Maybe the water is waiting to betray us again, because to betray also means to expose the truth. He’d gotten there days after the storm. Gretna police had blocked a bridge to stop evacuees coming from the convention center. I said, “Okay. She tried to fit in, like any normal schoolgirl. But I don’t want to alarm everybody that, you know, New Orleans is filling up like a bowl. You got a bunch of reporters still pissing New York beer just showing up. You’re kidding! Did I make mistakes? It wasn’t like New Orleans, where it’s just desolation, just goes for miles and miles and miles and nobody escapes. And 1936. Newkirk II: It crossed over the southern tip of Florida Thursday night and Friday morning. And they think if they shoot in the air, the helicopter will hear them and come get them or mark their position.” And out of all the stories, and I mean, I’ve had helicopter pilots, you run into them all over the place. Newkirk II: The flyover, the rumors, the stereotypes about black folks. Newkirk II: So the three of them left her stepdad behind and went out on a scouting expedition to see if they could find help. The week of hell was over. It’s been called the “first great storm” in the recorded history of Louisiana. And Le-Ann noticed that he was starting to act strange. And in my heart, I did not—I do—not “did not,” I do not. I walked out, I looked up, no parrots. And the past will always find its way back to us. And in Congo Square, they had a chance to revisit, to sing, dance, cry, laugh, talk, exchange foods—because that was the closest thing that brought them back to where they had been taken from. I just …, Newkirk II: Saw race matter in like a way that was …. And I was looking all over to find a house. A hurricane would hit the city. To say, “Oh, we don’t treat anybody any different.” Yes, you do. Lots of hospital employees had already evacuated, so they were understaffed. Stretch it from the highlands to the sea. We actually asked him about the convention center. I’m black.” I actually, like, went through it. I just don’t understand it. He was one of the scientists whose work helped predict “the big one.” His computer modeling showed that the water hadn’t gotten high enough to go over the top of the 17th Street Canal levees. Like, why are we being treated like dogs? I don’t know. I know we don’t, but if we’re barefoot and we’re walking in the water, our feets is gonna get cut. Newkirk II: Mark was worried. Lots of people were missing. So you tell Le-Ann I’m sorry, but you tell Le-Ann that her responsibility is to understand the nature of the risk where she lives and to be prepared for it. You with me? Archival (news clip): A general with the Army Corps of Engineers says he does not know how long it will take to drain the flooded city of New Orleans. People of power thought that they wanted to change, to change [what] they otherwise would have had holy hell changing. Archival (Nagin): I have no idea what they’re doing, but I will tell you this: You know, God is looking down on all this, and if they are not doing everything in their power to save people, they are going to pay the price. Williams: You know, the Pitty Pat, it was rolling. They were not focused on the safety of their passengers. In other places, they didn’t have a Katrina, and it’s happening to them. It’s like, after Katrina. Archival (news clip): But do you have any sense of people who are breaking into stores because they have no food, they have no water, and they need both, and how many people are stealing guns and beer and sneakers and what have you? And Fonso was the point guard. And so that I had. The Army Corps took that patchwork and turned it into mighty walls that could hold back river, lake, and storm. Umm, I don’t know. They all have weapons. Gretna police had blocked a bridge to stop evacuees coming from the convention center. “Help! Can we take a break? Newkirk II: Governor Blanco was saying the National Guard would shoot to kill. Sure. You and I both would. DeBerry: Ronald is basically chased down and hunted and shot dead. Just the day before, a group of evacuees had tried to walk over the bridge, and Gretna police officers blocked the way. Newkirk II: Toni Morrison once said, “All water has a perfect memory and is forever trying to get back to where it was.” She was talking about the Mississippi River. But what was on the line was something bigger. Can we take a break? Archival (footage): (Sounds of city-council protest.). She was the only member of her family on Last Island to survive. Alone in my city. Rogers: It’s serious. None of them or their children could swim, and nobody could get in touch with them. I was staying in Algiers on the west bank. Stay with us. The next bullet point on the résumé is … FEMA. It wouldn’t just be black neighborhoods. He still wears his Army baseball caps and chugs black coffee. Drug addicts that are wreaking havoc, and we don’t have the manpower to adequately deal with it. I thought they talked funny. After spending a long time without running water and in the dark, they had air conditioning, hot showers, and electricity. Yeah, I think actually, for me, I was all the way up in North Carolina. But Le-Ann didn’t know all that. Editor’s Note: Floodlines was produced as an audio series. Williams: I had this crush on this boy named Fonso Jones. Williams: Our kids would be here, and they would be able to experience it, and they’ll be like history repeating itself. No lights. They’d waited out the storm in their brother’s dental practice. And right after they left New Orleans—four long days after the storm—the cavalry finally did arrive. And the tuba players would have sticks blowing [Hums.]. And me and my cousins Aralle, Archenekia, Jesse, and Jessica, we was playing Pitty Pat. By some means I learned from these inquiries that “God, up in the sky,” made every body; and that he made white people to be masters and mistresses, and black people to be slaves. I did a mental inventory and remembered my three hanging plants on my patio so ran out in my sleepwear to move them to safety. Le-Ann actually liked it in Scottsdale. Newkirk II: The Superdome was the official refuge of last resort for all the families left behind. It’s a perception he hasn’t really shaken. “Tell Dad I’m here.” It was great. This is what can destroy my city. Everybody just pushed to the east. Le-Ann Williams and her family had spent a year traveling across the country. When I was younger, like the culture here, the music, and everything, I always was around it no matter what. Less than half of the 400 or so units there belong to people who used to live there. And I was the 33rd commander of the First Army in Atlanta when Katrina hit. He was eager to talk, but he had one condition: He didn’t want to do this interview over the phone; he wanted to talk in person. Newkirk II: So it gave them an opportunity almost. He had a little talk with Compass. I basically told him we had an incredible crisis here, and that his flying over in Air Force One does not do it justice. When Katrina hit, he was the deputy director of the LSU Hurricane Center. So I gave the mayor a satellite phone. In charge of the whole thing. Archival (news clip): The police chief says 15,000 are trapped in the convention center, and some are being raped and beaten …. I like to push the envelope. Archival (news clip): The speaker of the House basically said that, given the geography of New Orleans, maybe it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to rebuild it as it was. Archival (news clip): They now join one of America’s greatest population shifts since the Great Depression. But that Saturday before Katrina hit, he was filling in for his sick friend. Lots of people were still evacuated, scattered across the country. Alice’s own house was out in the east, which often flooded. Came right over the wall and into the Lower Ninth Ward. Mark and John predicted a city uninhabitable for at least four months with up to 100,000 people dead. Nothing was really salvageable. The same with President Bush. Now get off your asses, and let’s do something, and let’s fix the biggest goddamn crisis in the history of this country. A frightened-looking Mike Meyers is standing next to him as Kanye is clearly going off script. Because it makes me so mad. He said an Army Corps employee came to one of his lectures and called him a liar. Craft-Kearney: Absolutely. I mean, that really did me in. The Madisons are running. Rogers: I’m a real student of the Corps of Engineers and their history, and I have great respect for a lot of their people who have made incredible contributions. This is the worst storm to hit Mississippi in over 35 years …. It’s good. It would send record-breaking storm surges through the lake and the river. We stopped to fill up with fuel. Newkirk II: The Tuesday after Katrina, Honoré and his staff had to drive to Camp Shelby [in] Mississippi to start relief efforts. Archival (Nagin): I am just—I’m at the point now where it don’t matter. Alice Craft-Kearney and her family joined that great migration. It’s a town on the highway between Jackson and Hattiesburg. Who worrying about me? But that didn’t matter. And he had another big problem. Archival (Michael Chertoff): Well, first, let me tell you there have been deliveries of food, water, and medical supplies to the Superdome. Newkirk II: So after Katrina, he and his team drove those manly SUVs right into the path of devastation. Far as my eye could reach, it rested on a motley crowd of soldiers. Build cities and towns along the wooded slopes, and you have the valley of the Mississippi, the greatest in the world. None of these people are armed. [. ] Playing for 50 cents, change everywhere. Newkirk II: The history of floods in Louisiana is the history of the Honorés. She had a job at Sbarro. We stopped to fill up with fuel. Oh my God. Archival (Chertoff): As I say, I’m telling you that we are getting food and water to areas where people are staging. Who wants to come save us? Le-Ann was 14. Newkirk II: Honoré’s job, as well as he’d done it, was essentially damage control. No. Windows were shattered. They had a lady—she was, like, in her 80s or 90s—they had her on a blow-up bed, and she was at the foot of the interstate. How you get a job like that and you don’t know what you’re doing? Oh, trust me, I understand it. It had only been a couple weeks since she was buying new uniforms and Jordans to start her new fancy high school. And I remember just being so depressed and down and out. He of all people could understand how difficult it was. The stolen city bus had taken Le-Ann Williams and her family a couple hours away to Lafayette, Louisiana. People shared water. Newkirk II: Le-Ann worked hard to save up money for her baby girl. Keep in touch. Because in New Orleans, Hurricane Katrina was not the disaster. In his book, Decision Points, the president does go a bit further than the exhibit does. They brought me to the counselor. The stuff they predicted was alarming. Even the city of Philadelphia has put aside a million dollars to take in 1,000 families now. We sat and talked about the city, how you can still see Katrina in some places. How are we going to go home? It was supposed to be in six days. They prescribed me Zoloft; I remember that. Cloudflare Ray ID: 64de189aeb6b3fd3 Brown: No, the worst case did happen. Newkirk II: Well, I’m not—I’m just saying the acknowledgment piece. Think about the shock of a single mother with a baby who, for whatever reason—not judgmental—for whatever reason, didn’t evacuate. Oh! We’re debating whether property rights should trump everything or not. “Get her off the team. A week where snipers were believed to be shooting helicopters. Long as I been there, been having hurricanes. No president had done that since his father did—during the L.A. riots in 1992. Newkirk II: It was surreal. Wears lots of gold bracelets and earrings. You make it the most perfect horse you can imagine. We gave her some headphones and sat there while she listened. The Three Little Tamales by Eric A. Kimmel is another Three Little Pig redo with a Tex- Mex flavor. Newkirk II: On Friday, not long before police killed a man outside the convention center, Le-Ann Williams was inside. Archival (news clip): The hurricane came ashore with winds of 80 miles an hour. The city was still rebuilding. The problem, But the arguments in favor of demolishing the projects were winning. Finding buses. Williams: And he just didn’t want to talk. Passing down memories. I mean, we were actually disseminating food in the Superdome. The largest ambulance service says it will have to severely cut back its ambulance services if security doesn’t improve …. I wanted to ask him about all of this—about what taking accountability for the disaster should look like and whether he felt he’d done it. No food, no water.” I said, “I’m not my brother and my sister. Better known as Brownie. And the Industrial Canal levee failed. “There were five people—got to talk to Charles here. They were packed with TVs and satellite radios. That it doesn’t leave its own people behind. Oh my god, just shut up. At other points in the call, he was on the brink of tears. News alerts break in as the fake advisors talk, hyping up the tension. So I’mma be in the same position my mom and dad was in. She found information about an old test the Army Corps had done to figure out how deep to anchor the 17th Street and London Avenue floodwalls. Ageless. Honoré: I was a lieutenant general, three-star general promoted to that position to command First United States Army. I broke down crying. Archival (Robinette): We’re both pretty speechless here. It was a double: His mother’s old unit was next to his. And engineers came in, got me out real quick. I feel like it’s crazy. She went to community college. A few years after she opened the clinic, she had to close it down. Snipers firing at American troops on American soil, that could give the government the pretext to treat New Orleans like a war zone. Williams: I just called the house phone, and it rung, and somebody answered it. Newkirk II: The fact that so many people were willing to take this story at face value is evidence of how intense the paranoia was. Honoré: You know, we going to snipers, now we’re gonna [go] to a case of civil unrest. It was hard, but eventually, she realized things weren’t going to get better. Maybe it’s easy to dismiss all this as a conspiracy theory. They made fun of my braids, because we, that’s how we wear our hair in New Orleans. Governors throughout the South are asking for help and offering it, Three thousand people a day heading to Texas …. During that one, water rose all up and down the river. And my cousin’s friend, he’ll have a big wheel on his neck. Could you participate as a part of a team? Charity had been a landmark for black New Orleanians. Folks who had seen Jim Crow or heard the stories. Newkirk II: It turned out that there was videotape of the incident, and it wasn’t her on the tape. Newkirk II: It sounds funny, but all these little details about friction ratio and mud and sheer strength can be the difference between life and death. Craft-Kerney: The Lower Ninth Ward was like, I guess you could say, Mayberry for me. I get a call. Craft-Kearney: I’ll put it like this. The city’s homeland-security chief saying there are gangs of armed men moving around the city. Johnson: I don’t know. A FEMA official said that some doctors were required to get armed escorts just to walk across the street. Communication, communication, communication. Her mother’s house in the Lower Ninth Ward was destroyed. Brown: Have you ever sat in the limo with the most powerful man in the world? Trying to understand, trying to process what had happened. Brown: Yeah, isn’t that an apology? Protesters showed up to try to stop it. And then, for 40 years, it was quiet. Today. It made a turn to the east. [Crying. Like him saying, “Le-Ann Williams,” you know, “I’m sorry, Le-Ann Williams. Listening to old men telling stories about floods. Drove until they hit water. White residents came back more. Like so many other Katrina kids, her life had been disrupted over and over again. It never occurred to us they could break, especially levees built by the Army Corps of Engineers. Why they weren’t doing that? I’ll say it right now: You’re the only politician that’s called and called for arms like this. It’s time for us to rebuild a New Orleans, the one that should be a chocolate New Orleans. So everybody had to stop, because I had blood everywhere. Now it’s just gone. DeBerry: You know, there’s just, like, unchecked violence in the Superdome and unchecked violence in the convention center. They went outside to take it all in. “You know, well, Charity isn’t coming back. His only companion that night was an old horse. Went to law school. She raised Destiny on her own. I hope none of our friends. Charity didn’t flood that badly during Katrina, but it was never reopened. Archival (news clip): Now a Category 2 hurricane making its way across the Gulf of …. All of them lined up just looking down. Don’t ever tell law enforcement to shoot to kill your own people.’”. Who was to blame? Archival (documentary): But sometimes, the giant gets out of control. Archive Dreams in Right Column > > More than sixty-five pages of Rapture dreams, with many dreams recorded on each page, have been submitted to this site, and … And he’ll have it throwed over his shoulder, because you know a tuba is heavy. Instead of freaking out about snipers and gangs, he held daily press conferences to dispel rumors. They’ve, they’ve. I know I’m not hearing that. That day, a New Orleans police officer and his partner saw some guys breaking into a convenience store in Algiers. Brown: Absolutely. But somehow the eminently verifiable fact of thousands of people sitting in a giant building in the middle of town was too much rumor for FEMA. And now the storm’s blowing in. [Crying.]. Money was tight. I’m just trying to get on the bus because it’s our chance to get out of New Orleans. It was all pretty bizarre for an evening talk show. I moved here about two months ago. I mean, those were the three most prevalent diagnoses that I saw in my clinic. And the only places they really have is in the east. He just insulted all of them with that statement. Newkirk II: The paradox of Michael Brown seems to be this: All of his efforts to defend himself, to not be made a scapegoat … they seem to make it impossible for him to perform empathy. You know what I mean? In my city. Archival (news clip): Police in the city of New Orleans, 1,500 of them, have now been called off their rescue work simply to deal with the lawlessness in the city. His brain is full of details. One of those cheap gifts for kids that writes and plays music. I definitely want to be in the Army. I’m not saying I find it offensive that you bring it up. Newkirk II: In the end, a lot of what Kanye said would be vindicated. You can’t play football, freeze tag, nothing. Either a blind spot or an unwillingness. I mean, you’re opening the kimono up to the world and saying, “You know what? And, to add to the confusion in the media, they spun the story. Not even to visit. Newkirk II: Sandy had her hands on David’s report as soon as he released it. The show was reported and produced by me and Alvin Melathe. Alvin and I went out to visit her. This is the fucking Army. I really don’t know. Third thing: There were two big shipping channels around New Orleans. They’re all walking across Danziger Bridge. Well, what are you going to do?”. Her sisters, Le-Ann’s aunts, were staying in the Florida housing projects in the Ninth Ward. They are from the convention center in New Orleans …. On the AM dial, the Big 870 WWL. We were rendering first aid to people who were in need of medical attention. That New Orleans shouldn’t be rebuilt. Instead of responding to Katrina like it was a war zone, he responded like it was a humanitarian crisis. Johnson: Everything. It was very difficult. And she didn’t want us to go to the Superdome. I did this, this, and this right.” Your conclusion then is, “Okay, at the end of that line of good and bad, make an apology.”, Newkirk II: I think the part of an apology for me is “I did X, Y, and Z bad. But it seemed like it was harder for him to talk about responsibility beyond that. Newkirk II: In the superhero version of this story, this is the end. Recovery means that things are back to normal. But it felt like home didn’t want her anymore. Tulsa. Brown: Let me ask you—I’m curious. The place was still standing. Plenty, Meanwhile, parts of the rest of the city got to rebuilding. And I saw a breach after breach after breach after breach. Newkirk II: Michael was head of FEMA when Katrina hit. Garland Robinette: I came out of a coffee shop and there was a big palm tree. People died waiting for help. But since they were in a decent shelter already, Alice’s family and friends figured they weren’t a priority yet. Archival (news clip): Rescue boats zigzag through flooded streets, which had become canals …, Archival (news clip): An armada of rescue craft manned by volunteers across the region is unloading victims …, Archival (news clip): Even today, hundreds and hundreds of people rescued from their rooftops after spending more than 24 hours on rooftops waiting to be evacuated …. You can wander the halls if you wanted to. So, you know, still to this day, I don’t know how they felt as parent. Craft-Kerney: I was given, as they say, my walking papers. And when you look at this levee, what do you see? And my cousin talked. There is no home no more.”. The witnesses weren’t sure what happened to all of them. Well, what are you going to do?”. I don’t know if they got their marching orders from somebody to say, “Let this area just languish and die,” but that’s what it felt like. In my head, having not slept, yes, we just learned about it. Newkirk II: Fred directed the cab east from downtown toward the Seventh Ward. Garland had been on the air for decades in New Orleans, mostly as an anchor on TV news. No. The giant is being harnessed. Williams: Yeah, I wore that jacket to school, boy. That’s when we knew the levees had breached. You had a choice. It’s warm. And on Thursday, Nagin finally got what he asked for. Le-Ann Williams: So my mom went to talking to my stepdad [and] was like, “You got to do something. The officers approached the men. Garland Robinette: Probably the most joyful moments was how many times we reunited people. In my city. Honoré: The lights were out. When we drove out to Dumaine Street with her one morning, she didn’t recognize much. The business district was coming back. No. I just didn’t understand. His predecessor, the 32nd commander of the First Army used to ride around in a green Dodge van. So that was probably the saddest thing of the whole consultation because I’m a military man. Lots of people were gone. I just can’t stop thinking about Richard. And I’m not going to accept responsibility for that because I told that governor and I told that mayor. It’s … It was just, it was something. Downriver. One of those places with hotels, fast-food spots, and a Piggly Wiggly, and not a whole lot more. If you’re looting in a disaster or in a riot or whatever to grab a TV, I don’t think you should lose—I don’t think necessarily you should lose your life. At least not at that point. So, they gon’ have to just leave because I’m buying it. It’s: Can you run as fast as and long as the Army wanted you to? They accused Jose Holmes, too. We walked back across the street. They’re monitoring this. Honoré: And when I asked the mayor what’s the priority, he said, “General, we got to evacuate the city.” So we had that meeting. And that’s where they still were, weeks after it had passed. Oh. Newkirk II: They saw people everywhere who needed help with no help to be found. I wouldn’t even really care to hear it. Just sitting in the ceiling with rifles on them. News, news, news, news, news. Newkirk II: So wait, they didn’t have sat phones until you got there? And we just walking down the interstate. She went to community college. Brown: No, no, no, no, no, no. We punched a hole in the attic. Archival (news clip): Most of New Orleans is underwater tonight …. But there were two end tables he’d left sitting on the floor. The flood was not inevitable. please feed me to your children as well. How you somebody’s president and you can’t even handle a national disaster? Newkirk II: Michael Brown wasn’t gonna take all the blame for Katrina. I broadcast all night from the closet. But do you relate to or understand that experience? We still here.” I’m hearing all this, so now I’m starting to see that nobody’s coming for us. Rosenthal: The narrative that the Army Corps of Engineers wanted you to believe after their levees broke was that Katrina was just too big a storm, that the geography of New Orleans is almost totally below sea level and soft spongy soils and difficult to work with. I was a child myself. Turn around. Where I wanted to be. I greet you all in the spirit of peace this morning. DeBerry: The police say he jumped on the hood of their car. Honoré had a simpler explanation for why people might be shooting off guns. They raise money for good causes. Floodlines is a production of The Atlantic. After she got sentenced to reform school and probation, her mom decided she’d had enough. But after 9/11, Congress created the Department of Homeland Security … and put FEMA under it. Honoré’s visit would help kick-start efforts to bring food and water to the thousands of people in the convention center. He held a press conference on the state of the response. They didn’t have power. beat my disgusting peasant behind. And as fate would have it, he was born just before a hurricane. Basically to militarize the city and to declare it in a state of insurrection. Newkirk II: When you think about it, all the pushback—the comments and emails and confrontations—they were all over what might be considered small details. It’s time for us to come together. He wrote, “New Orleans puts the D into ‘dysfunctional.’ Only a sadist would insist on resurrecting this concentration of poverty, crime, and deplorable schools.” Even some New Orleanians thought the city was too dysfunctional to save. I don’t want to go back to New Orleans. Le-Ann was 14. So as you get closer to Galvez and Miro, the water was getting deeper and deeper and deeper. Wells: I think what I’m asking is, I’m wondering if your experience, how much you think about the experience of people who went through it. Turn around now.”. Newkirk II: The Danziger Bridge cover-up began almost immediately. Back in that week after Katrina, Mayor Ray Nagin was on the radio with Garland Robinette. Her house was in bad shape. Newkirk II: Inside, the vote went down calmly. Newkirk II: The black population in Orleans Parish has diminished by almost a third since 2000. Newkirk II: He talked about some of it, and we kind of wanted to let you listen to it and see what you made of it. Thousands of lives were in the balance. And he was dragging his feet. I still know how to park the car. Newkirk II: Fred’s big on stuff like that. She died before Katrina, and they’d given away all her clothes and most of her belongings. Williams: And he was like—he stopped the bus. “The University of [Louisiana at] Lafayette is having a mixed doubles tournament. It connected New Orleans to a town called Gretna. J.J. Brissette was shot in the neck, and Jose Holmes was shot in the face at close range. Craft-Kerney: Well, this is what I’ll say. The federal government had been trying to shut them down for years. So Michael Brown had found out I was there, and he sent word for me to come over and see him. That local officials had a hand in forcing the Army Corps to build bad levees. I’m here for the challenge of it. She’d never lived outside of New Orleans in her life. Took me down a hallway.

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