Our nation is resilient enough to take a punch. The Saudi government now considers extremist groups like ISIL and the Al-Nusra Front to be one of the two major threats to the kingdom and its monarchy, the other being Iran. [279] In recent years however, Saudi Arabia has shifted its diplomacy to become friendlier to Russia, with King Salman became the first Saudi head of state to visit Russia, heralding possible political change. With the antagonistic Ba'athist regime removed, Iran sought a more friendly Shia-dominated government and supported sympathetic rebel factions as part of an effort to undermine the coalition, which Iran feared would install a government hostile to its interests. The Gulf Cooperation Council, an alliance of Sunni Arab States of the Gulf region including Saudi Arabia, has often been described as a Saudi headed alliance to counter Iran, which engaged pro-Saudi interests in Bahrain. The Arab–Iranian conflict or Arab-Persian conflict is a term which is used in reference to the modern conflict between Arab League countries and Iran. The American foreign policy pivot to Asia, its lessening reliance on Saudi oil, and the potential of rapprochement with Iran have all contributed to a more assertive Saudi foreign policy. The Saudi-led military intervention has been strongly backed by the US, and other global powers may be drawn in as the crisis. Don't look now, but it is already here", "Horn of Africa States Follow Gulf into the Yemen War", "Iran and Saudi Arabia's great rivalry explained", "Bahrain: Widespread Suppression, Scant Reforms", "The Battle for Iraq Is a Saudi War on Iran", "Qatar: UAE and Saudi Arabia step up pressure in diplomatic crisis", "Saudi Arabia cuts diplomatic ties with Iran after execution of cleric", "Saudi Arabia and Gulf allies warn against Lebanon travel", "The fearsome Iraqi militia vowing to vanquish Isis", "قائد النجباء يكشف مخططات السبهان للعراق", "Al-Maliki Accuses Saudi Arabia of Supporting Terrorism", "Iran denies top general called Saudi, not Israel, its enemy", "Iran Guards head calls Saudi Arabia 'terrorist state, "Saudi Arabia, Zionist regime behind resignation of Lebanese PM", "State Department Terrorist Designation of Qassim Abdullah Ali Ahmed, AKA Qassim al-Muamen", "بالفيديو .. تصريح ناري لأبو مهدي المهندس حول السعودية والإمارات! Islamist insurgents rose in Saudi Arabia in 1979, Egypt and Bahrain in 1981, Syria in 1982, and Lebanon in 1983. Mainstream media misinformation and the high cost of COVID-19 ignorance, Institutionalizing racial fanaticism across American society, Democrats’ move on lending rule shows they simply won’t let working class have access to credit, States rebuke Democrats’ attempts to usurp worker freedom, Thank Tim Scott for answering the question ‘Is America racist?’, Americans sleepwalking into a socialist nightmare, America’s suburban middle-class reckoning is near, Why conservatives should not support ‘Caitlyn’ (aka Bruce) Jenner for governor, Biden’s American Rescue Plan: The most expensive missed opportunity in U.S. history. [230] The airstrike was seen as a major escalation of tensions, and the government of Iran vowed revenge in response. Israel, Iran's greatest adversary in the region, has supplied Azerbaijan with advanced weaponry in the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war with Armenia in hopes of countering Iranian influence in the Caucasus. He stated that Iran deserved the opportunity to reach its pre-sanction levels of output. United States Marines of a certain age rejoiced at the killing of Qassem Soleimani in early January. An ongoing proxy war has developed, whereby both countries seize every opportunity to weaken the other’s interests in the region. Unlike al Qaeda and ISIS, these militia leaders are prominent political figures who have to remain in the public eye in their respective nations to keep power. [191] Iran denied the claim, saying that those captured are regular fishermen and demanding their immediate release. [240], Due to Albania's decision to welcome the MEK to take refuge in the country, tensions between Iran and Albania increased. He argued that Wahhabism was the fundamental ideology shared among terrorist groups in the Middle East, and that it has been "devastating in its impact". [305] However, the degree of support has been subject to debate, and accusations of greater involvement have been denied by Iran. The largest amount comes from the 1.5 million Pakistanis working in Saudi Arabia who sent home about US$5.5 billion in remittances in 2017. [140] This was in addition to financial and military support Iraq received from neighboring leaders in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Kuwait, Jordan, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates, in part to hedge Iranian power and prevent the spread of its revolution. This map shows the brewing proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia. [153][154] Due to the decreasing importance of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict as a wedge issue and mutual tensions with Iran, GCC states have sought strengthened economic and security cooperation with Israel, which is involved in its own proxy conflict with Iran. [291], Oman is a member of the GCC and thus, maintains a close relationship with Saudi Arabia. Germany and Lithuania have become the first EU nations to designate Hezbollah as a terrorist organization. World History Forum. [216], The assassination of Jamal Khashoggi prompted international backlash against Saudi Arabia and Mohammad bin Salman. [112], Saudi Arabia was one of three countries to officially recognize the Sunni Taliban government in 1996, along with its allies Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates. The reasons cited were Qatar's relations with Iran, Al-Jazeera's coverage of other GCC states and Egypt, and Qatar's alleged support of Islamist groups. Hussein attempted to take advantage of revolutionary unrest in Iran and quell the revolution in its infancy. He has served as a civilian adviser in Iraq and Afghanistan. For over four decades Iran has conducted a proxy war against the United States with virtual impunity and Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Quds Force has been the main instigator behind it. Iran supplies Hamas terrorists in Gaza and Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon all the missiles and drone needed to attack Israel. [299] In 2014, with no end in sight to the conflict, Iran increased its ground support for the Syrian Army, providing elite forces, intelligence gathering, and training. [137] Saudi Arabia also spearheaded the creation of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation in 1969. [312], Saudi Arabia remained more passive during the occupation of Iraq, taking caution to preserve its relations with the United States by avoiding any direct support of Sunni insurgent groups. A noteworthy point in this conflict is that Iran has very positive relations with numerous Arab countries such as Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Algeria and Tunisia. [324] The Iranian Revolution led to resumed interest in Bahraini affairs. These differences make it unlikely that the Sunni world could unite against both Iran and terrorism, despite shared opposition. After the Iranian revolution in 1979, people wanted to copy this model in different countries, one of them is Saudi Arabia. Several key pro-Iranian militia leaders died in the strikes as well. Middle Eastern History. [283], Poland is U.S.' major ally in Europe and was the country that hosted the February 2019 Warsaw Conference, which was deemed anti-Iranian due to participation from Saudi Arabia and Israel in the conference. [199] Also on 4 November, the Prime Minister of Lebanon resigned, sparking a political crisis seen as part of a Saudi effort to counteract Iran's influence in the country. Iran supplies Hamas terrorists in Gaza and Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon all the missiles and drone needed to attack Israel. [178] Such economic pressures further affected the regional dynamic in 2016. Most recently, he pushed Iran-sponsored militias in Iraq to fire on unarmed demonstrators who have been legally protesting the policies of the pro-Iranian elites in the Baghdad government. The decade-long Houthi insurgency in Yemen stoked tensions with Iran, with accusations of covert support for the rebels. Those organizations are Darwinian in that there are usually even tougher characters waiting in the wings. In February 2016 Saudi Arabia banned their citizens from visiting Lebanon and suspended military aid due to possible Iranian influence and Lebanon's refusal to condemn the attack on Saudi embassy. After eight years, war-weariness, economic problems, decreased morale, repeated Iranian military failures, recent Iraqi successes, Iraqi use of weapons of mass destruction, lack of international sympathy, and increased U.S.–Iran military tension all led to a ceasefire brokered by the United Nations. According to the cable Saudi argued that a Hezbollah victory against the Siniora government "combined with Iranian actions in Iraq and on the Palestinian front would be a disaster for the US and the entire region". [318] Saudi Arabia has responded by strengthening its ties to the Kurdistan Regional Government, seeing it as a barrier to the expansion of Iranian influence in the region, while also adopting a soft power approach to improve relations with the Iraqi government. In 2003 it was reported that Saudi Arabia had taken the "strategic decision" to acquire "off-the-shelf" atomic weapons from Pakistan, according to senior American officials. The Badr Organization was formed in November of 1982—shortly after the Iran-Iraq War broke out—as the Badr Brigades, the military wing of an Iran-based Shi’a Islamist party called the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI). Rouhani's victory was seen as a popular mandate for liberal reforms in the country. Bahrain has sought closer ties with Russia as a result, but this has been limited due to Saudi Arabia's alliance with the US. In 2008, Saudi Arabia proposed creating an Arab force backed by US and NATO air and sea power to intervene in Lebanon and destroy Iranian-backed Hezbollah, according to a US diplomatic cable released by WikiLeaks. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo denounced the attacks on the Saudi oil industry, on 14 September 2019, as an “act of war”. It provided limited support to the Taliban as a potential means of increasing leverage with the Afghan central government and creating a deterrent to conflict with the United States, although the support waned amid growing backlash in Afghanistan against perceived Iranian interference. [321][322], Recently, Saudi Arabia has developed a close relationship with Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, the leader of the Sadrist Movement and the Peace Companies militia as well as a critic of both U.S. and Iranian involvement. ", "Israel Is Strengthening Its Ties With The Gulf Monarchies", "After the hope of the Arab Spring, the chill of an Arab Winter", "Trump Is on a Collision Course With Iran", "The Growing U.S.-Iran Proxy Fight in Syria", "Bahrain FM: Muslim Brotherhood is a terrorist group", "Saudi Arabia declares Muslim Brotherhood 'terrorist group, "Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood declared 'terrorist group, "Resolution of the State Duma, 2 December 2003 N 3624-III GD "on the Application of the State Duma of the Russian Federation" on the suppression of the activities of terrorist organizations on the territory of the Russian Federation", "U.A.E. ", "Sectarian Rise in Pakistan: Role of Saudi Arabia and Iran", "Afghanistan stuck between Iran and Saudi Arabia", "How far does Saudi Arabia's influence go? We are now going after the key leaders who carry out Iranian policies by proxy in places like Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen and Syria. The proposal reflected the Saudi government's preoccupation with preventing potential uprisings by disenfranchised minorities in the Gulf monarchies as well as its regional rivalry with Iran. [Dictionary 1] The United Nations does not wage war ... Iran-Saudi Arabia proxy conflict: 1979–present For years Iranian forces have been involved on the ground, with soldiers in Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps facing heavy casualties. [309], The United States intervened in October 2016 after missiles were fired at a US warship, which was in place to protect oil shipments along the sea lane passing through the Mandeb Strait. U.S. Leaves Iran Deal, Violates World Order and Risks War, Experts Say", "U.S. to Restore Sanctions on Iran, Deepening Divide With Europe", "Trump seeks to revive 'Arab NATO' to confront Iran", "Why the case of a missing journalist is prompting international backlash against Saudi Arabia", "Statement from President Donald J. Trump on Standing with Saudi Arabia", "Senate rebukes Trump, Saudi Arabia over Khashoggi, Yemen war", "Saudi oil tankers among those attacked off UAE amid Iran tensions", "Tankers struck near Strait of Hormuz; US blames Iran", "Iran Says It Wants Good Relations With Saudi Arabia, U.A.E. [295] However, Pakistan has refrained from criticizing Iran, but rather seeks to preserve the relations, given its long historical relationship with Iran. ", "It's time to strengthen relations with the Syrian Interim Government", "Vision 2023: Turkey and the post-Ottoman anniversary", "Turkey and the new scramble for Africa: Ottoman designs or unfounded fears? [162], The complex nature of economic and security concerns, ideological division, and intertwined alliances has also drawn comparisons to pre-World War I Europe. After the Cold War, Iran and Saudi Arabia continued to support different groups and organizations along sectarian lines such as in Afghanistan, Yemen, and Iraq.[144][145][146]. [184], In May 2017, Trump declared a shift in US foreign policy toward favoring Saudi Arabia at Iran's expense, marking a departure from President Obama's more reconciliatory approach. The foreign employees Saudi oil industry from Pakistan plays a crucial role in Pakistan's economic stability who sends large remittances back home. Since that time our soldiers and Marines have suffered many casualties to Iranian manufactured and supplied Explosively Formed Penetrator devices (EFPs). Iraq wanted to replace Iran as the dominant Persian Gulf state, and was worried the 1979 Iranian Revolution would lead Iraq's Shi'ite majority to rebel against the Ba'athist government. When protests broke out in Syria, Iran changed its position and condemned them, comparing the uprising to its own presidential election protests in 2009 and accusing the United States and Israel of being behind the unrest. "[212] The unilateral decision by the United States drew concerns of increased tensions with Russia and China, both of which are parties to the nuclear agreement. [332][333] Furthermore, Bahrain, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates advised all their citizens not to travel to Lebanon and urged them to leave immediately. Click Iran, Revolution, and Proxy Wars - Rezaei, Farhad; Seliktar, Ofira - ISBN: 303029417X - ISBN-13: 9783030294175 [142] There were a number of proxy forces—most notably the People's Mujahedin of Iran siding with Iraq and the Iraqi Kurdish militias of the KDP and PUK siding with Iran. [211] In anticipation of the decision, Iranian President Rouhani stated that Iran would remain in the deal if the remaining parties did the same, but was otherwise vague on how the country would respond to the US decision. Member states also distributed a share of their combined oil wealth to Bahrain and Oman to maintain stability. Nouri al-Maliki (Secretary-General of Islamic Dawa Party)[84] Mohammad Ali Jafari (2007–19)(Commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps)[85][86][87] [215] The Trump administration also pushed for a military alliance with Sunni Arab states to act as a bulwark against Iran. [218] The United States Senate responded to the president by passing bipartisan resolutions condemning the assassination and voting to end United States aid to Saudi Arabia for the war in Yemen, though the measures were considered largely symbolic. [149], The current phase of the conflict began in 2011 when the Arab Spring (Islamic Awakening) a revolutionary wave across the Middle East and North Africa, leading to revolutions in Tunisia, Egypt, and Yemen, and the outbreak of civil war in Libya and Syria. Iran has also backed Armenia in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, fearing an Iranian Azerbaijani breakaway state. [219], Military tensions between Iran and the United States escalated in 2019 amid a series of confrontations involving the US, Iran, and Saudi Arabia. Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah responded by accusing Hariri of resigning on Riyadh's orders. This move came days after the re-election of Rouhani in Iran, who defeated conservative candidate Ebrahim Raisi. The Bahraini government publicly blamed Iran for the protests, but an independent commission established by King Hamad rejected the claim, instead highlighting human rights abuses committed in the crackdown. [155], The onset of the Arab Winter exacerbated Saudi concerns about Iran as well as its own internal stability. The US raised the prospect of a joint retaliatory strike on Iran, an action which would potentially broaden into a regional conflict. Iran mobilized Shia militia groups to halt and ultimately push back the advancing Sunni insurgency,[315] though the resurgence of ISIL in Iraq remains more than a possibility.

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