqi government and the British, the most influential leader of the clan, Mustafa Barzani was forced into exile in Iran in 1945. In 1922, Britain restored Shaikh Mahmud Barzanji to power, hoping that he would organize the Kurds to act as a buffer against the Turks, who had territorial claims over Mosul and Kirkuk. Irak : Situation sécuritaire (11 octobre 2018 - 11 janvier 2019) DIDR 6 – OFPRA 11/01/2019 dans l’ensemble de la région du Kurdistan irakien , la plupart d’entre e ux, soit 49 cas, ayant The first wave of the plan was carried out in 1982 when 8,000 Barzanis were arrested and their remains were returned to Kurdistan in 2008. [69] In the early 18th century, it briefly passed to the Iranian Afsharids led by Nader Shah. In November 1963, after considerable infighting amongst the civilian and military wings of the Ba'athists, they were ousted by Abdul Salam Arif in a coup. In April 2012, the president of Iraq's semi-autonomous northern Kurdish region demanded that officials agree to their demands or face the prospect of secession from Baghdad by September 2012. [75][76] Recognizing the futility of continuing this campaign, Rahamn Arif announced a 12-point peace program in June 1966, which was not implemented due to the overthrow of Rahman Arif in a 1968 coup by the Baath Party. The literal translation for Kurdistan is "Region of Kurds.”, "Kurdistan" was also formerly spelled Curdistan. During the first years of the war in the early 1980s, the Iraqi government tried to accommodate the Kurds in order to focus on the war against Iran. Due to the summers being less extreme, thousands of tourists from the hotter parts of Iraq come to visit the region in that season.[17]. [33] The KDP-PUK relations quickly deteriorated and the first clashes in the civil war took place in May 1994 when PUK captured the towns of Shaqlawa and Chamchamal from KDP, which in turn pushed PUK out of Salahaddin (near Erbil). Meanwhile, in June 1961, the KDP issued a detailed ultimatum to Qasim outlining Kurdish grievances, demanding that the Kurdish language would become an official language in Kurdish majority regions. Kurdish culture is a group of distinctive cultural traits practiced by Kurdish people. [60][61][62][63] Extraction of these reserves began in 2007. The first international school, the International School of Choueifat opened its branch in Kurdistan Region in 2006. [51], Despite being landlocked, the Kurdistan Region pursues a proactive foreign policy, which includes strengthening diplomatic relations with Iran, Russia, United States and Turkey. It is the first day of the month of Xakelêwe in Kurdish calendar and the first day of spring. This article is about the Kurdish region of Iraq. [76], The Zoroastrian religion have around 500 followers according to an official research from the religious affairs committee from the parliament. This stalemate irritated powerful factions within the military and is said to be one of the main reasons behind the Ba'athist coup against Qasim in February 1963. However, Kurdistan did not compromise on their stance regarding financial independence from Baghdad. [53] The region was partially under the rule of Urartu and the kingdom of Musasir in early 1st millennium BCE. It was not until September 10, when an Iraqi army column was ambushed by a group of Kurds, that the Kurdish revolt truly began. [66], As of July 2007, the Kurdish government solicited foreign companies to invest in 40 new oil sites, with the hope of increasing regional oil production over the following 5 years by a factor of five, to about 1 million barrels per day (160,000 m3/d). However, defiant to the British, in 1922 Shaikh Mahmud declared a Kurdish Kingdom with himself as king. Then, after another failed offensive, Arif declared a ceasefire in February 1964 which provoked a split among Kurdish urban radicals on one hand and Peshmerga (Freedom fighters) forces led by Barzani on the other. Iraqi Kurdistan has opened its doors to the world by opening two international airports. illustrations, cliparts, dessins animés et icônes de gravure antique, perses et autres peuples orientaux gravure illustration antique, publié en 1851 - kurdistan. "Iraq says expects Exxon to finish West Qurna Sale by December", "Iraqi Kurds open 40 new oil sites to foreign investors", Official statements on the oil and gas sector in the Kurdistan region, "First Shipment of Kurdistan Crude Arrives in Turkey", "British Use of Statistics in the Iraqi Kurdish Question (1919–1932)", "Minorities in Iraq: Memory, Identity and Challenges", "Iraq's Yezidis: A Religious and Ethnic Minority Group Faces Repression and Assimilation", "Zoroastrianism in Iraq seeks official recognition", "Hopes for Zoroastrianism revival in Kurdistan as first temple opens its doors", "Regarding Jewish status, and lack of populations in the Kurdistan Region", "Publicity seeking Kurdish official brings back memories of Jewish Kurd aliya fiasco", "Urgent reconstruction needed for returning Iraqi refugees: IOM", "Opening Ceremony of The 1st International Scientific Conference – UOZ 2013", "Trends in human capital formation in the Kurdistan Region - Iraq", "Iraqi Kurdistan: Journalists Under Threat", "Abusing Patients | Human Rights Watch (Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) section)", "IRAQ: Iraqi Kurdistan Confronts Female Genital Mutilation", Rudaw in English The Happening: Latest News and Multimedia about Kurdistan, Iraq and the World – Kurdistan Takes Measures Against Gender-Based Violence, "Human Rights Watch lauds FGM law in Iraqi Kurdistan", "KRG looks to enhance protection of women, children", Iraqi Kurdistan: Law Banning FGM Not Being Enforced, "British MP hails Iraqi Kurdistan as regional leader in religioustolerance", "Contested Control: The Future of Security in Iraq's Nineveh Plain", "Kurdish Tribes Stealing Assyrian Christian Lands", "Iraq: Kirkuk Security Forces Expel Displaced Turkmen", "KRG: Kurdish Forces Ejecting Arabs In Kirkuk", "Uncertain Refuge, Dangerous Return: Iraq's Uprooted Minorities", "Iraqi Kurdistan: Christian Demonstration Blocked", "Iraq/Kurdistan Region: Men, Boys Who Fled ISIS Detained", "Kurdistan Region of Iraq: 32 Arrested at Peaceful Protest", "Kurdish Referendum May Imperil Christian and Minority Safe Haven in Iraq", "Testimony for the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom Religious Minorities' Fight to Remain in Iraq", "How the U.S.-Favored Kurds Abandoned the Yazidis when ISIS Attacked", "Iraq federal, Kurd region oil chiefs informally agree on exports",, States and territories established in 1992, Articles with dead external links from June 2016, Short description is different from Wikidata, Pages using infobox settlement with bad settlement type, Articles containing Kurdish-language text, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 2 May 2021, at 13:17. Iraqi Kurdistan has also a border gate with Syria known as the Faysh Khabur border gate. As part of the deal arranged between Qasim and Barzani, Qasim had promised to give the Kurds regional autonomy in return for Barzani's support for his policies. [48] The Kurdistan Parliament has 111 seats and are held every fifth year. Crude deliveries are expected to occur on a regular basis. [112] Other peoples such as Arabs, Assyrians, Armenians, Shabaks and Mandeans have their own distinctive cultures. By February 1961, Barzani had successfully defeated the pro-government forces and consolidated his position as leader of the Kurds. Emboldened by these demands, in 1931 Kurdish notables petitioned the League of Nations to set up an independent Kurdish government. [7], The exact origins of the name Kurd are unclear. [44][45], The Carnegie Middle East Center wrote in August 2015 that:[46]. Kurdish authorities expelled hundreds of Arab families from the city, demolishing their homes in the process. The Iraqis retaliated the following day by chemically bombing the town, killing about 5,000 civilians. [64] This act caused Baghdad to threaten to revoke Exxon's contract in its southern fields, most notably the West-Qurna Phase 1 project. At this point, Barzani ordered his forces to occupy and expel government officials from all Kurdish territory. Multiple Human Rights Watch reports detail the confiscation of Turkmen and Arab families' documents, preventing them from voting, buying property and travelling. In Early and Middle Bronze Age the region was geographically known as Subartu and was inhabited by the Hurrian speaking Subarians along with Gutians and Lullubi. The population of the region is notoriously difficult to ascertain, as the Iraqi government has historically sought to minimize the importance of the Kurdish minority while Kurdish groups have had a tendency to exaggerate the numbers. [38] [39][40][41], In 16th century BCE the Mitannians incorporated the region into their Hurrian empire. But simultaneously with its promise of Kurdish autonomy, the Iraqi government began ethnic cleansing Kurdish-populated areas, to reduce the size of the autonomous entity which a census would determine. Tensions marked a high stage in late February 2008 when Turkey unilaterally took military action against the PKK which at times uses the northern Iraq region as a base for militant activities against Turkey. [59][60][61] Between 3rd and 4th centuries the region was ruled by the House of Kayus until it was incorporated into the Sassanian Empire in 380 AD and it was renamed to Nodshēragān. However, as of late 2015, no new Regions have been formed, and the KRG remains the only regional government within Iraq. Iraqi Kurdistan sees snowfall occasionally in the winter, and frost is common. S’il est une région où l’intervention américaine contre l’Irak est attendue, c’est le Kurdistan. A Kurdish newspaper based in the Kurdish capital estimates that around 50,000 Kurds from Turkey are now living in Kurdistan[82], The Kurdistan Region is hosting 1.2 million displaced Iraqis who have been displaced by the ISIS war, as of early December 2017. On the other hand, Kurds remained dependent on the Iranian military support and could do little to strengthen their forces. [17] The Iraqi no-fly zones over most of Iraqi Kurdistan after March 1991 gave the Kurds a chance to experiment with self-governance and the autonomous region was de facto established. Later it came under the rule of the Achaemenids and remained as part of the satrapy of Media. Nationalités qui ne nécessitent pas de visa pour entrer au Kurdistan : Amérique : Etats-Unis d'Amérique, le Canada, le Brésil. [38] America and Kurdistan also jointly rooted out the Islamist Ansar al-Islam group in Halabja area as Kurdistan hosted thousands of soldiers. [32] This led the Americans and the Europeans to implement the Iraqi no-fly zones in March 1991 to protect the Kurds, thereby facilitating Kurdish autonomy amid the vacuum and the first Kurdish elections were consequently held in May 1992, wherein the Kurdistan Democratic Party secured 45.3% of the vote and a majority of seats.

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