Houston, TX 77030 This session will focus on climate impact of research and innovation projects contributing to achieving a climate neutral Europe by 2050. The discussion is extremely important also for EU policymakers, who face very important questions and challenges. Uno de los filmes más famosos de Sidney Lumet, realizado en un momento donde la crít... Hannah es bella, inteligente, buena madre y esposa. What is the uniqueness of EIC? At the same time, actions will help tackle social, economic and political inequalities, support human capital development and contribute to a comprehensive European strategy for inclusive growth. Or, will this become an opportunity to “build back better”, in more equitable, sustainable and resilient way? Capital, and Dealroom.co (more info: www.dealflow.eu). It will, in this way, make a major contribution to implementing the Recovery Package. A lo largo de los años 60, las producciones europeas que querían llegar a un gran público encontraron una nueva fórmula: copiar los estereotipos de los géneros típicamente yanquis que y... Amanda y Adán Bonner son un idílico matrimonio de abogados cuya paz conyugal se ve afectada cuando se enfrentan en el tribunal como fiscal y defensor en el mismo caso: el de una mujer acusada de disparar contra su marido y su amante. During this session, 3 of the Proof of Concepts developed in the framework of the EIC Planet.tech initiative will be jointly presented by the EIC startups and large corporations involved. Asqueada tras descubrir los verdaderos sentimientos de su marido, Charlotte sale corrien... La marquesa de Merteuil quiere vengarse de su amante y convence al seductor vizconde de Valmont para que le ayude. This session will focus on  regulatory barriers to innovation based on existing networks of regulatory sandboxes in Europe, national schemes for tackling regulatory barriers, experience of business accelerators, EU pilot innovation deals and the ambitions of Horizon Europe Missions for solving burning societal and environmental problems. Panellists will discuss the new priorities of the Commission, such as emerging challenges for the society resulting from the post-COVID-19 crisis, and the role of the innovation ecosystem in supporting economic recovery. In that respect, Horizon Europe will use the new corporate Model Grant Agreement (MGA), allowing for harmonisation across EU programmes and thus enabling synergies between programmes. Este drama político dirigido por Michael Ritchie (''El chico de oro'', ''Los ... Billy es un joven estadounidense a quien detienen y encierran en una durísima prisión de Turquía por intentar sacar hachís del país. Al final, consigue ser aceptado en el colegio y además inicia una relación amorosa con Diana, una chica ciega que no... Toby, un padre divorciado, y su hermano Tanner, un impulsivo expresidiario recién salido de la cárcel, pretenden realizar una serie de robos en pequeñas sucursales bancarias para poder salvar la granja familiar en el oeste de Texas. La ola mediática crecerá cuando se conozca la raz... En el otoño de 1965, Robert Kincaid, fotógrafo del National Geographic, se traslada a Madison, Iowa, para realizar un reportaje sobre sus famosos puentes. Finalists will then have the opportunity at the event to present their EU-funded innovation in a 3 minute pitch and outline the plans to get it to, or closer to, the market. El primero provoca una masacre en un poblado en la que Chris descubrirá la crueldad de la guerra y de muchos de sus compañeros.... Joe Gideon, un famoso coreógrafo y director de Broadway y Hollywood, vive una vida marcada por los excesos de todas clases. Europe’s academic sector plays a crucial part in Europe’s recovery and is a key actor in addressing digital and green transitions. EIT RIS, is EIT’s action for widening participation to its activities and the main EIT Community tool to strengthen the innovation capacity of Member States and Horizon 2020 Associated Countries with moderate or modest innovation capacity (according to the European Innovation Scoreboard). Yet, only a tiny share of industrial data is captured and used for value creation. The ERC session ‘COVID-19: frontier research in the spotlight’ aims to showcase examples demonstrating the added value of bottom-up frontier research in bringing innovative (and sometimes unexpected) solutions to the Covid-19 crisis, at short or medium-term. 8. In confirming its position as a global leader across education, research and innovation, Europe needs to put its collective knowledge to work. Open session where high-level speakers will deliver the political messages and present the Horizon 2020 European Green Deal Call. Retrouvez le programme tv complet de jeudi de votre chaine TMC - TéléObs This session will particularly focus on the current challenges for career development in EU priority areas such as digitalisation and green transition. To what extent the PMs objectives align with that of the entire EIC? common use cases, linking thematic clouds and the EOSC ecosystem, articulating the EOSC data space with other data spaces). ''La ventana indiscreta'' es uno de los f... Bill McKay, un abogado idealista dedicado a la defensa de los derechos civiles y de la ecología, opta a covertirse en senador demócrata de los Estados Unidos. At the end of May, the European Commission then adopted a massive recovery package anchored in Europe’s Green Deal. Bringing stakeholders together to shape future research and innovation policy. The session will include videos on more Pathfinder projects. The current pandemic might be the beginning of a new social and economic system for Europe. Horizon Europe brings a step change in fostering an institutional transformation and scientific excellence. The session will report Pathfinder beneficiaries experiences and success stories on how to support project results in the path from research to market. During this session panelists and participants will discuss how the European Innovation Council and its support for breakthrough and impactful innovations should differentiate Europe from other regions and make it a leader for next generation technologies and companies based on sustainability, digitalisation and deep tech. Circular feedback mechanism between the two arms of control will be reinforced, and more attention to fraud prevention and detection will be paid under the next MFF. La liste des suspects est longue. Tous les replays sur TMC. To fill the innovation gap among Member States many initiatives have already been launched under Horizon 2020. The opening Keynote speech by Prof. Jerzy Langer, EIC Pilot Advisory Board member, will explain the evolution of the FET programme into the EIC Pathfinder and its role in supporting innovation. Following the success of a first round of intense co-design activities with stakeholders and citizens, this session is part of a new round of interactive discussions focusing on the expected impacts of Cluster Health and the contribution of R&I for achieving them, including through European partnerships. Pero un día ve algo que le hace sospechar que uno de sus vecinos ha matado a su esposa. This will learn audience how investors perceive and judge applicants. RIs are a key element in the delivery of ERA connecting and boosting resources, people and data. En Parris Island, centro habitual de entrenamiento de la Marina norteamericana, se encuentra el duro sargento mayor de... Monty Brogan es condenado a siete años de prisión. The session will discuss the main novelties of the ERA communication including its contribution to build an excellent European R&I system for the benefit of all, and its new approach towards a wide outreach engaging all levels, MS, regions and citizens in this important endeavour. The importance of clean transport to keep EU citizens connected is also addressed. Participants will learn more on EC’s commitment to strengthen gender equality provisions in Horizon Europe, and to advance inclusive gender equality plans, as an eligibility criterion. Despite all simplification, funding based on reimbursement of incurred costs stays complex. It continues the high-level discussion in R&I Days last year on the new policy approach to Partnerships. The Western Balkans Agenda and its actions aim to set out a new positive and forward-looking vision for the region. Following on from the ESIR group Open Panel discussion, this breakout session will investigate the places and spaces and communities in Europe where work on transformative change, through innovation, is underway despite or even accelerated by the impact of COVID-19. Activities will contribute to expanding civic engagement, boosting transparency, accountability, inclusiveness and legitimacy of governance, improving levels of trust and tackling political extremism. Jane se rend à une réunion des anciens de son lycée en compagnie de Maura. The Session explores the role played by steel in transport and infrastructures, focusing on the production of 'Clean Steel' and fostering synergies between steel and transport sectors. Will this be a temporary reorganisation, or a permanent one, coupled with the repatriation of production? Decarbonising energy through using clean energy everywhere will be crucial to reach both 2030 and 2050 objectives. Biodiversity and ecosystems Su corazón le da un primer aviso en forma de infarto y los doctores le previenen de que si no cambia de actitud su cuerpo no aguantará más. The purpose of the session would be to present opportunities (arising from the EOSC partnership agenda towards Open Science and FAIR data management) and stimulate a future multilateral collaboration among partnerships (e.g. Il souffre d'amnésie. A discussion with stakeholders on the future valorisation policy updating the 2008 Recommendation on the management of IP in knowledge transfer activities and Code of Practice for universities and other public research organisations. Reaching 100 climate-neutral cities by 2030 is the objective identified by the Mission Board for Climate-neutral and Smart Cities in their interim report. Interactive panel discussion on the Horizon Europe Cities Mission, supplemented with perspectives on the Doughnut Economy model, citizen engagement and R&I in Europe and beyond. With active management EIC seeks to support projects all the way from idea inception to market deployment, and to do so with coherence across projects and with focus on the fastest possible route to delivering the technologies to the patient. Profitez gratuitement et en illimité de vos 5 chaînes télé préférées : TF1, TMC, TFX, TF1 Séries Films, LCI et de programmes exclusifs MYTF1. To keep our globalised world in balance, science powers such as China and the EU need to agree on a level playing field to conduct research, foster innovation and use the new technologies, joining forces to solve global challenges. En definitiva, es el pilar sobre el que se asienta su familia, sobre todo sus hermanas. With the outbreak and rapid spread of COVID-19 in the world, the importance of availability and exchange of data to better predict, model, control and cure diseases has become even more evident than before. How the corporate provisions will reinforce and enable simplification and synergies across the board? The session will showcase EIC Pathfinder projects results in biotech, health and medicine. Adaptación al cine de... Durante la guerra civil estadounidense, tres hombres se lanzan a la búsqueda de un tesoro de 200.000 dólares. Cathy en veut à Béatrice. Desea viajar y su sueño se hace realidad cuando es arrastrada por un torbellino mágico al mundo de Oz. The ACT program is a CPRIT funded accelerator launched in collaboration with the Gulf Coast Consortium (GCC) and the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) to support […] Dealflow.eu is a consortium comprising of Deloitte Digital Ventures, H.I. La verdad es que el experimento le funciona, porque engaña a todo el mundo y consigue un rol en un culebrón de la televisión que le convierte inmediatamente en una estrella. Starting from background and policy context, critical aspects of AI will be further discussed. The report, with input from scientific and policy literature and from experts including from the five participating KICs (EIT Digital, EIT Health, EIT Manufacturing, EIT Urban Mobility, and EIT Climate-KIC), identifies both general and sector specific concerns and opportunities for the further deployment of AI in Europe. Strengthening knowledge Looking at climate-driven R&I cooperation opportunities in the Mediterranean region, this session will investigate the international and geopolitical dimension of the European Green Deal, and the security dimension of climate change in the region. Uluslararası Türk Mikrobiyoloji Kongresi’ni 04 – 08 Kasım 2018 tarihleri arasında Starlight Otel & … Los ciudadanos no quieren intervenir en la Primera Guerra Mundial y luchan contra el poder central británico. The session will explore methods and products being developed for this purpose, notably in the context of InvestEU – the EU's proposed flagship investment programme to boost the European economy – and how the investment community is adapting to the sustainability challenge. Mientras Bill promete integridad y honradez, va descubriendo que en política todo está permitido y sólo el poder es lo que cuenta. EIC Accelerator joins forces with Wolves Summit to bring eight EIC-funded SMEs tackling COVID-19 pandemic to pitch their solutions in front of investors from nine different EU-countries, including representatives of Capricorn Partners, Hightech Grunderfonds, Industrifonden, Kurma Partners, Mustard Seed MAZE, Panakes Partners, Seroba Life Sciences, Sofinnova Partners and Ysios Capital. Encerrado en casa, empieza a mirar a sus vecinos a través de su ventana, cosa que le distrae de su reclusión. Join the conversation with frontrunners turning digitalization of R&I policy into a policy making booster. Bu yılki kongremizin bilimsel programında mikrobiyolojinin çeşitli alt alanlarına yine vurgu yapmaya çalışıyoruz. Being attractive to foreign researchers will automatically also imply being attractive to Europe’s own researchers from all geographical regions in Europe, as two sides of the same coin. The strategy document on Widening will serve as a background document for discussion. Transition activities under the EIC are aimed at turning promising results from basic research-funded projects into genuine technological or/and societal breakthroughs and disruptive innovations. Se casan, pero esta no se llevará bien con su cuñada. Pero sus personalidades son muy diferentes y el matrimonio acaba fr... Corre el año 1881 en Nuevo México y los tiempos están cambiando. Pero lo que todos ignoran es que la muchacha posee unos enormes poderes psíquicos. The future demands technologies which provide hosting and data processing capabilities to increasingly vast amounts of heterogeneous data in biomedicine, while at the same time computer systems must be energy efficient. The panel will discuss from a community perspective this new way of working and collaborating and discuss the state of play of the 120 selected projects, their ongoing partnerships and how things are progressing. • boosting innovation in support of the goals of the Green Deal and to capture new business opportunities for start-ups, SMEs and bçig companies. The Western Balkans are a strategic priority for the EU. Retrouvez le programme TV de TMC de ce jour et ne manquez plus vos émissions, séries TV, films, documentaires ou reportages. Où que vous soyez, quand vous le voulez, profitez du live et de près de 1000 nouvelles vidéos par semaine ! Industry for a clean and circular economy This workshop requires active participation from all participants: Co-organised with EIT Climate-KIC’s Transitions Hub & Deep Demonstrators team to collect ideas and foster a dialogue with a wide range of stakeholders on the potential of the Transition Super Labs and to act as living labs on the road to a just climate transition. Enric Claverol-Tinture is reponsible for the Medtech portfolio at EIC. 5. Speakers : Anna Panagopoulou, Cecilia Cabello, Thomas Scherngell, Michael Keenan, Speakers : Jean-Eric Paquet, Wolfgang Burtscher, Barna Kovacs, Fabio Fava, Christine Lang, Elisabetta Balzi, Speakers : John Bell, Mark A. Sutton, Chiara Manoli, Jannes Maes, Katja Klasinc, Speakers : Patrick Child, Lena Kitzing, Nicola Rossi, Sandrine Dixson-Declève, Speakers : John Bell, Edgar Hertwich, Catia Bastioli, Janez Potočnik, Petra Goyens, Ester Van der Voet, Speakers : John Bell, Johan Swinnen, Silke Thiele, Ana Moragues, Speakers : Victor Mougel, Joel Tickner, Jovana Milic, Peter Dröll, Saori Dubourg, Xenia Trier, Speakers : Barbara Caputo, Stefano Stramigioli, Ana Maria Stancu, Laure Le Bars, Speakers : Ioannis Kompatsiaris, Bernhard Schölkopf, Rita Cucchiara, Nuria Oliver, Michela Milano, Speakers : Alice Bah Kuhnke, Meredith Whittaker, Roger A. Søraa, Peter Dröll, Catelijne Muller, Speakers : Fabian Kohler, Thomas Hahn, Cécile Huet, Speakers : Peter Dröll, Lorena Boix Alonso, Slawek Tokarski, Matthias Petschke, Speakers : Gernot Marx, Lowri Evans, Sabine Klok, Paul Webb, Philippe Mengal, Speakers : Dominique Darmendrail, Sarah Jones, Thorsten Kiefer, Karel Luyben, Maria Reinfeldt, John Kalafut, Speakers : Anna Panagopoulou, Jamil Salmi, Gareth O'Neill, Stefan Weiers, Gerhard Duda, Per Michael Johansen, Delaure Stijn, Speakers : Signe Ratso, Laura González-Estéfani, Konstantin Kolloge, Nicoline Breed, Eric Ruwiel, William Todts, Julien Guerrier, Speakers : Jana Kolar, Katarzyna Walcyk-Matuszyk, Frank Peck, Speakers : Peter Dröll, Silvia Gomez Recio, Siobhan Horan, Michaela Mayrhofer, Renaud Dehousse, Speakers : Paul Ekins, Julien Guerrier, Mafalda Duarte, Speakers : Andrea De Candido, Jeanette Klonk, Gregory Mounier, Babak Akhgar, Michel Cadic, Speakers : Jean-Eric Paquet, Marcela Linková, Curt Rice, Speakers : John Bell, Pascal Lamy, Eugénia Barroca, Markus Reymann, Evelina Šanta-Kahle, James Honeyborne, Speakers : Maria da Graça Carvalho, Signe Ratso, Pascal Lamy, Anthony Zacharzewski, Liva Vikmane, Mariya Gabriel, VP Dubravka Šuica, Speakers : Markku Markkula, Lydia González Fernández, Yvon Slingenberg, Pirita Lindholm, Connie Hedegaard, Speakers : Jacopo Losso, Eugene Sweeney, Camille Lépinay, Jama Nateqi, Stéphane N’Dong, Speakers : Anna Panagopoulou, Wilfried Kraus, Olivier Waelbroeck, Antonio Rotolo, Speakers : Kurt Höller, Catherine Schreiber, Gioia Ghezzi, Marja Makarow, Sirli Sipp Kulli, Speakers : Jean-Eric Paquet, Marc Tachelet, Heidi Paju, Mathilde Reumaux, Alan Cross, Isabelle Vergara, Speakers : Sanja Damjanovic, Mikheil Chkhenkeli, Eric Meslin, Daniel Dufour, Mustafa Varank, Speakers : Hasan Mandal, Hagit Schwimmer, Zohra Lila Chabaane, Ruta Zarnauskaite, Speakers : Antonella Bongiovanni, Edvard Moser, Maria Goreti Ferreira Sales, Paolo Bergese, Seppo Vainio, Chiari Marcella, Marina Cretich, Marta Calderaro, Erich Prem, Speakers : Michael Ionita, Elena Poughia, Nuno Arantes-Oliveira, Eléonore Venin, Yrja Oftedahl, Corinne Versini, Irene Duyn, Liesa Siedentopp, Speakers : Diego Pavia, Kinga Stanislawska, Giacomo Mattino, Speakers : Ana Maiques, Mark Ferguson, Mali Baum, Clivia Sotomayor Torres, Osnat Michaeli, Speakers : Kurt Mehlhorn, Daria Mochly-Rosen, Elsa Papadopoulou, Tobias Kippenberg, Filippo Bosco, Jean-Eric Paquet, Mark Ferguson, Speakers : Jean David Malo, Cristina Silva Pereira, Dermot Diamond, Joanna Roberts, Paolo Dario, Speakers : Marta Calderaro, Johannes Heitz, Emmanuel Stratakis, Iordanis Arzimanoglou, Sarah Kiehne, Speakers : Kurt Höller, Catherine Schreiber, Gioia Ghezzi, Marja Makarow, Sirli Sipp Kulli, Salvatore Amico-Roxas, Hub 9 : European Institute of Innovation & Technology, Speakers : Antoaneta Angelova-Krasteva, Elena Bou, Kirsten Dunlop, Andy Zynga, Bernd Schäfer, Speakers : Viviane Hoffmann, Rob Smeets, Andrea Ferrari, Frank Gielen, Fernanda Bajanca, Speakers : Vincenzo Cerullo, Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia, Meike Bartels, Magdalena Skipper, Sunetra Gupta, Speakers : Signe Ratso, Anna Panagopoulou, Speakers : Paulo Ferrão, Oliver Varhelyi, Jana Kolar, Indrek Reimand, Mariya Gabriel, Speakers : Kate Raworth, Sandrine Dixson-Declève, Stéphanie Kelton, Carlota Perez, Mariana Mazzucato, Maria Demertzis, Mariya Gabriel, Speakers : Prof. Robbert Dijkgraaf, Prof. Ewine van Dishoek, Sir Christopher Pissarides, Mariya Gabriel, Sir Peter Ratcliffe, Prof. Jennifer Doudna, Speakers : Anna Panagopoulou, Wilfried Kraus, Helena Pereira, Tomaz Boh, Marc Schiltz, Speakers : Jean-Eric Paquet, Jan Palmowski, Michael Murphy, Sylvie Retailleau, Peter Greisler, Themis Christophidou, Speakers : Bernard Rentier, Eva Méndez, Rebecca Lawrence, Jeroen Geurts, Kostas Glinos, Speakers : Dietrich Nelle, Davide Iannuzzi, Peter Dröll, Ciegotura Justyna, Speakers : Barbara Prainsack, Peter Piot, Paul Nurse, Renzo Tomellini, Pearl Dykstra, Carrie Wolinetz, Speakers : Pavel Podruh, Christiane Egger, Paul Cartuyvels, Hélène Chraye, Speakers : Maria da Graça Carvalho, Kjersti Kleven, Peter Dröll, Tommaso Ghidini, Mario Caldonazzo, Speakers : John Bell, Josefina Enfedaque, Daisy Hessenberger, Stephen Hart, Anne Larigauderie, Paul Hebert, Hilde Eggermont, Elizabeth Maruma Mrema, Speakers : Patrick Child, Herald Ruijters, Thierry Hours, Alan McKinnon, Grazia Vittadini, Speakers : Jean-Eric Paquet, John Bell, Silvia Abad, Bernd Biervert, Victoria Beaz Hidalgo, Victoria Beaz Hidalgo, Speakers : Endika Bengoetxea, Natasa Pržulj , David Atienza Alonso, Giovanni Felici, Speakers : Niklas Blomberg, Milan Petković, Anett Madi-Nator, Helen Johnson, Ceri Thompson, Speakers : Gry Hasselbalch, Nicky Hekster, Janosch Delcker, Siobhan O'Sullivan, Speakers : Sandrine Dixson-Declève, Francisca Martins, Kirsten Dunlop, Céline Charveriat, Pierre-Alexandre Balland, Andrea Renda, Speakers : Patrick Child, Michael Hübel, Christoph Hoeschen, Said Abousahl, Elena Righi Steele, Hildegarde Vandenhove, Elisabeth Cardis, Irene Norstedt, Speakers : Katja Reppel, Bianca Busuioc, Andrea Filippetti, Pascale Lievaux, Michael Sondermann, Ann Uustalu, Luca Lixi, Maria Kayamanidou, Harald Hartung, Frank Siebern Thomas, Speakers : Paul Webb, Philippe Mengal, Ann Mettler, Bart Biebuyck, Speakers : Hilde Eggermont, Henric Johnson, Àngels Orduña, Darja Isaksson, Janez Potočnik, Speakers : Francisca Martins, Céline Charveriat, Daria Tataj, Sylvia Schwaag Serger, Francesca Bria, Speakers : Andrea Renda, Uma Amara Rani, Erik Berglof, Jennifer Bair, Pierre-Alexandre Balland, Speakers : Kirsten Dunlop, Tomaz Boh, Santiago Saura, Montserrat Mir Roca, Enrique Lopez, Frederik Moch, Piotr Masłowski, Xabier Barandiaran, Speakers : Teresa Pinto-Correia, Bastien Sachet, Alfred Grand, Wolfgang Burtscher, Mariana Debernardini, Speakers : John Bell, Pascal Lamy, Eimear Manning, Genevieve Pons, Peter Heffernan, Darko Manakovski, Charlina Vitcheva, Viorel Vulturescu, Speakers : Jean-Eric Paquet, Mohamed Ridouani, Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz, Kate Raworth, Lina Galvez, Speakers : Dinos Alevizopoulos, Peter Haertwich, Speakers : Anna Panagopoulou, Annika Thies, Erik Hansalek, Reinhard Schulte, Victoria Gil Casado, Speakers : Karina Angelieva, Anna Panagopoulou, Līga Lejina, Cornelia Schneider, Carmen Castresana, Speakers : Anna Panagopoulou, Gerrie Smits, Elke Lammertyn, Thomas Gageik, Speakers : Anna Panagopoulou, Andreja Kutnar, Magda De Carli, Nicola De Michelis, Stavroula Poulou, Karl Soukup, Monica Barni, Speakers : Jean-Eric Paquet, Janka Oertel, Charlotte Roule, Yutao Sun, Gu Xingfa, Speakers : Sethuraman Panchanathan, Maria Cristina Russo, Michael Makanga, Stefania Giannini, Speakers : Heidi Kakko, Dietmar Harhoff, Jean David Malo, Mark Ferguson, Gioia Ghezzi, Speakers : Felicitas Riedl, Odile Duvaux, Tuomas Tenkanen, José Castillo, Vilma Radvilaite, Pierre Kemula, Speakers : Jerzy Langer, Anxo Sanchez, Paul Lukowicz, Stefano Battiston, Emanuela Merelli, Speakers : Simone Brummelhuis, Mali Baum, Kinga Stanislawska, Shiva Dustdar, Keith Sequeira, Bindi Karia, Speakers : Giorgio Chiarion Casoni, Stéphane Ouaki, Guido Moret, Tomasz Kozlowski, Benedicte Kariger, Ian Cochran, Aldo Romani, Speakers : Sille Pettai, Grzegorz Ambroziewicz, Raycho Raychev, Magda De Carli, Kinga Stanislawska, Speakers : Emma Nehrenheim, Eline Stiphout, Nuno Quental, José Pinheiro, Pål Bergan, Yun Luo, José Maria Pinilla, Speakers : Sandra Van Vlierberghe, Valeria Nicolosi, Cristina Fonseca, Judit Cubedo, Anita Krohn Traaseth, Magdalena Jander, Luisa Prista, Speakers : Rachel Armstrong, Clivia Sotomayor Torres, Cecilia Laschi, Speakers : Céline Saint Olive, Louis Potel, Myriam Martin, Isa-Maria Bergman, Elisa Frenz, Bertrand Wert, Francois Bizard, Angela Russo, Speakers : Ana Maiques, Antonio Carbone, Isabel Obieta, Timo Hallantie, Bo Svarrer Hansen, Pascale Augé, Speakers : Willem Jonker, Klaus Beetz, Jan-Philipp Beck, Gareth Macnaughton, Federico Menna, Speakers : Karina Angelieva, Maria da Graça Carvalho, Gonçalo Amorim, Martin Kern, Phoebe Koundouri, Brian Maguire, Karel Haegeman, Speakers : Kostas Nikolopoulos, Tony Lockett, Anna Davies, Kate Morris, Erik Van Sebille, Speakers : Janez Lenarčič, Jean-Eric Paquet, Mariya Gabriel, Speakers : Jean-Eric Paquet, Mariya Gabriel, Speakers : Mariya Gabriel, Jean David Malo, Diego Pavia, Martin Kern, Themis Christophidou, Gioia Ghezzi, Willem Jonker, Mark Ferguson, Jean-Eric Paquet, Kirsten Dunlop, Speakers : Mariya Gabriel, Maria da Graça Carvalho, Radovan Fuchs, Gareth O'Neill, Sari Lindblom, Jean-Marc Ogier, Speakers : Peter Piot, Mariya Gabriel, Irene Norstedt, Soumya Swaminathan, Speakers : Jean-Eric Paquet, Samantha Cristoforetti, Speakers : EVP Margrethe Vestager, Mariya Gabriel, Cristian-Silviu Bușoi, Anja Karliczek, Jean-Eric Paquet, Speakers : Anna Panagopoulou, Ludovic Thilly, Gareth O'Neill, Antoaneta Angelova-Krasteva, Romana Jordan, Luisa Henriques, Speakers : John Womersley, Yannis Ioannidis, Jean-Eric Paquet, Karina Angelieva, Speakers : Nadja Adamovic, Yanaris Ortega Garcia, Peter Dröll, Michela Magas, Javier Sanfelix, Speakers : Alice Grazia, Paola Salomoni, Iker Martínez de Soria, Julia Anderson, Alexander Riedl, Speakers : Jean-Eric Paquet, Peter Dröll, Pierre Vigier, Daniela Benavente, Frédéric Simon, Patrizia Heidegger, Rutger Hoekstra, Roman Arjona, Mario Biggeri, Speakers : Barbara Prainsack, Isabelle Barthès, Xabier Goenaga, George Tilesch, Anne K. Fahlvik, Speakers : Duncan Cass-Beggs, Nikos Kastrinos, Peter Varnai, Sylvia Schwaag Serger, VP Maroš Šefčovič, Fabiana Scapolo, Florence Gaub, Speakers : Olivier De Schutter, Philippe Martin, Speakers : Gualtiero W. Ricciardi, Véronique Trillet-Lenoir, Christine Chomienne, Ivica Belina, Veronika Von Messling, Mikko Viitanen, Eva-Maria Strömsholm, Irene Norstedt, Speakers : Julio Lumbreras, Emmanuel Forest, Shiva Dustdar, Francoise Guaspare, Speakers : Anna Panagopoulou, Andres Martinez, Nicola Viebig, Raimund Bröchler, Vincent Declerfayt, Speakers : Karina Angelieva, Marian Piecha, Anna Panagopoulou, Dirk Beckers, Jana Valkova, Michael Schaller, Speakers : Martin Lodge, Signe Ratso, Joelle Grogan, Christian Lahusen, Brigid Laffan, Jan Wouters, Ides Nicaise, Sergio Salvatore, Speakers : Koichi Akaishi, Paulo Ferrão, Jean-François Soussana, Amanda Eichel, Iris Wieczorek, Michinari Hamaguchi, Kazuhiro Chiba, Jean-Eric Paquet, Speakers : Sanja Damjanovic, Atanas Kochov, Jovan Despotovski, Viktor Nedovic, Martin Kern, Mariya Gabriel, Florensa Haxhi, Speakers : Markus Holzer, Bernhard Kreymann, Remberto Martis, Wolfgang Künnecke, Gerry McCauley, Cliff Ansel, Julie Sufana, Jan Bernlöhr, Diana Rucinschi, Catherine Schreiber, Ricarda Finnern, Speakers : Viorel Peca, Manuel Noya, Mariette DiChristina, Speakers : Christoph Kuhn, Hauser Hermann, Kerstin Bock, Kerstin Jorna, Jean David Malo, Mariya Gabriel, Speakers : Klaus Welte, Enrique Claverol-Tinture, Carl Van Himbeeck, Speakers : Iordanis Arzimanoglou, Anton Ussi, Jo Bury, Halina Novak, Jeremy Laurent, Speakers : Manuel Mendigutia, Oana Popescu, Cesar Velilla, Bram Keteleer, Fabien Donze, Simon Bosschieter, Lucresse Van Wonterghem, Matthew Van Niekerk, Yousef Yousef, Jim Snabe, Speakers : Martin Theyer, Angele Giuliano, Céline Saint Olive, Jose A. Martinez, Unai Zorriqueta, Jean-François Perrin, Martin Bothe, Jasper Hemmes, Speakers : Michela Magas, Muriel Attané, Fredrik Hörstedt, Speakers : Sini Simpura, Michael Krisch, Marja Makarow, Fabienne Gautier, Jonathan Wareham, Cinzia Da Via, Speakers : Katharina F. Heil, Mostafa Moonir Shawrav, Jeroen Van Lent, Claire Morel, Speakers : Véronique Perdereau, Carlos Rich, Márton Herczeg, Janusz Janczukowicz, Patrick Prendergast, Brian Maguire, Speakers : Søren Barlebo Rasmussen, Frede Blaabjerg, Dag Rune Olsen, Maria Blasco, Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, Karin Roelofs, Follow the European Commission on social media.

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