But let’s not overlook Hjørdis. A lonely Rita starts hanging out with Rosa. she tried really hard not to, but she wasn’t able to shake the reputation she had as a teen, and the people around her refused to let her try. The only one who can do it is you. It would be great. I appreciate your fine analysis of Rita’s character. US public education was, for years, a place where authoritarian teachers could act on their prejudices without consequence. Which Rita are we seeing? I saw it as a penance at first. I only discovered it by chance a few weeks ago and have spent some toe-curlingly happy nights watching it. Really loved this season. I grew up in the 80’s Denmark so I enjoyed looking back to her school. Jeppe learns Ole is going to propose to Camilla. That she turned out to be empathetic and kind to her students was pretty amazing, too. She is a teacher and my youngest daughter is studying to be one. Having said that, am I the only one who misses Rasmus? I don’t understand why Rasmus would choose her. When a school talent show forces Rita to re-evaluate her uncompromising relationship to truth, she realizes she's been doing some lying of her own. One of my favorite shows ever, I’m glad the plot leaves room for a season 5. I guess if you have to have an earworm, you could do worse than have Rita’s bouncy tune in your head. For a lot of time I don’t find parents and their children believable or young and present characters is done this good in general. Or, should the money people in Denmark and at Netflix decide to give us more, it could be the beginning of a whole new adventure. Mille Dinesen and Tessa Hoder are so convincingly one person. We know about her children, her grandchildren, her marriages, her affairs, her commitment to kids and education. Season 4 fills in gaps from her early life. Rita reluctantly takes a new job at the school she attended as a teen in her hometown, where she runs into an old classmate who is less than welcoming. We see why she is angry about her parents, why she makes her own rules. I know there are aspects of the Danish welfare state that many Americans can’t understand, but Rita really shows the love that a teacher can have for her students. I’ve adored this character thru all 3 series and Mille Dinesen is brilliant! Christian Torpe was head writer. This is fiction, but we all have the opportunity to forgive ourselves by getting a good picture of our former selves and our reactions to events at the time, that shaped us. The biggest impact this show had for me was learning about the Welfare state society and frankly I find it very attractive to my own philosophical mind. When one of Rita's first-graders doesn't want to take a turn bringing home "Sharebear," the class teddy bear, she visits his home to find out why. How the decisions she’s made throughout her life have brought her to this point and that despite her stubborn, fiercely independent persona, she’s really just been desperate to be loved. It was deeply emotional, heartwarming, and a brilliant resolution to the story of Rita that we have been privileged to see so far. I found your review of Rita while searching for information on Tessa Hoder. 1. Rita didn’t appreciate Hjørdis and her efforts to look after her, be a friend, be a support. Just finished watching it. Molly gets a job at a hospice. Ole reveals to Jeppe that he's met someone else — whom his grandmother approves of. She’s taken back to the same streets and houses where pivotal events in her life took place. Rita was too complicated a character for any of the shows followers to think her denouement would be finding a new teaching job or finding some other happiness for her to live in. Huge props to Tessa Hoder – a magnificent, transcendent performance as 15-16year old Rita. Best season of Rita ever. There is the story that was told about the facts. “Welfare” has been given a bad name because of spin that it is abused by “takers”. We can “go back” to the “house” of our memories and put things in order so we can get unstuck. And with some obvious flaws, she became just that. But I got the impression that if conditions were right they might make an exception for this one particular person. I honestly thought I was the only person who loved Rita so much – every aspect of it, from script to casting to production to performance. Even if they were, it was amazing acting by both of them. Your comparison and contrast with Orphan Black is spot on. there was a part of me that hoped they would reconcile. I hope there is a season 5, but if there’s not, I’m content with where it stands, and that is another feat in itself! Tessa Hoder should have a great career ahead of her, she does an amazing job of capturing the old Rita’s mannerisms. I am so glad that I discovered Rita on Netflix! What a pleasure to read your review and share the delight in this coup. That’s a true friend. WEIRD… or am i crazy? In the end, Lea’s Mom proves to be the one she can’t count on, and fuels Rita’s self doubt and lack of faith in herself. Hjørdis helps a student face a fear. I mean we already KNOW Rita is damaged, so her acting out is to be expected. I’ve read many of you hoped for a season 5 and I can enlighten you that’s it premiering here in Denmark on Monday. The casting is great. Her vitality and good humour had turned sour, her optimism and originality were becoming roleplat, and she was becoming something of a tragic figure. I think this whole series has the best casting I’ve seen to date. Most of them were unkind on Rita’s part. Rita and Hjørdis had several confrontations. Season 4 of Rita, the Danish series created by Christian Torpe, is finally available on Netflix US. I’m very much excited. The constant motif in Rita’s life in past seasons has been bad decisions and irresponsible choices. But Hjørdis speaks the deeper truths — you have to face what you fear. I could spend many more years with her. A problem student goes on a destructive rampage, Hjørdis makes progress with her second graders, and a man from Rita's past shows up. rasmus was really good for her, and it was sad to watch her destroy that relationship. Of course, there are good reasons and bad for this . Great acting and great ending. Written and directed by a Canadian Mark Raso, the male lead is English Gethin Anthony (he does an amazing job of portraying an American from New York), but the female lead is Danish, Frederikke Dahl Hansen, another great Danish actress. The whole thing about Rita is that she is so emotionally immature, constantly refusing to take responsibility for those around her, and over the years it has become clear that this persona was slowly killing her. Rita, who hates cooking, struggles to fill in as a home economics teacher. while she seemed to hold the old friendship with lea very close to her heart, thirty years had passed and all those memories were just that…memories. Watching the show transform into other nationalities has been so much fun – and so weird.”. The school is in danger of closing, but is hiring new teachers. Tessa Holder is fantastic! Lea’s mom strikes you as the good supportive teacher, soft and supportive. I have seen Season 4 up to episode 6. Aside from everything that has already been said here (and I fully agree with), I think both Rita and Lea would like to be the other and that both lifes have their pros and cons. Rita finds drugs at school, but the accused student points Rita in the direction of her own son, Jeppe. Rita protects a troubled kid with ADHD from vandalism charges but forgets to fight for her own son when he's the victim of hate crime bullying. Mille Dinesen, Lise Baastrup, Carsten Bjørnlund. (Spoilers) I just finished Season 4, and in addition to agreeing with all the compliments above, I was really struck by the opposing roles the two teachers had in young Rita’s life. But as the story weaves on, you see that the old guy was right from the start, that she didn’t need to be coddled. My autocorrect is drunk lol. We are in a fight over the role of government, and the meaning of democracy. This was the best season of Rita ever. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Hot topic, Mark. I know I’m late, but I’m doing some research on different Rita reviews because I’m writing a review on the upcoming season 5 of Rita starting on Monday June 1st. In Season 2, Rita decides to commit to her relationship with Rasmus, hoping it will help her grow up and make her more "normal.". Dear Merry, Rita agrees to act as temporary headmaster in Helle's absence, and Hjørdis and Uffe face an important decision regarding their relationship. One of the most interesting character traits about Rita is that she became an adult and a job that will affect the future in insurmountable ways by The Impressions she makes and the contributions through the art of teaching young people. Release year: 2012. When Rita takes over a second-grade theater production, her own life story begins to blend with the fairy tale the kids are playing out. An adventurous and lovable team of clever young creatures play, grow, laugh, learn and sing together in colorful Zoo York City. And Lea was married to a man. Hjørdis (Lise Baastrup) convinced her husband Uffe (Kristoffer Fabricius) that they should move to the same town as Rita with their infant son. Enter your email address to receive notifications of new posts by email. In season 4, Rita returns to the town where she grew up. The gruff old Social Studies teacher immediately seems like a bully. Highly rec. Season 4 was very deep and quite unexpected. I see there’s a Hjordis spin off. Wow. And as I am from the Netherlands: can someone from the US enlighten me on what “Danish Welfare State” are odd/uncommon from an American perspective? Everyone, but everyone, was convincing and totally believable. Parents that gives you beer before a party and expect that is the only alcohol we would drink I, The paid shirt represents safety for Rita. There were subplots involving the needs of the students and the efforts to keep the school open. Europeans have a much different outlook on strong friendships, and it was displayed beautifully here. I’m glad we didn’t see Rita shag every man in the place, but this was definitely deep. Don’t ask me why they changed the name, I couldn’t tell you. A heartbroken Jeppe returns home. Canadian schools are not like this at all either, but as a teacher, I recognize many students. Being in her home town brings back memories of her youth for Rita. I’ve forgotten how smoke filled teachers lounches was. The cinematography was beautiful in every way, actually. I absolutely felt that, too. Progressives would like to see a system such as this (maybe not high taxes, but an efficient system), because they believe that citizens have a right to access quality education and healthcare. Meanwhile, Helle faces evaluation by her peers. Inspired by local politics, Rita holds an election in her class. She is one of the best characters ever created. I really enjoyed this season. And now it’s over… Like most of you, I feel emotionally invested in Rita! The touching scenes in Rita are absolutely beautiful and sometimes the mannerisms etc of the Danish throw us off as Americans, but overall an A+ job. Even if mama decided to bring sister with her to whereever she went (which wouldn’t make much sense since she’s supposedly looking for freedom) one would still expect 1985 Rita to talk about her, but not a word in the entire season. Rita reports to a new boss, takes a destructive student under her wing and faces living alone. BTW, the kid’s parents had money. I just finished watching the last episode. Not that. Some conservatives are working to privatize education, favoring what they term “freedom of choice” but hiding inequality. Overcome by stress, Helle asks Rita to become the school's temporary headmaster, and Hjørdis's class celebrates Saint Lucy's day with style. Uffe gets a job at the school, but it sparks conflict with Hjørdis. It was something more than platonic friendship, and important to both of them. It's sports day, and Helle wants to protect the losers from having an upsetting experience -- but Rita takes up the struggle for the right to win. The shooting and editing keep us guessing as we’re going into so many scenes: is this the present or past? The writing, direction, and storyline have evolved beautifully and with the return to Rita’s childhood in series 4 – so many questions answered as to who Rita is. Keep this series going. But all hell breaks loose when Rosa realizes that Rita was the one her dad was having an affair with. I can tell you that teaching in America is nothing like teaching in Denmark. Rita "lends" her own grandchild to a pregnant girl in her class in an attempt to convince her to get an abortion, but the plan backfires. The perfect way to end the show, should they decide to. Bjarne can't bear to break the bad news to his staff and becomes self-destructive. Their feelings for each other grew intense once again. Thanks for reading and for your thoughtful comment. I thought the same thing as I was watching but didn’t mention it in the review. Jeppe learns Ole is still in the closet. It’s easy not to take Hjørdis seriously, because she’s so goofy, and we tend to agree that Rita has a firmer grip on how the world works. I wondered, too. When I heard they were planning on making an American version my first thought was how? It felt fresh and necessary, and although the dual timeline could have easily been a boring gimmick, it was so well done. There was lots of noise from fans begging for more. After many years as an educator and writer, Virginia retired from working life. Rita even lived at Lea’s house for a time. I would like to see another season. Please, please have a season 5. I’m all the more impressed with the work she did as 1985 Rita. It was deeply emotional, heartwarming, and a brilliant resolution to the story of Rita that we have been privileged to see so far. If I’m not mistaken the Hjørdis spin off was made before her husband was introduced in Rita. These are real tools that can be used by anyone. I mean we know Rita is emotionally damaged, and we could speculate why based on things we’ve already been told about, but the pain she suffered when her father rejected her, and then her new family with Lea was hard to watch. Old Rita is gone kids. Again I praise the writing and directing and cinematography stitching Rita’s life stages together. We can’t change the facts, but we can change the narrative to include other perspectives. Being forced to examine her past helped her accept her mistakes – some of which were huge – and forgive herself. Hjørdis even got a job at the same school as Rita. A bomb threat scares the whole school -- except Rita. Just finished watching it. She’s flawless in this role. But why is the other party not as much (OR ENTIRELY) to blame? She's always loved a good movie or TV show and wants to use her free time to talk about them with you now. But as the episodes rolled by they took up their old friendship. A desperate rabbit rallies an unexpected band of allies to help him escape from inside a magician's hat and return to the human boy he loves. Backstory just made me feel closer to this character and want more. It would have to be an entirely different show. lea ended up being a real jerk after all. Followers receive the “I finally understand her” moment when we see what she did to mess up what little happiness she did have. All the fans of this show should watch the movie “Copenhagen” which is also on Netflix. Not Danish produced but shot almost entirely in Copenhagen. An old flame re-enters Rita's life. My wife is British and I am American. For the first time in her life, Rita has gone down for the count, but she has to rediscover her fighting spirit when Erik strikes a student. I assumed she was older and already gone, but couldn’t remember if that was ever specified. The final scenes blew me away. Good decision, Netflix. Uffe tries to avoid Pil. You have to forgive yourself. I’ve been looking for more information about Tessa Holder and frankly, I can’t find a thing about her. Sadly it’s not always about the viewers opinions. Jeps. Rita's fourth graders come down with head lice, and she decides to delouse them herself. Torpe has penned series five as well but the director is still Lars Kaalund. Based on Leigh Bardugo's Grishaverse novels. When Rasmus dressed-down Jeppe’s biological father as “undeserving of such a wonderful son,” that character had me for good. I don’t know if you read my interview with Christian Torpe about season 4, but one of the things he said was, “As for Sam and Tessa – they are remakes of Rita! Either that, or she was a very accomplished actor who had studied Mille’s footage for months. And I was glad Hjørdis followed along for continuity – and because she’s a great character! Maybe the school combines with the Nursing home setting and Rita continues to know her self through interactions with her students and the very old and wise. It was a great season that filled in a lot of blanks and answered a lot of questions. I thought the same thing and finally decided she must have been with the mother. She knows her friend is troubled, and she stays by her side, even though she is rebuffed. We love watching shows in the native language and this season of Rita was great. People would just stash alcohol in bushes and hedges near by. There was nothing at all to suggest that in the writing. I personally could have enjoyed watching Rita evolve Evermore but understand the factors involved when producers decide whether or not to continue a show. I am fan of Rita and i enjoyed the Hjordis spin off. A new student who leads the other pupils in a school strike reminds Rita why she became a teacher. Lea invites Rita to join her family for dinner, echoing a day in 1985 when teenage Rita had dinner with Lea's parents and was called to Lea's rescue. The question in everyone’s mind is when will it reach the US and Netflix? I was impressed with them, too. The two young actresses did a top notch job as well as Rita and Lea as the grown-up versions did. Rita so wanted what Lea had in terms of family and Lea longed for some of Rita’s strength and brash courage. I thought she might continue to wear plaid because of the heartache she caused Lea. Refreshing, wonderful stuff. I don’t think I’ve ever felt that way about a season finale before! A student in Rita's class falls hopelessly in love with her at the same time that her own first love, Tom, reappears in her life at a family baptism. « Roleplat » should have read “roleplay”. I recently got hooked on SKAM (dailymotion.com) — another very impressive series (out of Norway) that is about to be remade in the US. Rita and Lea were best friends in high school. Where that leads her in the last episode was a fitting and satisfying conclusion. So often you will find flashbacks in movies or series and the younger version of a character will attempt to have some resemblance with the main character in the ‘now’, but seldomly as good as Tessa Holder did. This means that for instance the Danish health and educational systems are free. There has to be more, please! A young Holocaust denier creates a stir at Hjørdis and Rita's school. Personally, I love Rita. Hopefully all of you’ll get to see the end to Rita’s journey very soon because season 5 will be the shows last. Finesse in costuming tops it off, and smart-but-sensitive writing makes it solid. The final scene was amazing, I loved that they both went back inside the house together and shut the door as if Rita knew that being back in her old house and completely transforming it would be the best way for Rita to forgive herself for her past mistakes and the safest place to evolve into a new “Rita”. Nope. My impression of the two Ritas was that the casting and acting were so skillful you forget that it is two actors playing Rita. I agree, it was sad. I loved your review and share your feelings about Season 4. Sinister forces plot against a young soldier when she reveals a magical power that might unite her world. Can’t wait for Season 5! Her portrayal really does make two people appear to be one. The principal Bjarne (Ole Lemmeke) wants to keep it open. There are the facts of what happened. i’m really glad that hjordis stayed by her side, even after all the crap rita put her through. The two Ritas were flawless as one person. I smells like we may have a “young Rita spin off, So an American remake would have to adapt to American style schooling, but the lead character could still be a rebel and a rule breaker. Rita was in a good place that made sense for her. i also missed a lot of the characters from the previous season, and kind of hoped rita would end up back in her old town with her old job and house back. But I knew by the end of the season, Rita and Hjørdis would mend themselves, and they did. The first problem student Rita dealt with in the new job was Allan (Albert Reffelt Dalum). I’m so glad I found your blog. I’ve been a teacher for about 50 years if you add up all the different kinds of teaching I’ve done. I’m glad you brought up the two teachers. Healthcare is muddied by an insurance system that is tied somewhat to employment (hospitals are paid by the procedures they perform, and drugs are commodities — costs are rising out of control). Rita struggles to process her overwhelming feelings of guilt. In previous seasons Rita talks with her sis about how their mum left them both, but when we get to know young Rita no sign of her. I missed Rasmus as well, and had difficulty with the Helle storyline. I liked the very subtle glow and softness of the transitions to the past. I’ll take this season as the conclusion because self forgiveness is a hard sell since its being done on so many shows these days but I’m glad it ended this way. Just a wonderful show. Like others, I came to this wonderful post by searching for information on Tessa Hoder — I was sure that she and Mille Dinesan must be related. One episode left of series five to be aired here in DK and I don’t want to give too much away but yes Rasmus is back. The ending was fantastic. My gf is from Denmark and also a teacher and recommended the show. Taxation is seen as something citizens need “relief” from rather than how we pay for things we share or hold in common. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Jeppe goes on a Tinder date. Bjarne says he can fix anything, even a school about to be closed. I agree with everyone here. Rasmus meets someone on Tinder. Agree with almost all the comments. I’d like to share with you another excellent series (out of Norway) which is about to be re-made for US audiences but is available (with subtitles) online: Skam (Shame). If we get season 5, that would be great; but if not it would be ok. You can’t top this. You know, I think I did hear something about that a year or two ago. She’s one person, consistent in outlook, mannerisms, and personality across her lifetime. Based on true events. Jeppe's ex unexpectedly returns. Didn’t Lea’s dad take off his plaid shirt and put it over her shoulders when she was kicked out of their house? - Old Ain't Dead, What the Constitution Means to Me is relevant, must watch TV - Old Ain't Dead, Review: John Leguizamo’s Latin History for Morons, What the Constitution Means to Me is relevant, must watch TV, Review: Darkness: Those Who Kill (Den som dræber – Fanget af mørket). The whole punch bowl spiking I didn’t think was all that danish though. Rita: Season 4 (Trailer) Rita: Season 2 (Trailer) Rita: Season 3 (Trailer) Rita: Season 1 (Trailer) Episodes Rita. According to IMDb, this is Tessa Hoder’s first acting job. Fearing retribution, a Republican from the Spanish Civil War hides in his home for more than 30 years with the help of his wife. Not always, but at times he seemed to be really centered, mature, and healthy. I’ll give it a try. I loved Hjordis and Uffe’s relationship too. Finding a place to live and to call home were themes affecting both Rita and Hjørdis. Uffe meets a kindred spirit. It’s a tough job, but it’s rewarding, too. At first Lea wanted nothing to do with Rita as an adult. I once had a principal insist I give an A to a student who “wrote” a paper by printing out articles from the Internet. Independent, outspoken and adored by her students, schoolteacher Rita fares less well with adults in this comedy-drama from Denmark. View all posts by Virginia DeBolt. The characters are engrossing, and there are so, so few truly great series with complex, real characters. Thanks for this perspective. So, it could signify several things: it would be recognizable by Lea’s mom if Rita wore it to school (passive-aggressive payback); it was the scrap of comfort that she would use to stoke her resilience (like Linus’ blanket in Peanuts); it had become a crutch; a cover for her naked vulnerability…. If we can step back, we can understand that former self and give them, in our minds, the resources they needed at the time to make better choices. Helle hires a motivational coach for the students. When season 3 ended it seemed the end. She often tried to get Hjørdis to leave her alone. In a similar vein, I thought it was odd Hjordis’ husband was completelh missing from her spin off. Rita’s Journey via the screen both amused and intrigue me to think deeply about not only the characters and their experiences but my own life. There is our reaction to the story. Ricco's father-in-law turns out to be Rita's high school sweetheart. Rita tries to keep the police in the dark when Hjørdis decides on the perfect item to bury in a time capsule: marijuana. The way season 4 ended could be considered the end. The writers weather intentionally or not show the viewers that no matter where a person comes from their future is in their hands. To try to save the school from closure, the staff organizes a fundraiser, including a play by Hjørdis's class with Allan in the lead role. They seem to be completely different people. Thank you! Ik fully agree with your comment. Switching from one time period to another happened effortlessly. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Recommended Foreign Language Films and TV Series - Old Ain't Dead, Interview with Marie Østerbye, season 5 writer and showrunner for Rita - Old Ain't Dead, Review: What Happened Miss Simone? Without standing out as gimmicky the shots and cuts help meld the two actors, in our minds. She was beyond amazing. Tak for a great show. Not crazy. The societies, especially around education are nothing alike? if there is another season, i will def watch, because i feel emotionally invested in rita. She wanted to unlatch Hjørdis from her side so she could spend time with Lea. That is what I appreciated most in all four seasons. Rita finds porn on Jeppe's computer and fears he'll share what she knows firsthand is a destructive relationship to sex. A politically incorrect teacher sees her life take an unexpected turn when the man who was her high school sweetheart comes back on the scene. Then we can move forward with our lives and tell a better, more resourceful story about ourselves and those we love. It bothered me that he ended up with Helle. Rita and Rasmus struggle to save their relationship, but an innocent meeting with a colleague has unexpected consequences. A politically incorrect teacher sees her life take an unexpected turn when the man who was her high school sweetheart comes back on the scene. Memories of that time often involved Lea. In season 4, Rita returns to the town where she grew up. Coming from trouble set of parents, divorce and extreme dysfunction I can attest to the very real fact that Rita could have gone in a very different direction as an adult. Not quite sexual, but something more than platonic friendship. I base that statement on the gracefully integrated past and present we saw as Rita reconciled with her life. We might even get a clue about her fondness for plaid shirts. I am just so glad that Rita is back. Agree 1000%! Season 4 of Rita, the Danish series created by Christian Torpe, is finally available on Netflix US. The 1985 Rita was played by Tessa Hoder. Rita tries to stop a shy student's parents from uprooting him to move to Greenland. (As Rita would say) Agree with all comments above, Great casting, acting and writing BUT one thing was driving me nuts and I hope someone can tell me that I missed something, rather then there being a giant plothole: where the hell is Rita’s sister? What impressed me in both of these series is the use of story to show us the value of seeing things through a variety of perspectives — including marginalized voices. The meaning of the plaid shirt….What is your take on it? Hjørdis must adjust when Uffe gets a job at the school. I finished the last season tonight and feel really bittersweet about the ending of this show. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6bvn9t. Attraction builds between Rasmus and Rita. It’s one of the best out there. Prepare to be hooked! We faced her past for the first time and she relived it going back to her home. I’m enjoying this season but miss the characters from Season 1-3. A pregnant Rita faces a difficult decision: She can keep the baby but never reveal who the father is, or she can get an abortion. With season 4 of Rita, it’s the reverse. Not everyone agrees. Just couldn’t stand another crime, zombie (which I don’t watch), viking (porn dressed up as adventure history), serial killer series. Tonight we finished the last episode of season 4 of Rita. I would like to understand your culture and the differences better. This show is amazing and we Danes are pretty proud of it. She has been missed. I’m a 25 year old American male who has a lot of friends interested in teaching after watching Rita, I can tell you I definitely don’t see myself teaching. Season 4 almost didn’t happen. Mille is enjoying her new baby now, but I’m sure hoping for more Rita soon as possible!

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