The Crémant de Loire which refers to any sparkling wine made according to the traditional method of Champagne. 31T E 278643 N 5232971. The gorges zone has since been protected as a ‘Natura 2000’ site under European Union environmental legislation. Beautiful gîte, separate entrance, adjoining owner's house, with superb views over an exceptional place: the Loire and Vienne confluence. Plan your visits and activities › La Vienne traverse Limoges, où se situe son premier point de passage à gué, laissant la majeure partie de la ville sur sa droite, et recevant de nombreux affluents, tels le ruisseau du Palais, l'Auzette en pleine ville, la Valoine, puis en sortant de Limoges, à L'Aiguille, elle reçoit la Briance roulant plus de 8 m3/s, portant le débit global de la rivière à 56 m3/s. The lower-central swathe of its valley straddling the Pays de la Loire and Centre-Val de Loire regions was added to the World Heritage Sites list of UNESCO on December 2, 2000. À Saint-Priest Taurion, la rivière roule en moyenne 23,7 m3/s. [43] That year, the Upper Loire Valley Farmers Association was also established through a partnership between SOS Loire Vivante and a farmers’ union to promote sustainable rural tourism. [48] Gardens, both ornamental fountains, footpaths flower beds and tended grass) and kitchen type (to grow vegetables), also accentuated the opulence of the châteaux. Heating. It is also noteworthy for its architectural heritage: in part for its historic towns such as Amboise, Angers, Blois, Chinon, Nantes, Orléans, Saumur, and Tours, but in particular for its castles, such as the Château d'Amboise, Château d'Angers, Château de Chambord, Château de Montsoreau, Château d'Ussé, Château de Villandry and Chenonceau, and also for its many cultural monuments, which illustrate the ideals of the Renaissance and the Age of the Enlightenment on western European thought and design. Enfin le QIX 50 est de 3 000 m3/s à cet endroit. Greeks introduced vines. La situation de ce port sur la Vienne des évêques de Limoges n'est pas connue. The Vienne flows through the following departments and towns: Kayaking and canoeing on the Loire and Vienne are available. [43] The French government adopted the Natural Loire River Plan (Plan Loire Grandeur Nature) in January 1994, initiating the decommissioning of three dams on the river. With more vines competing for the same limited resources in the soil, the density is designed to compensate for the excessive yields that some of the grape varieties, like Chenin blanc, are prone to have. On a proposé pour Vinzan et Vinzannet, deux quartiers de Peyrelevade (Corrèze) un thème *vinz- à rapprocher de l’occitan vins[16], désignant l’osier comme origine de ces toponymes[17]. storage programme in the basin, involving construction of four large dams, one on the Loire itself and three on the Allier and Cher. Vineyards and châteaux are found along the banks of the river throughout this section and are a major tourist attraction. [18][19], In the 1530s, the Reformation ideas reached the Loire valley, with some people becoming Protestant. [12] By 600 BC the Loire had already become a very important trading route between the Celts and the Greeks. Proposals to develop a fully navigable river up to Briare came to nothing. The Loire gives its name to six departments: Loire, Haute-Loire, Loire-Atlantique, Indre-et-Loire, Maine-et-Loire, and Saône-et-Loire. Four nuclear power plants are located on the river: Belleville, Chinon, Dampierre and Saint-Laurent. [44] The basis of the decision was that the economic benefits of the dams did not outweigh their significant ecological impacts, so the intention was to restore the riverine ecosystems and replenish great Loire salmon stocks. The gîte grounds follow the Loire for about 300 m and, from every room, you will be able to admire the incessant ballet of the terns and seagulls and enjoy unforgettable sunrise and sunsets over the confluence. Beschreibung 2020, Änderungen vorbehalten: Bitte beachten Sie das Ihrem Vertrag beigefügte Beschreibungsblatt. [1], Nearly every freshwater fish species of France can be found in the Loire river basin, that is, about 57 species from 20 families. [43] Due to extensive lobbying, the proposal and the other dam proposals were eventually rejected in the 1990s. The river has a discharge rate of 863 m3/s (30,500 cu ft/s), which is an average over the period 1967–2008. On December 2, 2000, UNESCO added the central part of the Loire valley, between Bouchemaine in Anjou and Sully-sur-Loire in Loiret, to its list of World Heritage Sites. Elle sert de refroidissement à la centrale nucléaire de Civaux. Var. However, the exterior defensive structures, in the form of portcullis and moats surrounding the thick walls of the châteaux' forts were retained. [16] Her successful relief of the siege of Orléans, on the Loire, was the turning point of the war. Freizeitbeschäftigungen und Annehmlichkeiten. Le temple de Montélu, associé à ces thermes, est lui aussi un des plus grands de la Gaule. Gaffiot, Félix, 1870 - 1937. In Bouchemaine, in the village of La Pointe, the river Maine joins the Loire. One-level house. The Gaulish name comes from the Gaulish word liga, which means "silt, sediment, deposit, alluvium", a word that gave French lie, as in sur lie, which in turn gave English lees. La forme originelle du nom de la Vienne est très probablement *Viminiana, formée avec un suffixe latin d’appartenance -ana sur le génitif viminis du mot latin vimen qui « désigne tout bois flexible, [en part.] In the 9th century, the Vikings began invading the west coast of France, using longships to navigate the Loire. Ref : 37G17321 | in CANDES ST MARTIN Cette déduction paraît judicieuse et devrait s’appliquer en premier lieu à la rivière Vinzana, à l’origine des noms de Vinzan et Vinzannet, au bord de la Vienne, dans cette commune du plateau de Millevaches où se trouvent quelques-unes de ses sources. It flows into the Atlantic Ocean at 47°16′44″N 2°10′19″W / 47.27889°N 2.17194°W / 47.27889; -2.17194 between Saint-Nazaire and Saint-Brevin-les-Pins, connected by a bridge over the river near its mouth. [5][30] This lies in the north-eastern part of the southern Cévennes highlands, in the Ardèche commune of Sainte-Eulalie of southeastern France. By the 11th century the wines of Sancerre had a reputation across Europe for their high quality. [53] Spread out across the Loire Valley are 87 appellation under the AOC, VDQS and Vin de Pays systems. It supports numerous hydro-electric dams, and it is the main river of the northern part of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region. [5] With a length of 1,006 kilometres (625 mi),[2] it drains 117,054 km2 (45,195 sq mi), more than a fifth of France's land[1] while its average discharge is only half that of the Rhône. Enclosed private garden (table tennis, bike shelter). La Vienne contribue à 1/3 du débit de la Loire à Saumur à 20 km en aval de la confluence, tout au long de l'année avec un petit plus pour la période des hautes eaux ; c'est l'affluent majeur de la Loire, largement devant l'Allier et la Maine. It flows west-northwest into the Haute-Vienne département, receiving the Maulde and Taurion tributaries, which are dammed in several places, before it flows past the city of Limoges. Les QIX 2 et QIX 5 valent respectivement 1 400 et 1 900 m3. CONFLUENCE - Loire - Vienne - Candes Saint-Martin, Centre. parc naturel régional de Millevaches en Limousin, parc naturel régional Loire-Anjou-Touraine, Débits des cours d'eau du bassin de la Loire, Ministère de l'Écologie et du Développement durable - Bulletin hydrologique annuel (page 5), Portail de l'Indre-et-Loire et de la Touraine,ère_française)&oldid=174445411, Accessibilité : Graphique timeline sans alternative, Catégorie Commons avec lien local identique sur Wikidata, Portail:Lacs et cours d'eau/Articles liés, Portail:Centre-Val de Loire/Articles liés, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. In his work History of the Franks, Bishop Gregory of Tours wrote of the frequent plundering by the Bretons of the area's wine stocks. À Nouâtre, localité située entre Châtellerault et Chinon, peu en aval du confluent entre la Creuse et la Vienne, son débit, observé durant 48 ans de 1958 à 2005, se monte à 201 m3/s pour un bassin versant de 19 920 km2 sur un bassin total de 21 105 km2. La Vienne arrose Cassinomagus (Chassenon, 40 km à l'ouest de Limoges), importante cité secondaire gallo-romaine des Lémovices et dont les thermes sont parmi les plus grands et les mieux conservés de la Gaule. Elle reçoit quelques affluents qui contribuent faiblement à une augmentation de son volume, tels le Goire, l'Issoire, la Blourde, la Dive et l'Ozon. The region experiences a rainfall of 690 mm (27.2 in) along the coast and 648 mm (25.5 in) inland. Short walks › I was given quick instructions on how to reach the site, 10 miles downriver from Chinon, and off I went. The sedimentary domain consists of limestone and carbonaceous rocks, that, where saturated, form productive aquifers. Serpentant entre Aixe-sur-Vienne et Saint-Junien, elle est alors longée par la voie ferrée Limoges-Angoulême. The major commercial port at Nantes has caused severe damage to the ecosystem of the Loire estuary. Dans cette région nord-occitane où la Vienne prend sa source, vimen,inis a désigné comme en français la clématite, cette liane longtemps utilisée pour lier les fagots, plutôt que l’osier, matériau des vanniers et qui servait autrefois à attacher les sarments de vigne. [12] They built megaliths to worship the dead, especially from around 3500 BC. [47] There was further refinement in the design of the châteaux in the 15th century before the Baroque style came into prominence with decorative and elegantly designed interiors and which became fashionable from the 16th to the end of the 18th century. [1] The river can be divided into three main zones:[1], In the upper basin the river flows through a narrow, incised valley, marked by gorges and forests on the edges and a distinct low population. €1,450. Les principaux sont le Taurion ou Thaurion, la Creuse avec son affluent la Gartempe, et le Clain. Some Sancerre vineyards have as many as 10,000 plants per hectare. [1] It is also known as the Garden of France – due to the abundance of vineyards, fruit orchards, artichoke, asparagus and cherry fields which line the banks of the river[45] – and also as the "cradle of the French language". [1][5] Downstream of Nevers lies the Loire Valley, a UNESCO World Heritage Site due to its fine assortment of castles. [46], This style was replaced by the religious architectural style in the 12th to 14th centuries when the impregnable château fortresses were built on top of rocky hills; one of the impressive fortresses of this type is the Château d'Angers, which has 17 gruesome towers. Their presence in the lush, fertile valley began attracting the very best landscape designers. La Vienne (en occitan limousin Vinhana) est une rivière française traversant les départements du même nom (Haute-Vienne et Vienne) et une partie de la Creuse (2 km en rive droite seulement), de la Corrèze, de la Charente, ainsi que d'Indre-et-Loire. En route to its confluence with the Loire, the Vienne is joined by the rivers Creuse and Clain. [1], Most amphibians of the Loire are found in the slow flow areas near the delta, especially in the floodplain, marshes and oxbows. As of 2017[update], the following sections are navigable: The French language adjective ligérien is derived from the name of the Loire, as in le climat ligérien ("the climate of the Loire Valley"). A key transportation route, it served as one of the great "highways" of France for over 2000 years. [12] By around 5000 to 4000 BC, they began clearing forests along the river edges and cultivating the lands and rearing livestock. Other vegetation in the valley, mostly under private control, consists of tree species of oak, beech and pine. "an exceptional cultural landscape, of great beauty, comprised of historic cities and villages, great architectural monuments – the Châteaux – and lands that have been cultivated and shaped by centuries of interaction between local populations and their physical environment, in particular the Loire itself. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Internet. Asparagus was also brought from northwestern France. Ref : 37G17321 | in CANDES ST MARTIN Elle reçoit encore d'autres affluents, comme l'Aurence et l'Aixette qui portent son débit à 61 m3/s au pont de la Gabie. [31], The Centre region of the Loire river valley accounts for the largest forest in France, the forest of Orléans (French: Forêt d'Orléans), covering an area of 38,234 hectares (94,480 acres), and the 5,440-hectare (13,400-acre) forested park known as the "Foret de Chambord". 37500 CANDES-SAINT-MARTIN Latitude : 47.2107970 Longitude : 0.0746960. While the majority of production is white wine from the Chenin blanc, Sauvignon blanc and Melon de Bourgogne grapes, there are red wines made (especially around the Chinon region) from Cabernet franc. Works on paper > Medium. [46], The Baroque style artists who created some of the exquisite château structures were: the Parisian, François Mansart (1598–1662) whose classical symmetrical design is seen in the Château de Blois; Jacques Bougier (1635) of Blois whose classical design is the Château de Cheverny; Guillaume Bautru remodelled the Château de Serrant (at the extreme western end of the valley). At 662.69 metres (2,174.2 ft), this was the longest such structure in the world for quite some time.[27]. Vingenna au VIe s.[4] ; Vigenna au VIe s.[5] ; Vincenna[6] ; Vienna[7], 800 ; Vicenna[8] ; Viuzanna[9], 901 ; Vinzenna[10], 904 ; Vizenna[11], v. 980 ; Rivière de Vyenne, flueve de Vienne[12], 1309 ; Fluve de Vigenne[13], 1410 (fam. [43] As a result, the WWF and other NGOs established the Loire Vivante (Living Loire) network in 1988 to oppose this and arranged an initial meeting with the French Minister of the Environment. Some notable Châteaux on the Loire include Beaufort- Mareuil sur Cher – Lavoûte-Polignac – Bouthéon – Montrond – Bastie d'Urfé – Château féodal des Cornes d'Urfé – La Roche – Château féodal de Saint-Maurice-sur-Loire – Saint-Pierre-la-Noaille – Chevenon – Palais ducal de Nevers – Saint-Brisson – Gien – La Bussière – Pontchevron – La Verrerie (near Aubigny-sur-Nère) – Sully-sur-Loire – Châteauneuf-sur-Loire – Boisgibault – Meung-sur-Loire – Menars – Talcy – Château de la Ferté – Chambord – Blois – Villesavin – Cheverny – Beauregard – Troussay – Château de Chaumont – Amboise – Clos-Lucé – Langeais – Gizeux – Les Réaux – Montsoreau – Montreuil-Bellay – Saint-Loup-sur-Thouet – Saumur – Boumois – Brissac – Montgeoffroy – Plessis-Bourré – Château des Réaux. In 2002, the WWF aided a second Loire Nature project and expanded its scope to the entire basin, addressing some 4,500 hectares (11,000 acres) of land under a budget of US$18 million, mainly funded by government and public bodies, such as the Établissement Publique Loire (EPL), a public institution which had formerly advocated large-scale dam projects on the river.[43]. Cot. Category. Touraine Val de Loire – ADT de la Touraine EN, Home › Les Rosiers-sur-Loire by Jean-Jacques Delusse [fr], 1800. The Loire flows roughly northward through Roanne and Nevers to Orléans and thereafter westward through Tours to Nantes, where it forms an estuary. Beautiful gîte, separate entrance, adjoining owner's house, with superb views over an exceptional place: the Loire and Vienne confluence. The Vienne (Occitan: Vinhana) is a major river in south-western France. osier »[20]. Le 30 novembre 879, une petite troupe de Vikings commandée par Hasting est battue par le roi Carloman, sur la Vienne[24]. These works, with groynes and submersible embankments, survive and contribute to the limited navigability under present-day conditions. It was also a dumping ground for prisoners in the War in the Vendee since they thought it was a more effective way of killing. ViaMichelin pomaga określić najlepszą trasę dla Ciebie za pomocą różnych opcji i proponuje domyślnie od 2 do 3 tras, które różnią się pod względem kosztów, odległości i czasu przejazdu. Soon after the beginning of the 19th century, steam-driven passenger boats began to ply the river between Nantes and Orléans, making the upriver journey faster; by 1843, 70,000 passengers were being carried annually in the Lower Loire and 37,000 in the Upper Loire. The great Loire salmon, a subspecies of Atlantic salmon, is regarded as the symbolic fish of the river. Many have been taken over by a local government authority or the giant structures like those at Chambord are owned and operated by the national government and are major tourist sites, attracting hundreds of thousands of visitors each year. Musée de la Loire, Cosne-sur-Loire. [40], The river flows through the continental ecoregions of Massif central and Bassin Parisien south and in its Lower course partly through South Atlantic and Brittany. The monarchy of France ruled in the Loire Valley for several centuries, giving it the name of "The Valley of Kings". Today some of these toll bridges still remain, dated to over 800 years. Ceded territory to the, He had strange marriages, including Anne, a four-year-old bride who married the heir of, Second cousin of Louis XII. Le cours d'eau longe Tarnac et continue vers l'ouest, recevant un affluent de rive droite avec un débit plus important, la Chandouille, elle-même grossie par les ruisseaux qui alimentent son lac de retenue: le lac du Chammet. In this period, settlers established vineyards and began producing wines. One-level house. As a result, the salmon population increased to about 500 in 2005. [43] The Villerest dam, built in 1985 a few kilometres (a few miles) south of Roanne,[34] has played a key-role in preventing recent flooding. Qualité Tourisme brand; Accessible Touraine / Tourism and Disability label; Pro & Press Area ; NEWSLETTER Sign up in a few clicks. At high flows and in the upper reaches the fraction of the green algae decrease and the phytoplankton is dominated by diatoms. At a certain point during the long history of uplift in the Paris Basin, the lower, Atlantic Loire captured the "palaeo-Loire" or Loire séquanaise ("Seine Loire"), producing the present river. Arrivée à Lussac, son débit atteint 81,7 m3/s. During floods, which usually occur in February and March[33] but also in other periods,[5] the flow sometimes exceeds 2,000 m3/s (71,000 cu ft/s) for the Upper Loire and 8,000 m3/s (280,000 cu ft/s) in the Lower Loire. Newts of the Loire include the Marbled Newt (Triturus marmoratus), Smooth Newt (T. vulgaris), Alpine Newt (T. alpestris) and Palmate Newt (T. This avifauna has been rather stable, at least between the 1980s and 2000s, with significant abundance variations observed only for 17 species. [41] The reason for this is its sheer length and possibility of extensive navigation, which severely limits the scope of river conservation. Two French departments are named after the Vienne: Haute-Vienne (87) in the Limousin region and Vienne (86) both in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region. Le Dictionnaire topographique du département de la Vienne[3] nous donne les attestations anciennes suivantes. En route to its confluence with the Loire, the Vienne is joined by the rivers Creuse and Clain. Of those, five species were growing in population, four declining, and other eight were fluctuating. The mid-1990s saw an increase in the number of négociant and co-operative to where now about half of Sancerre and almost 80% of Muscadet is bottled by a négociant or co-op. [1] In the intermediate section, the alluvial plain broadens and the river meanders and forks into multiple channels. The Vienne flows through the following departments and towns: "Fiche cours d'eau - La Vienne (L---0060)",, Articles containing Occitan (post 1500)-language text, Wikipedia articles with WorldCat-VIAF identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 4 September 2020, at 16:30. [13] In 408, the Iranian tribe of Alans crossed the Loire and large hordes of them settled along the middle course of the Loire in Gaul under King Sangiban. Unlike most other rivers in western Europe, there are very few dams or locks creating obstacles to its natural flow. In the 5th century, the Roman Empire declined and the Franks and the Alemanni came to the area from the east. La Vienne est donc le seul cours d'eau de la région à traverser le territoire des trois départements de l'ancienne région Limousin, même si la portion creusoise n'est que d'un peu plus de 2 km. Ce dernier terme est aussi attesté par André Pégorier, Vigane : Clématite des haies, Centre Est de la France. [52], The area includes 87 appellations under the Appellation d'origine contrôlée (AOC), Vin Délimité de Qualité Superieure (VDQS) and Vin de pays systems. In Candes-Saint-Martin, you have a superb view of the confluence of the Loire and the Vienne rivers. Le QIX 10 est de 2 200 m3/s, le QIX 20 atteint 2 600 m3. After AD 16, the Loire river valley became part of the Roman province of Aquitania, with its capital at Avaricum. [1] It is a significant left tributary of the lower Loire. Ref: - 1902. WIFI. 31T E 278643 N 5232971. CONFLUENCE - Loire - Vienne - Candes Saint-Martin, Centre. The endangered species include grayling (Thymallus thymallus), burbot (Lota lota) and bitterling (Rhodeus sericeus) and the non-native species are represented by the rock bass (Ambloplites rupestris). D'une longueur de 372 kilomètres, elle est l'un des principaux affluents de la Loire, avec l'Allier et le Cher, et le plus gros en termes de débit. [51], The Loire river has a significant effect on the mesoclimate of the region, adding the necessary extra few degrees of temperature that allows grapes to grow when the areas to the north and south of the Loire Valley have shown to be unfavourable to viticulture. On trouve aussi la mention suivante dans un arrêt du parlement de Paris du 23 janvier 1339 : Episcopi (Lemovicenses) possidebant navigia et arrivagia dictæ civitatis, quæ Vinguenne vocatur, cum emolumentis et proventibus eorumdem[14]. Beautiful gîte, separate entrance, adjoining owner's house, with superb views over an exceptional place: the Loire and Vienne confluence. These rulers started with the Gauls, followed by the Romans, and the Frankish Dynasty. Elle s'engage entre Le Palais-sur-Vienne et Panazol et pénètre dans l'agglomération de Limoges, quittant la partie haute du département. Today, these privately owned châteaux serve as homes, a few open their doors to tourist visits, while others are operated as hotels or bed and breakfasts. The Loire at Montsoreau, J. M. W. Turner, 1832, Château de Montsoreau-Museum of Contemporary Art. One-level house. Elle continue vers le nord pour recevoir à sa droite son plus important affluent, la Creuse (85 m3/s) qui porte le débit de la Vienne à plus de 200 m3/s à Nouâtre. The Loire changed its course, due to tectonic deformations, from the original outfall into the English Channel to its new outfall into the Atlantic Ocean thereby forming today's narrow terrain of gorges, the Loire Valley with alluvium formations and the long stretch of beaches along the Atlantic Ocean. The discharge rate varies strongly along the river, with roughly 350 m3/s (12,000 cu ft/s) at Orléans and 900 m3/s (32,000 cu ft/s) at the mouth. 2010, Signal Books. A little way after Limoges it takes a turn to the north. One-level house. À Ingrandes, son débit atteint 121 m3/s, grâce à l'apport de l'Ozon, et surtout du Clain (21 m3/s). - Indre-et-Loire. D'autre part la rivière est sujette à des crues parfois violentes et son débit peut atteindre alors de 2 500 à 3 000 m3/s. [49], The châteaux, numbering more than three hundred, represent a nation of builders starting with the necessary castle fortifications in the 10th century to the splendour of those built half a millennium later. The human history of the Loire river valley begins with the Middle Palaeolithic period of 90–40 kya (thousand years ago), followed by modern humans (about 30 kya), succeeded by the Neolithic period (6,000 to 4,500 BC), all of the recent Stone Age in Europe. Don’t hesitate to contact the Touraine Tourist Offices. In recent times, pruning and canopy management have started to limit yields more effectively. [54] Among these different wine styles, Loire wines tend to exhibit characteristic fruitiness with fresh, crisp flavours-especially in their youth.[52]. All inclusive price (bed sheets, towels, electricity, heating, end of stay cleaning and firewood) except tourist tax (extra charge) 15 km from Saumur, 1 km from Montsoreau, in an exceptional panoramic setting with the Loire as lansdcape, the "Confluence" gîte allows you to feast your eyes on the seemingly endless waterway, inviting to contemplation and mind relaxation. [8] The Phoenicians and Greeks had used pack horses to transport goods from Lyon to the Loire to get from the Mediterranean basin to the Atlantic coast. My brief trip to the confluence evoked memories of … Elle prend sa source en Corrèze, sur le plateau de Millevaches, à partir de quatre à cinq petits ruisseaux, au pied du mont Audouze, à une altitude comprise entre 860 et 895 mètres, entre les communes de Saint-Setiers, Millevaches et Peyrelevade. It rises in the southeastern quarter of the French Massif Central in the Cévennes range (in the department of Ardèche) at 1,350 m (4,430 ft) near Mont Gerbier de Jonc; it flows north through Nevers to Orléans, then west through Tours and Nantes until it reaches the Bay of Biscay (Atlantic Ocean) at Saint-Nazaire. However, one of the oldest such structures in France is the Donjon de Foulques Nerra built in 944. They are then joined by multicellular forms including Fragilaria crotonensis, Nitzschia fruticosa and Skeletonema potamos, as well as green algae which form star-shaped or prostrate colonies. Jusqu'à Etagnac, elle reçoit de nombreux affluents, parmi eux la Glane à Saint-Junien, la Gorre à Saillat-sur-Vienne, qui porte son débit à 71,4 m3/s au niveau du Pont de Pilas[22]. When the French kings began constructing their huge châteaux here, the nobility, not wanting or even daring to be far from the seat of power, followed suit. Today the river is officially navigable as far as Bouchemaine,[29] where the Maine joins it near Angers. SOLD. The opening of the Canal latéral à la Loire in 1838 enabled navigation between Digoin and Briare to continue,[27] but the river level crossing at Briare remained a problem until the construction of the Briare aqueduct in 1896. pp 8–27, for the navigable section (guide in English, French and German), This article is about the river. Elle continue toujours vers l'ouest, servant de frontière naturelle entre la Haute-Vienne et la Creuse. Whereas the total biomass is low in the upper reaches, the biodiversity is high, with more than 250 taxa at Orléans. Vienne River, river, western France, 217 mi (350 km) in length, a left-bank tributary of the Loire.Rising on the Plateau de Millevaches, the Vienne winds through the agricultural regions of five départements. WIFI. Là, elle reçoit les eaux du Taurion, son premier vrai affluent d'importance, soit en moyenne 18,9 m3 supplémentaires par seconde et son débit passe ainsi à 42,6 m3/s. In 1477, the first printing press in France was established in Angers, and around this time the Chateau de Langeais and Chateau de Montsoreau were built. Studies of the palaeo-geography of the region suggest that the palaeo-Loire flowed northward and joined the Seine,[10][11] while the lower Loire found its source upstream of Orléans in the region of Gien, flowing westward along the present course. When the Loire and the Vienne rivers meet, 37500 CANDES-SAINT-MARTIN Latitude : 47.2107970 Longitude : 0.0746960, Need help ? [50], The Loire Valley has a high density of vine plantings with an average of 4,000–5,000 vines per hectare (1,600–2,000 per acre). helveticus). During the harvest months rain can cause the grapes to be harvested under ripe but can also aid in the development of Botrytis cinerea for the region's dessert wines. [43], The WWF, BirdLife International, and local conservation bodies have also made considerable efforts to improve the conservation of the Loire estuary and its surroundings, given that they are unique habitats for migrating birds. The basement domain primarily consists of metamorphic and siliceous fragmented rocks with groundwater occurring in fissures. River flow is particularly high in the river area near Roanne and Vichy up to the confluence with the Allier. André Pégorier, Les Noms de Lieux en France, Glossaire de termes dialectaux, IGN, Paris, 2006.

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