w 1953 r. w Szwajcarii) – belgijski neosocjalistyczny działacz polityczny i publicysta oraz teoretyk, wiceprezydent, a następnie prezydent Belgijskiej Partii Robotniczej, minister prac publicznych w okresie międzywojennym. W okresie przed wybuchem I wojny światowej był aktywnym działaczem socjalistycznym. [14] Henry III thought the removal of the brothers would finally restore his authority. It was widely believed that in 1610 Henry was preparing to go to war against the Holy Roman Empire. In 1576, as he managed to escape from Paris, he abjured Catholicism and returned to Calvinism. Wyjechał on z Belgii i zamieszkał w La Clusaz, w Saubaudii we Francji. [11] Salic law barred the king's sisters and all others who could claim descent through only the female line from inheriting. [41] He had visited China and India, and had an encounter with Akbar.[41]. [19] In the religious fervor of the time, the Infanta was recognized to be a suitable candidate, provided that she marry a suitable husband. [41], From 1604 to 1609, following the return of François Martin de Vitré, Henry developed a strong enthusiasm for travel to Asia and attempted to set up a French East India Company on the model of England and the Netherlands. Paris: Gallimard (1960), p. 84, Louis had no children; he died aged 10 in 1795. [33] Around 1575, plans were made for a combined attack of Aragonese Moriscos and Huguenots from Béarn under Henry against Spanish Aragon, in agreement with the king of Algiers and the Ottoman Empire, but this project floundered with the arrival of John of Austria in Aragon and the disarmament of the Moriscos. A translation into English was made by James Dauncey for another grandson, King Charles II of England. Jego ostatnie słowa to „stary głupiec” – skierowane do obecnego przy jego śmierci ojca. Given that Henry of Navarre was the next senior agnatic descendant of King Louis IX, King Henry III had no choice but to recognise him as the legitimate successor. Był gorącym zwolennikiem króla Leopolda III i jego matki królowej Elżbiety. 9 września 1901 w Saint-André-du-Bois) – francuski malarz i grafik. On 5 February of that year, he formally abjured Catholicism at Tours and rejoined the Protestant forces in the military conflict. An English edition was published at London in 1663. [39] Two ships, the Croissant and the Corbin, were sent around the Cape of Good Hope in May 1601. On 24 August, the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre began in Paris. 1835): Pierre de l'Estoile, Journal du règne de Henri IV. Louis was the direct descendant of Hugh Capet, who became King of France in 987 and made the crown hereditary. (in French) René Jarno and Henri Linsolas, History of Barbentane, Nîmes, imprimerie les Presses du Castellum, 1981. Po zajęciu Belgii przez aliantów zbiegł do Szwajcarii[3]. No ships were sent, however, until 1616. He set about winning his kingdom by military conquest, aided by English money and German troops. Henry IV (French: Henri IV; 13 December 1553 – 14 May 1610), also known by the epithet Good King Henry or Henry the Great, was King of Navarre (as Henry III) from 1572 and King of France from 1589 to 1610. The Corbin was wrecked in the Maldives, leading to the adventure of François Pyrard de Laval, who managed to return to France in 1611. Henry III belonged to the House of Valois, descended from Philip III of France, elder son of Saint Louis; Henry IV belonged to the House of Bourbon, descended from Robert, Count of Clermont, younger son of Saint Louis. He later led Protestant forces against the royal army.[2]. 6th edition. [38], During the reign of Henry IV, various enterprises were set up to develop trade with faraway lands. W wieku 14 lat Henri złamał lewą kość udową, a rok później obie. [9] He named his 16-year-old sister, Catherine de Bourbon, regent of Béarn. After Henry's coronation, the war continued because there was an official tug-of-war between the French and Spanish states, but after victory at the Siege of Amiens in September 1597 the Peace of Vervins was signed in 1598. As a Huguenot, Henry was involved in the French Wars of Religion, barely escaping assassination in the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre. Toulouse zmarł w wieku 36 lat na terenie posiadłości rodzinnych w Malromé z powodu komplikacji zdrowotnych spowodowanych alkoholizmem i rozwojem kiły[3]. Henry III and Henry of Navarre were two of these Henries. He and his predecessor Henry III of France were direct descendants of Saint-King Louis IX. In English he is most often referred to as Henry of Navarre. Henry was the subject of numerous attempts on his life, including one by Pierre Barrière in August 1593[44] and Jean Châtel in December 1594.[45]. During his reign,[5] the French colonization of the Americas truly began with the foundation of the colonies of Acadia and Canada at Port-Royal and Quebec, respectively. [29], For the royal entry of Marie into Avignon on 19 November 1600, the citizens bestowed on Henry the title of the Hercule Gaulois ("Gallic Hercules"), justifying the extravagant flattery with a genealogy that traced the origin of the House of Navarre to a nephew of Hercules' son Hispalus.[30]. The French overwhelmingly rejected Philip's first choice, Archduke Ernest of Austria, the Emperor's brother, also a member of the House of Habsburg. Henry's patriline ran through the house of Bourbon-Vendôme (Counts and then Dukes of Vendôme), descended from a younger son of the Count of Marche, descended from a younger son of the Duke of Bourbon, whose father was a younger son of Louis IX. The two kings were united by a common interest—to win France from the Catholic League. Jeżeli nie wyrażasz na to zgody, zmień ustawienia swojej przeglądarki lub opuść naszą stronę. [1], The son of Antoine de Bourbon, Duke of Vendôme and Jeanne d'Albret, the Queen of Navarre, Henry was baptised as a Catholic but raised in the Protestant faith by his mother. Henry's first marriage was not a happy one, and the couple remained childless. Został on znaczącym malarzem, plakacistą postimpresjonizmu, twórcą litografii i ilustracji, na których uwieczniał życie bohemy dziewiętnastowiecznego Paryża. Ze względu na probelgijskie (tj. He was also a great philanderer, fathering many children by a number of mistresses.[2]. [16] Most of the Catholic nobles who had joined Henry III for the siege of Paris also refused to recognize the claim of Henry of Navarre, and abandoned him. With this combined force, the two kings marched to Paris. Hugh was the heir of the "Robertian" house, Counts of Worms, descended from Robert of Hesbaye. His subsequent marriage to Marie de' Medici on 17 December 1600 produced six children: The arms of Henry IV changed throughout his lifetime: From 1562,as Prince of Béarn and Duke of Vendôme, From 1589,as King of France and Navarre, Grand Royal Coat of Arms of Henry and the House of Bourbon as Kings of France and Navarre (1589-1789), First French king of the House of Bourbon, "Henry of Navarre" redirects here. On 25 July 1593, with the encouragement of his great love, Gabrielle d'Estrées, Henry permanently renounced Protestantism and converted to Catholicism — in order to secure his hold on the French crown, thereby earning the resentment of the Huguenots and his former ally Queen Elizabeth I of England. [6] His parents were Queen Joan III of Navarre (Jeanne d'Albret) and her consort, Antoine de Bourbon, Duke of Vendôme, King of Navarre. Several thousand Protestants who had come to Paris for Henry's wedding were killed, as well as thousands more throughout the country in the days that followed. As Head of the House of Bourbon, Henry was "first prince of the blood". [17] Henry was victorious at the Battle of Arques and the Battle of Ivry, but failed to take Paris after besieging it in 1590.[18]. During Henry's struggle for the crown, Spain had been the principal backer of the Catholic League, and it tried to thwart Henry. Henri de Barbentane Chauffeur Privé. Rodzice Toulouse byli kuzynami – zwyczaj ten praktykowany był w rodzinie Toulouse ze względu na chęć utrzymania rodzinnego majątku w stanie nierozproszonym. Czesław Madajczyk, Faszyzm i okupacje 1938-1945. Jego brat, urodzony 28 sierpnia 1867 zmarł rok później. Henry IV was baptized a Catholic on 5 January 1554. W tym celu de Man dokonał zjednoczenia związków zawodowych pod patronatem niemieckim w Unię Pracowników Umysłowych i Fizycznych (UTMI)[2]. [citation needed] Instead of waging costly wars to suppress opposing nobles, Henry simply paid them off. Tuż przed śmiercią zamieszkał w sanatorium. The wedding took place in Paris on 18 August 1572[10] on the parvis of Notre Dame Cathedral. 9 września 1901 w Saint-André-du-Bois) – francuski malarz i grafik.Przedstawiciel postimpresjonizmu, swoimi litografiami wywarł wielki wpływ na rozwój nowoczesnego plakatu During the reign of Henry IV, rivalry continued among France, the Habsburg rulers of Spain, and the Holy Roman Empire for the mastery of Western Europe. The Parlement of Paris also upheld the Salic law. His widow, Marie de' Medici, served as regent for their nine-year-old son, Louis XIII, until 1617. Henri de Man, 1885-1953, Professeur à l’Université libre de Bruxelles, Député et ministre dans le parlement belge (French), University of Quebec, https://pl.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Henri_de_Man&oldid=60117059, licencji Creative Commons: uznanie autorstwa, na tych samych warunkach, Korzystasz z Wikipedii tylko na własną odpowiedzialność. At Queen Joan's death, it was arranged for Henry to marry Margaret of Valois, daughter of Henry II of France and Catherine de' Medici. This statement epitomises the peace and relative prosperity which Henry brought to France after decades of religious war, and demonstrates how well he understood the plight of the French worker and peasant farmer. [34] [36][37] In 1604, a "Peace Treaty and Capitulation" was signed between Henry IV and the Ottoman Sultan Ahmet I. Henry IV also had the Place Royale built (since 1800 known as Place des Vosges), and added the Grande Galerie to the Louvre Palace. But Henry III was assassinated shortly thereafter, on 2 August 1589, by a fanatical monk. Despite these setbacks for the League, Henry remained unable to take control of Paris. Henry narrowly escaped death thanks to the help of his wife and his promise to convert to Catholicism. l'Académie française: Dictionnaire de la langue française (Institut de France. During his reign, Henry IV worked through his faithful right-hand man, the minister Maximilien de Béthune, Duke of Sully, to regularize state finance, promote agriculture, drain swamps, undertake public works, and encourage education. Tę stronę ostatnio edytowano 18 cze 2020, 10:19. Urodził się jako pierworodny syn hrabiego Alphonse’a i hrabiny Adèle de Toulouse-Lautrec. [4] He was admired for his repeated victories over his enemies and his conversion to Catholicism. Zginął w 1953 roku w wypadku samochodowym. [39] In 1609, another adventurer, Pierre-Olivier Malherbe, returned from a circumnavigation of the globe and informed Henry of his adventures. Political disagreements among the parties set off a series of campaigns and counter-campaigns that culminated in the Battle of Coutras.[12]. henri.pl, Strzelców Grodzieńskich 6, 05-250 Radzymin; Nasza strona używa plików cookie w celu realizacji usług zgodnie z Polityką prywatności. It is one of the oldest royal patrilines in Europe. Henry was nicknamed "the Great" (Henri le Grand), and in France is also called le bon roi Henri ("the good king Henry") or le vert galant ("The Green Gallant", for his numerous mistresses). This line has continued to the present day, more than 1,200 years in all, through kings of France, Navarre, France again, Spain, Portugal, and the Two Sicilies, dukes of Parma, grand dukes of Luxembourg, princes of Orléans, and emperors of Brazil. Poświęcił się dostępnej dla niego sztuce. It granted numerous advantages to France in the Ottoman Empire. [2] The context for that phrase: Si Dieu me prête vie, je ferai qu'il n'y aura point de laboureur en mon royaume qui n'ait les moyens d'avoir le dimanche une poule dans son pot! [48], Assassination of Henry IV,engraving by Gaspar Bouttats, His assassin, François Ravaillac, brandishing his dagger, Pierre Firens - "Le Roi Est Mort continues at the Palace of Versailles". Po śmierci Toulouse, jego matka hrabina Adele de Toulouse-Lautrec i Maurice Joyant, marszand i przyjaciel Henryka z dzieciństwa, wypromowali jego sztukę. Z powodu swojej niskiej postury, Henri nie mógł aktywnie uczestniczyć w wielu dziedzinach życia. 1885, zm. In 1572, after the massacre of French Calvinists, he was forced by Catherine de' Medici and other powerful Catholic royalty to convert. A statue was erected in his honour at the Pont Neuf in 1614, four years after his death. Historians have been making the assertion that Henry IV was a convinced Calvinist, only changing his formal religious allegiance to adjust, suit or achieve his political goals. 1610, Lying in state at the Louvre, engraving after François Quesnel. He was celebrated in the popular song "Vive le roi Henri" (which later became an anthem for the French monarchy during the reigns of his successors) and in Voltaire's Henriade. He initially kept the Protestant faith (the only French king to do so) and had to fight against the Catholic League, which denied that he could wear France's crown as a Protestant. [40][41][42] On 1 June 1604, he issued letters patent to Dieppe merchants to form the Dieppe Company, giving them exclusive rights to Asian trade for 15 years. This tradition continued for another two hundred years, until Emperor Napoleon I banned it. The restored Bourbons were keen to play down the controversial reigns of Louis XV and Louis XVI, and instead lauded the reign of the benevolent Henry IV. Henry favoured the idea of obtaining an annulment of his marriage to Margaret and taking his mistress Gabrielle d'Estrées as his bride; after all, she had already borne him three children. Podczas wojny popierał aliantów zachodnich. Upon the death of his brother-in-law and distant cousin Henry III in 1589, Henry was called to the French succession by the Salic law. However, at that moment of seeming victory, the envy of the Duke of Mayenne was aroused, and he blocked the proposed election of a king. This enabled him to turn his attention to Savoy, with which he also had been fighting. Henri de Man, po flamandzku Hendrik de Man (ur. Henry was a scion of the House of Bourbon, which was a branch of the Capetian dynasty, which sprang from the Robertians. He inherited the throne of Navarre in 1572 on his mother's death. King Henry IV, a promoter of the arts by all classes of people, invited hundreds of artists and craftsmen to live and work on the building's lower floors. Po jej zakończeniu podjął studia z socjologii na Uniwersytecie Waszyngtońskim w Seattle w USA. He established the Collège Royal Henri-le-Grand in La Flèche (today the Prytanée Militaire de la Flèche). He was finally killed in Paris on 14 May 1610 by a Catholic fanatic, François Ravaillac, who stabbed him in the Rue de la Ferronnerie. Henry served loosely as inspiration for the character of Ferdinand, King of Navarre in William Shakespeare's Love's Labour's Lost.[49]. Under the Duke of Parma, an army from the Spanish Netherlands intervened in 1590 against Henry and foiled his siege of Paris. He and Sully protected forests from further devastation, built a system of tree-lined highways, and constructed bridges and canals. 24 listopada 1864 w Albi, zm. The morale of the city was low, and even the Spanish ambassador believed the city could not hold out longer than a fortnight. The Catholic League, however, strengthened by support from outside the country—especially from Spain—was strong enough to prevent a universal recognition of his new title. The art and architecture of his reign have become known as the "Henry IV style" since that time. Po najeździe Niemiec na Belgię i kapitulacji w maju 1940 roku, podjął decyzję o samorozwiązaniu Belgijskiej Partii Robotniczej[1]. Ze względu na defekt genetyczny, kości Henriego nie były w stanie odpowiednio się zrosnąć i w rezultacie przestały rosnąć. [27] He did not forget his former Calvinist coreligionists, however, and was known for his religious tolerance. Miał poprzez szeroko zakrojone roboty publiczne i interwencjonizm państwa doprowadzić do odbudowania gospodarki belgijskiej po kryzysie gospodarczym, a jednocześnie zablokować próby przejęcia władzy przez ugrupowania faszystowskie i skrajnie prawicowe. The preparations were terminated by his assassination, however, and the subsequent rapprochement with Spain under the regency of Marie de' Medici. [7] Although baptised as a Catholic, Henry was raised as a Protestant by his mother,[8] who had declared Calvinism the religion of Navarre. After four years of stalemate, he converted to Catholicism to obtain mastery over his kingdom (reportedly saying, "Paris is well worth a mass."). Wykonywanie okupacji przez państwa Osi w Europie, Poznań 1984, t. I, s. 331-332, Jean-Marie Tremblay. Henry's coach was stopped by traffic congestion associated with the Queen's coronation ceremony, as depicted in the engraving by Gaspar Bouttats. [26] Pope Clement VIII lifted excommunication from Henry on 17 September 1595. Patrilineal descent governs membership and succession in many royal and noble houses. [20] The Parlement admonished Mayenne, as Lieutenant-General, that the Kings of France had resisted the interference of the Pope in political matters, and that he should not raise a foreign prince or princess to the throne of France under the pretext of religion. Matka Toulouse przeznaczyła pieniądze na budowę muzeum poświęconego artyście w Albi, miejscu urodzenia Henriego. Toulouse Lautrec miał opinię duszy Montmartre – dzielnicy paryskiej, w której mieszkał. The Pope excommunicated Henry and declared him devoid of any right to inherit the crown. At the time it was the longest edifice of its kind in the world. He was forced to live at the court of France, but he escaped in early 1576. He was assassinated in 1610 by François Ravaillac, a fanatical Catholic, and was succeeded by his son Louis XIII. Following his death Henry would be remembered fondly by most of the population. The conflict was not resolved until after the Thirty Years' War. [37], In 1606–07, Henry IV sent Arnoult de Lisle as Ambassador to Morocco to obtain the observance of past friendship treaties. His uncle, the future. Toulouse-Lautrec uznawany jest za genialnego artystę, mającego umiejętność obserwacji połączoną z wyjątkową sympatią i zrozumieniem dla współbliźnich. However, the populace was horrified and rose against him. This real concern for the living conditions of the "lowly" population—who in the final analysis provided the economic basis for the power of the king and the great nobles—was perhaps without parallel among the kings of France. Na początku lat 30. opracował plan gospodarczy pod nazwą „Het Plan De Man”, wzorujący się na Nowym Ładzie prezydenta USA Franklina Delano Roosevelta. He was raised Reformed by his mother Jeanne III of Navarre. Even before Henry's accession to the French throne, the French Huguenots were in contact with Aragonese Moriscos in plans against the Habsburg government of Spain in the 1570s. On 9 June 1572, upon his mother's death, the 19-year-old became King of Navarre.[9]. Mayenne was angered that he had not been consulted prior to this admonishment, but yielded, since their aim was not contrary to his present views. [3] Having faced much opposition during his reign, Henry gained more status after his death. [46][47] Hercule de Rohan, duc de Montbazon, was with him when he was killed; Montbazon was wounded, but survived. Po powrocie do Belgii został wiceprezydentem Belgijskiej Partii Robotniczej (Parti ouvrier belge, POB), a po śmierci dotychczasowego prezydenta Emile’a Vandervelde w 1938 roku objął jego funkcję. unitarystyczne) poglądy został represjonowany przez flamandzkich kolaborantów nazistowskich i przez hitlerowskie władze, po Wielkanocy 1941 roku, zabroniły mu one wystąpień publicznych.

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