As a Fulbright-National Geographic Storytelling Fellow, he will tell the story of deglaciation of the Northern Patagonia Ice Field in Chile, focusing on its vanishing aquatic insect diversity through images and stories of exploration, science and human connections. The Fulbright-National Geographic Fellowship seeks individuals with a talent for and interest in storytelling. Destry Maria Sibley is a freelance multimedia producer and educator based in New York City. Planet Possible Kids; Learn about plastic and how to reduce your use. Candidates may not apply for more than one type of Fulbright U.S. Student grant, including Study/Research and ETA grants, in a given competition cycle. Find out more information on the Fulbright Visiting Scholar or Student Program. Bird migration is one of nature’s great wonders. Media Credits. For general support from National Geographic Society please contact us here. Jennifer Gil is an environmental scientist working with the microalgae of South Florida at Florida International University. In New Zealand, home to the most diverse and endangered seabirds in the world, as a Fulbright-National Geographic Storytelling Fellow, Ms. McBride will report on extraordinary efforts to reverse centuries of human-caused harm to penguins, prions, storm-petrels, shearwaters, shags, gulls, gannets, mollymawks, and more. Before the pandemic, more than 568,000 people experienced homelessness on a given night in Community Solutions aims to change that with its innovative data-driven approach. Ari’s blogumentary, “Hibakusha: The Nuclear Family,” will give voice to the hundreds of thousands of people directly affected by nuclear technology (called Hibakusha in Japanese). He has been without a home for about 18 months, and currently stays in a small tented encampment. Candidates may not apply to the Fulbright U.S. Student Program and the Fulbright Scholar Program in the same competition cycle. Agriculture is a major source of air pollution, killing an estimated 17,900 people in the U.S. every year, according to a new study. The National Geographic Society invests in innovative leaders in science, exploration, education and storytelling to illuminate and protect the wonder of our world. How can I become a National Geographic Explorer? If you are a U.S. citizen, will hold a bachelor’s degree by the award start date, and do not have a PhD degree, then you are eligible to apply. Madison studied Anthropology and Art History at Washington University in St. Louis. ", Photograph by David Guttenfelder, Nat Geo Image Collection. Janice Cantieri, a journalist and recent graduate, will be spending nine months between the Pacific island nations of Kiribati and Fiji. In addition, the YEG program recently teamed with the Luce Foundation to provide increased funding … As a Fulbright National Geographic Storytelling Fellow she will travel to the United Kingdom and Singapore to produce “Death in the Digital Age,” a podcast exploring the relevance of cemeteries in an era when land is strained, communities are physically distant, and digital documentation is pervasive. He spent his 2014-15 grant period in Mexico City, documenting the suburbs of the most populous metropolitan area in North America through writing, photography, mapping and video. As a Fulbright-National Geographic Storytelling Fellow, Ms. Sibley will document the oral histories of Los Niños de Morelia, a group of child refugees, including her grandmother, who fled the Spanish Civil War and settled in Mexico. Our three Lenses include: Lens:* Wildlife, Our Changing Planet, or Human Journey NGS Grants Application Preparation 3 of All applications must be submitted through our online application system. The dates for the interview and the pre-departure orientation will be provided to invited candidates in early 2022. If National Geographic declines to publish a story, Storytellers may request approval to propose stories to other media outlets. Applying for a Young Explorers Grant is a two-step process. “It’s been a privilege being on the shortlist with all these groups,” said National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence and Pristine Seas founder Enric Sala in an interview before the event. Utilizing a variety of storytelling tools—including, but not limited to text, photography, video, audio/podcasts, public speaking, maps, and graphic illustrations - Storytellers have the opportunity to share their stories, and the stories of those they meet, through National Geographic and social media platforms. The National Geographic Society uses the power of science, exploration, education, and storytelling to illuminate and protect the wonder of our world. He will combine hiking, bikepacking, and packrafting to transect unexplored areas and secluded fjords in search of some of the rarest insects on the planet. As a Fulbright-National Geographic Storytelling Fellow, she will travel to three Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute facilities in Panama, collecting microalgae samples. In what ways, if any, are your project’s goals aligned with the mission of the National Geographic Society? If you are a U.S. citizen and a professor or administrator at a U.S. institution and are interested in applying for a Fulbright Scholar Award, you will need to apply through CIES. Dependent support is not available for Fulbright-National Geographic Storytellers. Proposals will be accepted for single countries only, except for cases in which the applicant is applying for a Fulbright Study/Research Award which allows for a multi-country proposal. What does a COVID-19 outbreak mean for life at Everest’s base camp? Artists with more experience should consider applying for the Fulbright Scholar Program. His reporting will address science, technology, economic development, public health, and other stories at the intersection of climate change and agriculture, using video, blogging, and other digital reporting tools. Grant projects last one calendar year or less. Emily's stories will be available through the Fulbright-National Geographic blog and other media outlets. Abby McBride New Zeland Sketch biologist Abby McBride once harbored aspirations of becoming a Victorian-era naturalist explorer. Applicants to the Fulbright English Teaching Assistant Program are not eligible. All rights reserved. Applicants must select “Yes” to “Are you applying for the Fulbright-National Geographic Fellowship?". Living stipends will be calculated based on host-country cost-of-living indices. She was also a fellow in the English and Film Studies Department at the University of Alberta during her Fulbright year. The MacArthur Foundation says it is committed to helping Pristine Seas and the other finalist organizations secure funding for their proposals as well. Geography Education Grant. Login to manage your National Geographic magazine account and gifts. A group of seals underwater during a 2017 Pristine Seas expedition. For support with consumer and media products, including National Geographic Magazine and TV channels, please visit Christiana plans to travel the Balkan Route and create an interactive map featuring stories of those who are moving through or residing along this path. Learn about plastic and how to reduce your use. Watch full episodes, specials and documentaries with National Geographic TV channel online. Employees of the U.S. Department of State, and their immediate families, for a period ending one year following termination of such employment. Lauren Ladov is a local food systems advocate and educator based in Atlanta, who received her BA from Emory University with a dual focus on Film and Media Studies and Philosophy. Candidates with more experience should consider applying for the Fulbright Scholar Program. Please choose one National Geographic Society Lens with which to associate your project below. The other finalists were the World Mosquito Program, which has developed an innovative approach to protect communities from mosquito-borne disease using bacteria called Wolbachia; Project ECHO, which connects health-care providers in underserved communities with national and regional specialists to share their knowledge and ensure more equitable treatment; the Clinton Health Access Initiative & Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, which is ensuring hospitals around the world are equipped to deliver oxygen to their patients; and Report for America, which supports local journalism by placing young reporters in local newsrooms to report on under-covered issues. It encourages communities to look at homelessness as a problem that can be solved rather than an inevitable reality. The bloody history of anti-Asian violence in the West, Survivors recall the terror of the first F5 tornado. Kevin McLean Malaysia and Ecuador Looking Up: An Expedition into the Rainforest Canopy. Since 1888, the National Geographic Society has brought together extraordinary individuals from around the world. Non-enrolled applicant should have relatively limited professional experience in the fields (typically 7 years or less) in which they are applying. Since first awarding a grant in 1890, the National Geographic Society has been investing in bold people and transformative ideas. and journalism M.A. For International National Geographic magazine subscribers only. Community Solutions plans to use the $100 million grant to end homelessness in 75 cities and counties across the U.S. in the next five years. Applicants with a previous association with National Geographic, State Department, or Fulbright, will be judged strictly on the merit of their projects. Daniel hopes to continue combining his passions for film and African studies to produce socially significant and compelling documentaries in sub-Saharan Africa. National Geographic will retain the “Right of First Refusal” on all materials produced by Fulbright-National Geographic Storytellers during the period of the award. The audio, illustrations, photos, and videos are credited beneath the media asset, except for promotional images, which generally link to another page that contains the media credit. For her Fulbright-National Geographic Storytelling project, she will examine the revitalization of oral storytelling and folktale traditions in Trinidad and Tobago through present-day spoken word and rhythm poetry. National Geographic invites applications for Early Career Grants for the year 2020. The U.S. nonprofit Community Solutions plans to eliminate homelessness in 75 communities within five years. Her study will culminate in a sensory exhibit. in Entomology in the Sheppard Apis Molecular Lab at Washington State University. By the end of the project, she hopes to produce a film that expresses the frustrations and triumphs of a people without a place, or perhaps, a people of many places. Storytellers provide material for National Geographic Society’s Field Notes blog throughout their grant term and have the opportunity to pitch stories for other National Geographic platforms. FDA authorizes use of Pfizer’s vaccine in adolescents age 12 to 15, FDA clears the way for adolescents to get vaccinated, At last, a malaria vaccine has passed important clinical trials, Why you (probably) shouldn't panic about the falling Chinese rocket, Pfizer and Moderna vaccines safe for pregnant people, major study confirms, See millions of years of history while beachcombing in San Francisco, Hiking a desert park? Alyea Pierce: Trinidad and Tobago The Revitalization of Oral Storytelling & Folktales. In 2014-15, she traveled across Canada, documenting and collectively mapping the geographies and communities along the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline Project through sound, photography and video. Although Pristine Seas didn’t win the $100 million grant, Sala says the organization plans to use the momentum from the competition to expand its efforts to protect a third of the world’s oceans by 2030. Creative & Performing Arts projects fall under the Study/Research grant category and are available in all countries where Study/Research grants are offered. “We are so enormously grateful,” Rosanne Haggerty, the organization’s president and chief executive officer, said during a virtual event announcing the award on April 7. grant number , in the amount of in consideration of having a portion or all of the expenses of the expedition or scientific project (the “Project”) paid by the National Geographic Society (the “Society”), hereby agree as follows. R. Isaí Madriz is an entomologist and zoologist studying aquatic insects of freshwater rivers and streams. In Vietnam’s Mekong Delta and along the South Central Coast, Emi will facilitate participatory photography workshops for fish-dependent communities to share how fishery scarcity, in concert with environmental stresses such as growing populations, pollution, extreme weather events, and coastal development, critically undermine social-ecological well-being. Obtaining an Application Form. Non-U.S. citizens and permanent residents are not eligible. Melanie Kirby is a queen honey bee breeder studying bee mating behavior utilizing RFID (radio frequency identification). Ari M Beser, a graduate of University of Colorado, Boulder will travel throughout Japan for nine months, from the span of the 70th anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki until the 5th Anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake, Tsunami, and nuclear meltdowns in Fukushima. Grant Restrictions. for the purpose of producing content suitable for National Geographic online platforms and social media. No. If my fieldwork is in mainland China or I … The controversial future of nuclear power in the U.S. As a Fulbright-National Geographic Storytelling Fellow she will travel around Ireland to understand how climate change-driven policies to preserve peat bogs are impacting people and the soil. Candidates must have completed at least an undergraduate degree by the commencement of the Fulbright award. The Fulbright-National Geographic Storytelling Fellowship, a component of the Fulbright U.S. Student Program, provides opportunities for selected Fulbright US Student Study/Research grantees to participate in an academic year of storytelling on a globally significant theme. Madison’s stories will be available through the Fulbright-National Geographic blog and other media outlets. To ensure these Early Career Explorers are equipped with the skills, experiences, and support that will propel their careers to the next level after they complete their grant project, the National Geographic Society launched the Early Career Leadership Program for a select number of our grantees. Does drinking water reduce side effects after a COVID-19 shot? "You won't starve in Minnesota," Robinson says. National Geographic Grants are awarded to an individual—the applicant. The National Geographic Society invests in innovative leaders in science, exploration, education and storytelling to illuminate and protect the wonder of our world. For general support from National Geographic Society please contact us us here. Applications will be accepted for Fulbright-National Geographic Storytelling Fellowships in any country to which there is an active Fulbright Open Study/Research Award. The National Geographic Society uses the power of science, exploration, education, and storytelling to illuminate and protect the wonder of our world. Katie Thornton is a Minneapolis-based audio producer and cemetery historian. He will document how a changing climate is compounding longstanding problems with food insecurity and rural poverty in Kenya, Nigeria, and Uganda. Her hope is that by discovering their pasts, we might have something to learn about the futures of the millions of children who have been rendered refugees in our own time. In addition to receiving standard Fulbright benefits (for travel, stipend, health, etc.) She was also an AAAS Mass Media Science & Engineering Fellow 2015 who worked at CNN español. For general support from National Geographic Society please contact us here. No special consideration will be given to applicants with previous ties to either organization. 13 She will be chronicling her interactions through writing, photos, videos, and bilingual podcasts to share the stories of beekeepers’ adaptations to shifting climate. “This is not a problem of broken people, but broken systems,” Haggerty said. “This competition really pushed us to think bigger.”, John Palfrey, president of the MacArthur Foundation, said during the event that the decision was not an easy one to make, as all of the projects address critical problems—from the glaring inequities of the global health-care system that COVID-19 has laid bare to the diminishment of local journalism that has left communities susceptible to disinformation. National Geographic also provide editorial mentorship for Fellows during their Fulbright grant period. Katie holds a B.A. Fulbright-National Geographic Fellows must be selected for a Fulbright Study/Research Grant by the eligible country for which they applied and meet the criteria of the Fulbright Study/Research requirements of the host country. As a Fulbright-National Geographic Digital Storytelling Fellow he will travel to Malaysian Borneo and the Ecuadorian Amazon to survey canopy wildlife in two of the most biodiverse areas of the world. For his Fellowship project, “Comrade Cowboys,” Bell will explore rural Russia and Kazakhstan where pastoralists are working to rebuild cattle industries decimated by the fall of the Soviet Union. Are grant funds paid to the individual applicant or to an affiliated organization (e.g., university, agency, NGO)? The National Geographic Society’s focus areas are: Oceans, Land, Wildlife, Human History & Cultures, and Human Ingenuity. There are many definitions of Storytelling. The Geography Education Grant Program is co-sponsored by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board and the National Geographic Society. National Geographic Society funds often serve as complementary support—thus the program encourages applicants to seek additional, concurrent funding from other sources. Storytellers may produce stories that may utilize or combine text, photography, video, audio, graphic illustrations, etc. Kevin McLean is an ecologist studying wildlife in tropical forest canopies using motion-sensitive cameras (camera traps). Ms. Sibley studied at Amherst College and the City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate Center, most recently completing a Master’s in Data Visualization and Narrative Non-Fiction. For the 2022-2023 competition, the Fulbright-National Geographic Storytelling Fellowship will accept proposals to undertake an in-depth examination of a globally relevant issue as an enhancement to their Fulbright research or arts project. Experts have pieced it together. To ensure that these protections last well into the future, Sala says the project will also deepen its work within local communities to educate and inspire the next generation of ocean advocates. “In a year that we all have experienced the fragility of life, our interdependence, and the call for racial equity, ending homelessness is truly an idea whose time has come.”. From 2015-16, she will be a Collaborative Productions Fellow at UnionDocs, an experimental documentary arts center in Brooklyn, NY. If you are a subscriber in the U.S. or Canada, please click here. Former National Geographic staff, explorers and grantees are eligible to apply. Fellows will each be assigned a mentor who is a National Geographic staff member or explorer with relevant experience. Early Career Grants are designed to offer less experienced individuals an opportunity to lead a project. The National Geographic Society funds and supports groundbreaking scientists, conservationists, educators, and storytellers. Los Angeles native Michael Waldrep is a documentary filmmaker, multimedia artist and researcher focused on cities. Candidates from all fields are encouraged to apply. All rights reserved, Clinton Health Access Initiative & Murdoch Children’s Research Institute. Before his Fulbright, Ishan worked as a researcher/fact checker for the television show Full Frontal with Samantha Bee. The mentor will provide goal-setting and planning support at the pre-departure orientation and will be available for advice throughout the fellowship. Learn More. Alyea Pierce, Ed.M, is a West Indian-American writer, poet, and educator. Erin Moriarty Harrelson, a PhD candidate in anthropology at American University, traveled throughout Cambodia for ten months, exploring the emergence of a post-Khmer Rouge deaf culture. Applicants should highlight their experience with storytelling as it relates to their proposed project and need not be an expert in multiple digital mediums to be selected. For support with consumer and media products (including National Geographic magazine and TV channels), please visit National Geographic Partners Support Center. National Geographic Society grants may not be used for indirect costs, overhead, and other expenses not directly related to the project. Emi will create an interactive map featuring both stakeholders’ multimedia stories and her own, and will analyze qualitative data on human insecurity in fisheries. Namibians allege ReconAfrica disposed of wastewater unsafely, without permits, and ignored concerns about potential impact of oil drilling on water and wildlife. This low carbon approach will utilize renewable energy sources to capture never before seen footage of remote glacial outlets and hidden valleys of wild Patagonia. Filmmaker Daniel Koehler embedded himself in communities in Gaborone, New Xade, and Metsiamanong in Botswana to produce an intimate coming-of-age portrait of two young San men charting a course between tradition and modernity in the wake of relocation from their ancestral homeland. Here’s how they do it. As a child of immigrants, Alyea greatly values the sound, power, and rhythm of language. The National Geographic-funded project was one of six finalists for a $100 million grant through the MacArthur Foundation's 100&Change competition. The National Geographic Society funds important work in science and education, with a focus on protecting wildlife, oceans, and our cultural heritage. Funding for this Fellowship is provided by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, through the cooperating partner organization implementing the Fulbright U.S. Student Program, the Institute of International Education (IIE). Taxes may apply if the funds are granted specifically to an individual, and applicants should consult a tax professional for advice. Her project, which consists of a website and artwork outputs, uses data to explore the stories of how our increasingly networked relationships unfold across on and offline spaces. Will COVID-19 cancel your family reunion? This provision does not include part-time or temporary employees, consultants, and contract employees of the Department of State, unless such persons perform services related to the Bureau’s exchange programs. Photograph by Enric Sala, Nat Geo Image Collection, Clifton Robinson stands near a shelter where he is staying and eats a boxed lunch. Storytellers will be required to first propose all stories to National Geographic. and a materials and reporting special allowance, Storytellers receive instruction in storytelling techniques, including effective blog writing, video production, photography, public speaking, and other relevant training by National Geographic staff prior to their departure. 2022-2023 Competition Deadline: Tuesday October 12, 2021 at 5 pm Eastern Time. In addition to Community Solutions, National Geographic’s Pristine Seas was among six projects named as finalists in the competition. In the next decade, Pristine Seas plans to establish another 40 marine protected areas. This project will produce educational media materials and platforms to engage and empower youth as advocates for future generations of seeds, farmers, and diverse ecosystems. However, the applicant may choose for the payment to be made directly to, and administered by, their affiliated organization. Though covering only 3% of the world's landmass, peat soil holds as much carbon as all vegetation combined. Kevin studied Earth Systems at Stanford University and recently completed his PhD in Ecology and Biodiversity Conservation at the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. If you are a non-U.S. citizen interested in applying for a Fulbright Award to the United States, you will need to apply through the Fulbright Commission or U.S. Embassy in your home country. A Tennessee native, Christina Leigh Geros is a designer, researcher, and educator currently in Jakarta, Indonesia using videographic, photographic, and written narrative to give voice to the Ciliwung River and communities through an interactive website, cartographically registering each story and exposing the relationships between urbanism, ecology, and politics. Emily Toner: Ireland Peatland Profiles: Stories from Ireland's carbon-rich bogs. National Geographic staff will assist you in developing pitches and will consider your work for publication on National Geographic platforms. We do not accept mailed or emailed applications. PRojects from the Covid-19 Emergency Fund Explore grant opportunities for educators and the powerful projects of storytellers around the world who are on the frontlines of COVID-19, supported by the National Geographic Society’s emergency funds. She will display an exhibit where visitors will use their five senses to discover the invisible world of microalgae. Tim McDonnell is a digital multimedia journalist based in New York City. Storytellers may use a variety of storytelling tools—including, but not limited to writing, photography, video, audio/podcasts, maps, or graphic illustrations to share their stories. Ms. McBride is based on the Maine coast and has degrees in biology and science writing from Williams College and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Arts candidates for the U.S. Student Program should have relatively limited professional experience in the fields (typically 7 years or less) in which they are applying. Madison Wrobley: NepalWorking for Water: Stories of Scarcity in Kathmandu. How were China's legions of terra-cotta warriors made? Ishan Thakore is a multimedia storyteller and global health researcher who uses film and writing to tell powerful stories. "People will help you here. Emi Koch is a former professional surfer and founder of Beyond the Surface, a nonprofit working in partnership with fishing villages to build social-ecological resilience. The prize is part of the foundation’s 100&Change competition, which funds projects that promise “real and measurable progress” in solving critical global problems. Mr. Madriz will document the largely unknown endemic aquatic insect fauna of this vital region before Aysén’s biodiversity is transformed forever. Alyea will use performance and digital media, specifically photography and videography, to capture the sights and sounds of Trinidad and Tobago to create a manuscript of poetry and fictional short stories that will be performed on the island. She will also use writing, visuals and social media to share the stories of those working at the intersection of land use, public memory and technology. Grant recipients are expected to provide the National Geographic Society with rights of first refusal for popular publication and other media coverage of their findings. For Community Solutions, that has meant developing a framework to help communities design homeless response systems that are racially equitable—and that can help eliminate the disproportionate effect of homelessness on Black and Native American communities.

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