On 17 January, the rebels captured Tal Musaytif from government forces, according to SOHR. [381], On 19 March, two Turkish soldiers were killed and a third was wounded by an attack carried out by radical groups in Idlib, according to the Turkish Ministry of Defense. [315][316][317][298], On 2 March, opposition factions continued their counterattack in the strategically important al-Ghab-Zawiya mountain front while government forces simultaneously counterattacked on the Saraqib front further north; SOHR and the Syrian government reported that, backed by continued Russian air strikes, the SAA had recaptured parts of Saraqib. To ease the pressure... On June 18th, Iran will hold its Presidential election. [266][267][268][269] Other Turkish and rebel sources indicated 55 to 70 Turkish soldiers killed,[266][267] with some local reports as high as 100. Thus reality points in a different direction and this raises a question to the international system. [210][211] Syrian state media also shared images of Aleppo residents apparently celebrating the recent advances, which reportedly pushed rebel mortar teams out of adequate firing range of the city for the first time in years and, along with the capture of the M5, was set to facilitate future civilian movement between northern and southern Syria up to pre-war levels. HTS leader Abu Mohammad al-Julani said that their priority was to preserve a single secular administration in Idlib, referring to the umbrella Syrian Salvation Government (SSG) founded on November 2, 2017; it consisted of both HTS supporters and independent technocrats. [103][104] There were Russian airstrikes on Tal Mardikh in the eastern Idlib countryside and the village of Marshamarin in southern Idlib, and government helicopter barrel bomb attacks on Jarjnaz and al-Ghadfah, as well as bombing of Ma'arrat al-Nu'man. [citation needed] According to pro-government activists, Al-Eiss also hosted a Turkish observation post. Depuis le 1er décembre 2019, plus de 700 000 personnes ont été déplacées par les combats, dans le nord-ouest de la Syrie. [126] The army reported a breakthrough in the Rashideen 5 suburb of Aleppo and advanced toward Rashideen 4, stating this advance was the first major SAA breakthrough on the previously deadlocked Aleppo front. [288], Amid the sudden escalation, the United States expressed support for Turkey and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg told media following the North Atlantic Council meeting—requested by Turkey to hold consultations under Article 4 of NATO's founding Washington Treaty—that NATO continued to support Turkey with a range of measures, "including by augmenting its air defences". 1. The ministry and Syrian state media added that the militants also used attack drones and car bombs and that the assault pushed the SAA out of two settlements in Idlib. According to an activist, the helicopter was shot down after dropping two barrel bombs. It found shelled schools, market bombings, and hospitals bombed. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. [87] It killed at least 16 people. Government forces reportedly advanced into the same areas on 7 March before withdrawing due to heavy shelling by opposition factions. For its part, the West will need to work with Moscow to exercise pressure on Ankara to use its military presence in Idlib to more comprehensively confront radical Islamists and ensure that aid flows do not empower HTS. [183], Following the complete capture of the strategic M5 highway, the Syrian army shifted its momentum towards securing Greater Aleppo, particularly the city's western outskirts. Taking in account, the high tensions and ideological and the quest for religious dominance, the international communities such as UN and neighboring countries should play a positiveand vital role in deescalating these tensions. India’s Decision to Deport Rohingyas- How Fair? [citation needed] The 25th Special Forces Division also captured the towns of Karrathin, al-Dahiriyah and al-Thuriyah as well as the Ebla University complex on the administrative border between southeast Idlib and southwest Aleppo by the end of the day. Pro-government forces subsequently stormed Ma'arrat al-Nu'man from three fronts, entering the city and capturing most of its districts after short clashes, according to Syrian state media. These included 17 self-propelled guns, 15 infantry fighting vehicles, 13 main battle tanks, 2 armored reconnaissance vehicles, 1 MRAP, and 17 others. [380], On 18 March, Turkish troops entered the de-escalation zone to reopen the M4 highway previously blocked by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and jihadist factions. 144 municipal councils were formed, offering a wide range of services from managing bakeries to maintaining roads and collecting rubbish. This rivalry has dragged the region into chaos and ignited Shia-Sunni conflict across the middle east. [199][183] During 13–16 February, the UN reported that 160,000 people fled from advancing front lines, mostly from Atareb and Darat Izza sub-districts. [citation needed] On the same day, Israeli warplanes fired missiles near Damascus while targeting Iranian elements in the area. [234] The same evening, Syrian government airstrikes were reported by SNHR on Hazarin—striking two schools—and nearby Ma'aret Harma, where a mosque was struck. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Syria Russia IranAllied militias: PMF-affiliated militias Liwa Fatemiyoun[1] Liwa Zainebiyoun[1], Syrian National Army Turkey (from 3 February), Abu Mohammad al-Julani[30](Hayat Tahrir al-Sham leader) Abu Ubeidah al-Kansafra †(Hayat Tahrir al-Sham commander)[31][better source needed] Most such transactions were based on hawal principles (a trust-based system of informal payments between brokers and traders) and were carried out through the local monetary financial “hub”, the town of Sarmadam which is in the immediate vicinity of the Bab al-Hawa border crossing. [122], On 11 January 2020, a day before the brokered ceasefire went into effect, Ansar al-Tawhid released a video of a mechanized attack against government positions in southeastern Idlib using heavy machine guns previously captured from the Syrian army. For negotiations and peace agreements, the two states need to share a common vision which seems to be very unlikely to happen. Where is the role of International Organizations while considering this dispute? Heightened internationalisation is also due to the maximum number of external actors turning their attention to the Idlib “pocket”. The alternative—bilateral cross-border support—will not sufficiently meet needs on the ground, will place even greater responsibility on Turkey, and will increase the prospect of Western confrontation with Russia and the Syrian regime. Since mid-20th century the conflict has been referred to as the ‘most intractable conflict’ in the world with the ongoing Israeli occupation. À Idlib, la sanglante percée du régime syrien. The perennial rivalry between the two dominant Shiite and Sunni power house ins an ideological and religious one rather than being geo strategic or geo political. [125] On the same day the Rouse the Believers Operations Room released photos of captured equipment and also released a photo of a pro-government fighter's German Identification card. It is important to consider possible development scenarios in the light of both Idlib’s distinctive features and of those characteristics it has in common with other territories not controlled by the Syrian authorities, in the light of the balance of power within the Idlib “pocket”, in the light of the interests Turkey and other external forces have there, and in the light of modalities of military or peaceful settlement and Moscow’s actions. Turkey's president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan threatened to take direct military action in Idlib unless the government-led offensive ceased. [233] Reuters also reported on-going talks between Turkey and Russia about Syrian airspace. This outcome is also likely to lead to increased instability as aid flows decrease, with subsequent tensions between Moscow’s allies, Damascus and Ankara. Russia will not like that it is an extension at all. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. [79][80] On 27 February, after intermittent deadly clashes between Turkish and Syrian forces, Turkey formally intervened in the offensive and announced the beginning of Operation Spring Shield with the aim of pushing Syrian government forces back to pre-offensive frontlines. [299] On the same day, according to Turkey's state-owned Anadolu Agency, Turkish forces targeted the Nayrab military airport and allegedly rendered it unusable. “Police must immediately stop firing stun grenades at worshippers, and the youth must calm down and be quiet!”. [237], On 24 February, the Syrian army reported advances in southern Idlib, capturing the towns of al-Naqayar, Araynabiyah, and Sitouh Al-Dayr, south of Kafrsajna, along with nearby Ma'ar Taseen, Jabla and Maar Tamater, as rebels retreated westwards. [176][177] The Turkish Ministry of Defense said, but did not provide evidence, that 115 Syrian army sites and positions were targeted in retaliation, including destroying three tanks and two mortar positions, and that 101 Syrian soldiers were "neutralized". [336][337], On 3 March, Syrian forces launched artillery strikes on Turkish forces located at Taftanaz airport, killing one Turkish soldier and leaving three wounded, according to the SOHR. [147] On the same day, pro-government warplanes reportedly targeted al-Huda Hospital in the town of Hoor in the western countryside of Aleppo, destroying large parts of the building. Related Topics. [99], Pro-government airstrikes began to intensify on 15 December 2019. [389] According to SOHR, in the week up to 24 December 100,000 people were displaced because of the fighting as well as Syrian and Russian bombing. The offensive began on 19 December 2019 and saw Russian-backed pro-government forces clash with Turkish-backed opposition groups along with leaving 980,000 civilians displaced. Syria: the fight for Idlib ... Syria after the government’s attempt to take back the opposition-held city of Idlib. [318][319][320] In the late afternoon, Russia's Reconciliation Centre in Syria announced that Russian Military Police had been deployed to Saraqib[321] while the SNA claimed that Russian regular forces and mercenaries were part of the operation in the eastern part of the town. The European Green Deal: Risks and Opportunities for the EU and Russia, Russia becomes member of International Organization for Migration, China’s quad in the making: A non-conventional approach. Once again many statements have been given by the international community condemning the actions not finding the solution to end this. [140], Government forces also advanced towards Aleppo's western suburbs to push rebels away from the city. 5th Generation Warfare: A reality or Controversy? Does this mean that Turkey is already prepared to sacrifice Idlib? Right now the 3.5 million residents of Idlib, northwest Syria, are trapped under Syrian regime and Russian bombs and have nowhere left to … While the deal has curbed the fighting, the humanitarian crisis in northwest Syria continues to have devastating consequences for the 3 million civilians in Idlib and neighboring areas affected by the fighting.viii From December 2019 to February 2020, almost one million people were forced from their homes to escape from the violence.ix [118], By the end of the month, hundreds of SNA fighters (two brigades) were transferred to Idlib as a result of an agreement with HTS, which had previously blocked the entry of SNA combatants. They had the signal status of direct recipients of foreign aid. Si la poche Idlib s’est avérée être une épine dans le pied de Damas depuis sa conquête par une alliance hétéroclite de groupes rebelles en mars 2015 (3), elle a fini, au fil des années, par en devenir le point d’attention primaire des forces loyalistes et de leurs alliés russo-iraniens. [216], On 20 February, Turkish-backed rebels launched another counteroffensive on Nayrab with Turkish artillery support. We use cookies in order to ensure that you can get the best browsing experience possible on the Council website. [355], On the morning of 5 March, opposition sources and The Independent reported a major Russian airstrike on an IDP camp near Maarrat Misrin, killing at least 15. [50], On 25 December, the Russian Air Force reportedly bombed a military convoy of Ahrar al-Sham moving near the town of Kafr Nabl in southern Idlib, killing an unknown number of its field commanders and militants. The Saudis and Iranians have been waging proxy wars for regional dominance for decades. [163][better source needed] With this advance, the Syrian Army had captured 22 villages and towns including 110 square kilometers of territory. [356][357][358][359] Opposition sources reported government and Iranian militia artillery strikes on Saraqib, Kafr Nabl, al-Futayra and Kafr Oweid and Russian air raids on villages in the Zawiya mountains; the sources also reported that NFL fighters inflicted casualties on pro-government fighters in southern Idlib and western Hama. [185][186][180] A report on a Russian TV channel showed 25th Special Mission Forces Division troops, apparently wearing UNICEF backpacks distributed as relief supplies, entering Kafr Halab;[187] The Daily Telegraph reported the troops were deliberately shooting elderly civilians there. This could serve to reactivate the UN Security Council mechanism, which has been paralysed and absent from the Syrian track for too long. Turkey claimed that 51 government fighters were killed in the rebel counteroffensive, and Turkish-backed rebel forces shot down a Syrian Mil Mi-17 helicopter, killing all on board. [391] By 5 February 2020, 300 civilians had been killed in the fighting, including 49 in the first five days of February, and 520,000 were displaced (80% of the latter women and children), according to the UN and various NGOs. I. Une offensive incontestablement victorieuse pour le moment. This is nowhere more so than in the province of Idlib, which is home to nearly 3 million people who now live under the control of extremist group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) with external Turkish protection and humanitarian assistance from the United Nations. Syrie | Edito Idées. [183] The UN said a total of 100 civilians had been killed in the first two weeks of February by both air and ground-based strikes. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. It would demonstrate the ability of Russian and Western actors to work together to reach specific agreements in Syria even if their respective approaches to the wider conflict differ significantly. This well-researched report however has very little impact on the bilateral relations between Palestine and Israel. We should applaud the Syrian military’s actions in Idlib, not deplore them. [182] An IDP camp in Kafr Aruq was also struck, killing a child, according to the United Nations. So, both the regional powers are trying to pursue a policy of subduing the adversary in a diplomatic manner. Turkey has started relocating eight military observation posts in Idlib, as those posts had been blocked in an SAA-liberated area (the post in Murek was evacuated on October 19-20, 2020), which is not only for security reasons, but also due to Turkey’s desire to avoid a severe confrontation with Moscow in Syria. Home; News. 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