Il y a 10 ans, un tsunami dévastateur déferlait sur les côtes indiennes, sri-lankaises et thaïlandaises. Des villages de huttes de pêcheurs ont été engloutis par des murs d'eau. En ce lendemain de Noël, l'Europe se réveille avec la nouvelle du raz-de-marée, sans prendre encore la mesure de la catastrophe. The significantly lower tsunami impact on the Maldives compared to Sri Lanka is mostly due to the topography and bathymetry of the atoll chain with offshore coral reefs, deep channels separating individual atolls and its arrival within low tide which decreased the power of the tsunami. [149], The changes in the distribution of masses inside the Earth due to the earthquake had several consequences. [77][78][79][80] [82], Results of the tsunami survey in South Andaman along Chiriyatapu, Corbyn's Cove and Wandoor beaches:[citation needed], Meanwhile, in the Little Andaman, tsunami waves impinged on the eastern shore of this island 25 to 30 minutes after the earthquake in a four-wave cycle of which the fourth one was most devastating with a wave height of about 10 m (33 ft). 7 - Shane Dorian - Jaws (Hawaii) - octobre 2012 « Surfer sur une vague aussi monstrueuse. [24] The earthquake produced its own aftershocks (some registering a magnitude of as high as 6.1) and presently ranks as the third-largest earthquake ever recorded on the moment magnitude or Richter magnitude scale. Aucun bulletin n'est publié en raison de sa magnitude bien plus faible que celle du premier tremblement de terre. This was a result of the high proportion of children in the populations of many of the affected regions and because children were the least able to resist being overcome by the surging waters. De l'autre côté de l'océan Indien, la Somalie et les Seychelles ont également été affectées par des vagues de 4 mètres 8 heures après que les premières vagues du tsunami aient frappé Sumatra. – David Dolinski / YouTube, [2] Surf : un Brésilien dompte la plus haute vague jamais surfée – Le Parisien / YouTube, j’aurais le souffle couper de voir de telles vagues, Mega Tsunami: Vague de 523 Metres! Une vague de plus de 10 mètres de hauteur dévaste toute la côte nord. Au fil de la journée, ce tsunami dévastera douze pays et fera plus de 230'000 morts, en Indonésie et au Sri Lanka principalement. Khao Lak Restaurants | Where to eat in Khao Lak? The measured tsunami height on this beach was 5.8 m (19 ft). One such landslide consisted of a single block of rock some 100 m (330 ft) high and 2 km (1.2 mi) long. Mais aucune victime n'est à déplorer. [64] The second wave was the largest; it came from the west-southwest within five minutes of the first wave. [80], The tsunami effects varied greatly across different coastal areas according to the number of waves experienced, the inundation distance and height of waves, and the population density of the area, and topological and geographical features. According to interviews, the leading wave produced an initial depression, and the second wave was the largest. The largest run-up measured was at 12.5 m (41 ft) with inundation distance of 390–1,500 m (1,280–4,920 ft) in Yala. [53] However, not all tsunamis cause this "disappearing sea" effect. Parmi les autres destinations prisées pour leurs vagues, on trouve Jaws (Hawaii), Cortes Bank (États-Unis), Mullaghmore (Irlande) ou Belharra (au Pays basque en France). Par simplification des équations de L'origine de la mise en place des blocs rocheux sur les plates-formes rocheuses est le sujet d'un de la vague de tsunami (HT) à la côte, et qui Nott, on a pour les deux vagues de tsunami (Ht) et de débat encore ouvert Un tsunami atteint les côtes de la Thaïlande le 26 décembre 2004 La vague d'un tsunami peut atteindre la hauteur d'un édifice de 8 étages, mais la plus grosse jamais vue au monde avait la même taille qu'un immeuble de 30 étages Au milieu de l'océan la vague (le tsunami) ne dépasse pas un mètre, mais, lorsqu'elle approche de la terre, elle peut s'élever à plus de 60m. L'agglomération de Banda Aceh a été détruite sur un tiers de sa superficie et a connu près de 70 000 victimes. The bathymetry of the seafloor favoured the development of large surfing-type tsunami waves. [80] The inundation distance varied between 1,006–500 m (3,301–1,640 ft) in most areas, except at river mouths, where it was more than 1 km (0.62 mi). [56] Many of the aboriginal tribes evacuated and suffered fewer casualties, however. Coasts that have a landmass between them and the tsunami's location of origin are usually safe; however, tsunami waves can sometimes diffract around such landmasses. Mais revenons à la vitesse de la vague. Les Maldives, dont la majorité des îles se situent à un mètre au-dessus du niveau de la mer, sont durement touchées par l'arrivée des raz-de-marée. The high fatality rate in the area was mainly due to lack of preparation of the community towards a tsunami and limited knowledge and education among the population regarding the natural phenomenon. The India Plate meets the Burma Plate (which is considered a portion of the great Eurasian Plate) at the Sunda Trench. Reports indicated that the tremors were not felt by the population. It has been reported that in the Maldives, 16 to 17 coral reef atolls that were overcome by sea waves are without fresh water and could be rendered uninhabitable for decades. [72] Estimates based on the state of the shoreline and a high-water mark on a nearby building place the tsunami 7.5–9 m (25–30 ft) above sea level and 2–3 m (6 ft 7 in–9 ft 10 in) higher than the top of the train. une vague géante détruit tout sur son passage. Traditional beliefs in many of the affected regions state that a relative of the family must bury the body of the dead, and in many cases, no body remained to be buried. Promo chez Bouygues Telecom : la Fibre à seulement 9.99 € / mois pour la rentrée, Galerie Photos - Asie, le raz-de-marée / tsunami en images, vidéo, Tsunami de 2004 : retour sur une catastrophe meurtrière, Galerie Photos : Asie - le Tsunami du 26 décembre en images. The level of damage to the economy resulting from the tsunami depends on the scale examined. Some believe that the tsunami was divine punishment for lay Muslims shirking their daily prayers or following a materialistic lifestyle. The first wave came five minutes after the mainshock (0629 hrs.) C'est. Eyewitnesses often compared the December tsunami heights with the "rainy-season high tide"; although at most locations, the tsunami height was similar or smaller than the "rainy-season high tide" level. Officials estimated that billions of dollars would be needed. Un tsunami ne peut pas être ressenti à bord d'un bateau en eau profonde L'alerte au Tsunami est en effet donnée dès 14:49 et la 1ere vague atteint les côtes dès 14:59. Ce sont elles qui décèlent concrètement la présence d'un tsunami. [RTS]. C'est en approchant des terres, quand le plancher océanique remonte, que la vague géante se forme. Le plus grave Tsunami du 26 décembre 2004 - images intimes d'une catastrophe; Комментарии • 2 152. [144] In response, the Indian Minister of Home Affairs announced that a fresh onslaught of deadly tsunami was likely along the southern Indian coast and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, even as there was no sign of turbulence in the region. Bush also asked his father, former President George H. W. Bush, and former President Bill Clinton to lead a U.S. effort to provide private aid to the tsunami victims. Bangladesh, which lies at the northern end of the Bay of Bengal, had few casualties despite being a low-lying country relatively near the epicentre. The first warning sign of a possible tsunami is the earthquake itself. The Maldives tsunami wave analysis: In Myanmar, the tsunami caused only moderate damage, which arrived between 2 and 5.5 hours after the earthquake. The two main occupations affected by the tsunami were fishing and tourism. The first wave came 5 minutes after the earthquake, preceded by the recession of seawater up to 600–700 m (2,000–2,300 ft). The eastern shores of Sri Lanka were hardest hit since they face the epicentre of the earthquake. [76] A maximum inundation of approximately 2 km (1.2 mi) and the inundated depths were 4–7 m (13–23 ft) in Khao Lak, inundating the third floor of a resort hotel. [159], Megathrust underwater earthquake and subsequent tsunami in the Indian Ocean, Campbell, Matthew; Loveard, Keith; et al. Many tourists were caught off-guard by the tsunami, as they had no prior warning. A week after the earthquake, its reverberations could still be measured, providing valuable scientific data about the Earth's interior. T. Ghosh, P. Jana, T.S. In recent years the fishery industry has emerged as a dynamic export-oriented sector, generating substantial foreign exchange earnings. The waves radiated outwards along the entire 1,600 km (1,000 mi) length of the rupture (acting as a line source). The slip did not happen instantaneously but took place in two phases over several minutes: Sur les 300 Suisses présents sur l'île, quinze ont été blessés, mais on ignorait le sort des autres. Avertissez-moi par e-mail des nouveaux articles. Comment l’Empire russe a-t-il vu le jour ? Nouvelle dépêche de l'ATS qui évoque 1500 morts dans plusieurs pays. The maximum tsunami wave height of 11 m (36 ft). Une vague de 6 m de hauteur engendre déjà une pression de 6 tonnes Esso Lanquedoc le 21 juillet 2004 au large de Durban en Afrique du Sud. Aujourd'hui, les régions concernées par un risque de tsunami peuvent être prévenues en moins d'un quart d'heure. [75], At Phuket island, many west coast beaches were affected. Video footage revealed black torrents of water moving at high speed, rolling by windows of a two-story residential area situated about 3.2 km (2.0 mi) inland. ue, la vague ralentit et se redresse : sa hauteur augmente. [33], The earthquake generated a seismic oscillation of the Earth's surface of up to 200–300 mm (8–12 in), equivalent to the effect of the tidal forces caused by the Sun and Moon. Compiling new navigational charts may take months or years. Le Centre d'alerte sur les tsunamis du Pacifique (Pacific Tsunami Warning Center, PTWC) à Hawaii détecte les premiers signaux du tremblement de terre. les plaques tectoniques se trouvaient prêt de la surface (32 km de profondeur) se qui a provoqués une magnitude très importante de la hauteur de la vague de plus de 30/m et de ce fait la. The earthquake was the third-most-powerful earthquake recorded since 1900. En direct. Tsunami run-up measurements along the Sri Lankan coasts are at 2.4–4.11 m (7 ft 10 in–13 ft 6 in). The TOPEX/Poseidon and Jason-1 satellites happened to pass over the tsunami as it was crossing the ocean. En eau peu profonde, la hauteur de la vague augmente très rapidement : Dans le tsunami, l'énergie se déplace de la surface au fond de la mer, même dans les milieux les plus profonds. Cette ville du Portugal est LA destination réputée dans le monde entier pour ses vagues géantes qui font le bonheur des surfeurs amateurs et professionnels. Près de trois cents personnes sont mortes dans la région de Pondichéry. On fait aussi mention d'une centaine de blessés en Thaïlande. Des bateaux de pêche ont été emportés à l'intérieur des terres par la puissante vague. Des clients ont été évacués sur la capitale par des routes de l'intérieur, un périple qui devait prendre des heures. On 30 December 2004, four days after the tsunami, Terra Research notified the India government that its sensors indicated there was a possibility of 7.9 to 8.1 magnitude tectonic shift in the next 12 hours between Sumatra and New Zealand. En Inde, le bilan est de 2600 morts, dont près de 1600 dans le seul Etat du Tamil Nadu. En conséquence, dès qu'il y a inondation, le volume d'eau qui déborde et inonde le littoral est très important, même si la hauteur du tsunami ne dépasse pas quelques dizaines de centimètres « Il est très probable qu'il y ait eu des vagues plus importantes pendant qu'elle n'enregistrait pas ».La plus grande vague jamais recensée fut un tsunami généré en 1958 par un séisme, à. The region is heavily visited by foreigners and locals alike during the Christmas season and is internationally famed for its luxurious resorts and hotels with picturesque beautiful beaches. [96] An initial report by Siti Fadilah Supari, the Indonesian Minister of Health at the time, estimated the death total to be as high as 220,000 in Indonesia alone, giving a total of 280,000 fatalities. It also benefited from the fact that the earthquake proceeded more slowly in the northern rupture zone, greatly reducing the energy of the water displacements in that region. Deadly tsunami waves wreaked havoc in this densely populated Jogindar Nagar area, situated 13 km (8.1 mi) south of Campbell Bay. Chapter 6, "Thailand", in Jayasuriya, Sisira and Peter McCawley. Within 100 seconds, an enormous rupture in the earth crust appeared 30 km below the seabed. [25] As well as continuing aftershocks, the energy released by the original earthquake continued to make its presence felt well after the event. with a marginal drop in sea level. It has been reported that severe damage has been inflicted on ecosystems such as mangroves, coral reefs, forests, coastal wetlands, vegetation, sand dunes and rock formations, animal and plant biodiversity and groundwater. Vague a déferlé dans plusieurs pays qui ont accès à l'océan Indien. Sur le même thème. Des alertes sont émises dans plusieurs pays, dont le Sri Lanka et l'Australie. Seconde partie : Comment se comporte un tsunami. The first wave came within 5 minutes of the earthquake. La hauteur maximale de la vague est de 3 m [16], [17]. Not every earthquake produces large tsunamis: on 28 March 2005, a magnitude 8.7 earthquake hit roughly the same area of the Indian Ocean but did not result in a major tsunami. It also slightly changed the shape of the Earth, specifically by decreasing Earth's oblateness by about one part in 10 billion, consequentially increasing Earth's rotation a little and thus shortening the length of the day by 2.68 microseconds.[150]. All of them are believed to be greater than magnitude 9, but no accurate measurements were available at the time.égatsunami_de_1958_de_la_baie_Lituya,,, [1] Mega Tsunami: Vague de 523 Metres! Pour la première fois, les vidéos postées sur internet par des témoins font le tour du monde et marquent les esprits. Kuoni devait envoyer lundi un avion vide pour rapatrier des touristes. [89], The tsunami travelled 5,000 km (3,100 mi) west across the open ocean before striking the East African country of Somalia. In their report, the Tsunami Evaluation Coalition stated, "It should be remembered that all such data are subject to error, as data on missing persons especially are not always as good as one might wish". The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami was among the deadliest natural disasters in human history, with at least 230,000 people killed or missing in 14 countries bordering the Indian Ocean Lorsque le tsunami arrive près des côtes, la longueur d'onde de chaque vague diminue fortement mais dépasse encore plusieurs kilomètres. [16], The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake was initially documented as having a moment magnitude of 8.8. "L'hotel s'est tout à coup retrouvé sous l'eau. photo tsunami de décembre 2004 dans l'océan indien. 1. Pourquoi la marée en Méditerranée n'est-elle pas perceptible ? [82], The worst affected island in the Andaman & Nicobar chain is Katchall Island, with 303 people confirmed dead and 4,354 missing out of a total population of 5,312. [citation needed] Then-UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan stated that reconstruction would probably take between five and ten years. Also, Italy offered US$95 million, increased later to US$113 million of which US$42 million was donated by the population using the SMS system[154], According to USAID, the US has pledged additional funds in long-term U.S. support to help the tsunami victims rebuild their lives. Avertissez-moi par e-mail des nouveaux commentaires. Un appareil a pu décoller dimanche après-midi des Maldives avec 313 passagers de divers voyagistes, dont Kuoni. La hauteur des vagues a été évaluée grâce au système de positionnement satellitaire GPS ainsi que d'autres instruments de mesure. [122], Some economists believe that damage to the affected national economies will be minor because losses in the tourism and fishing industries are a relatively small percentage of the GDP. Within 2–3 km (1.2–1.9 mi) of the shoreline, houses, except for strongly-built reinforced concrete ones with brick walls, which seemed to have been partially damaged by the earthquake before the tsunami attack, were swept away or destroyed by the tsunami. Plus classiques mais déjà très impressionnants, les murs d’eau qu’affrontent les surfeurs peuvent atteindre l’équivalent d’un immeuble de huit étages. Choisissez une méthode de connexion pour poster votre commentaire: Vous commentez à l’aide de votre compte On estime à 7 000 le nombre de victimes pour ces deux seules îles et à … The tsunami first struck on the eastern coastline and subsequently refracted around the southern point of Sri Lanka (Dondra Head). Interviews with the local people and fishers revealed that about 10–15 minutes after the earthquake, the sea dramatically receded and exposed coral reefs. [97] However, the estimated number of dead and missing in Indonesia were later reduced by over 50,000. In Xaafuun, small drawbacks were observed before the third and most powerful tsunami wave flooded the town. The tsunami arrived approximately 2 hours after the earthquake. [5][68], The island country of Sri Lanka, located about 1,700 km (1,100 mi) from Sumatra, was ravaged around 2 hours after the earthquake. [57][58] Oral traditions developed from previous earthquakes helped the aboriginal tribes escape the tsunami. The ground level was about 2 m above sea level, and there were many cottages and hotels. Each of these megathrust earthquakes also spawned tsunamis in the Pacific Ocean. The tsunami water destroyed settlements at Hut Bay within a range of 1 km (0.62 mi) from the seashore. LE PLUS. La réaction de la cheffe du DFAE Micheline Calmy-Rey, diffusée dans le 19h30 du 28 décembre 2004. La voilà: (ats rtf) Singapour (ats/reuters) "Tsunami" est un terme japonais que l'on peut traduire littéralement par "vague portuaire". The tsunami height was reduced from 12 m (39 ft) at Ulee Lheue to 6 m (20 ft) a further 8 km (5.0 mi) to the north-east. The time between the waves varied from about 15 minutes to 90 minutes. For example, the folklore of the Onges talks of "huge shaking of ground followed by high wall of water". Le tsunami de 2004 reste la catastrophe la. [90] The Puntland coast in northern Somalia was by far the area hardest hit by the waves to the west of the Indian subcontinent. The Indian Plate is part of the great Indo-Australian Plate, which underlies the Indian Ocean and Bay of Bengal, and is moving north-east at an average of 60 mm/a (0.075 in/Ms). Il a soulevé jusqu'à 6 mètres de hauteur une bande de plancher océanique longue de 1 600 kilomètres. [RIEGER Bertrand / - AFP]. Je n’aurai pas cru cela possible. Les autorités ont évoqué un "désastre national" et s'attendaient à ce que le bilan s'alourdisse encore. There were no tsunami warning systems in the Indian Ocean to detect tsunamis or to warn the general population living around the ocean. On note à ce point-ci que la hauteur de vague est beaucoup plus importante. Ce site utilise Akismet pour réduire les indésirables. Les premières données disponibles pour le PTWC indiquent que la vague qui a atteint les Iles Cocos faisait 0,5 mètre de hauteur. Système d'alert Le plus grave Tsunami du 26 décembre 2004 - images intimes d'une catastrophe. Elles ont aussi déferlé sur les plages paradisiaques de la région, notamment en Thaïlande, où séjournaient des milliers d'Occidentaux, engloutissant des baigneurs et réduisant en miettes des bungalows de vacances. Les agences de presse publient les premiers témoignages. These beautiful methods of construction greatly contributed to the charm of Khao Lak; but when the waves came, they were to become the Achilles’ heel of the small beautiful beach town. [135], Before 2004, the tsunami created in both Indian and Pacific Ocean waters by the 1883 eruption of Krakatoa, thought to have resulted in anywhere from 36,000 to 120,000 deaths, had probably been the deadliest in the region. Retour minute par minute sur l'une des catastrophes les plus meurtrières de ces dernières années qui a provoqué une véritable onde de choc sur toute la planète. Un défi à la hauteur de Garrett Mc Namara, l'homme qui détient déjà le record de la plus grosse vague surfée sur le même spot le 1er novembre 2011 avec une vague de 23,77 mètres reconnue par le Guinness comme la plus grande jamais surfée Le mot ' tsunami ', est un terme japonais qui signifie littéralement ' vague portuaire '. [35] It also caused the Earth to minutely "wobble" on its axis by up to 25 mm (1 in) in the direction of 145° east longitude,[36] or perhaps by up to 50 or 60 mm (2.0 or 2.4 in). In many places, the waves reached as far as 2 km (1.2 mi) inland.[46]. The tsunami stranded cargo ships and barges, as well as destroying a cement factory near the Lampuuk coast, where evidence showed the tsunami reached the third level of a building. [127], According to specialists, the main effect is being caused by poisoning of the freshwater supplies and of the soil by saltwater infiltration and a deposit of a salt layer over arable land. Mais revenons à la vitesse de la vague. Maldives Report", "Death toll in Asian tsunami disaster tops 159,000", "Asian tsunami death toll passes 144,000", "Tsunami Evaluation Coalition: Initial Findings", "The South Sandwich Islands earthquake of 27 June 1929: seismological study and inference on tsunami risk for the southern Atlantic", "YEMEN: Tsunami damage over US$1 million – UNEP assessment", "Tsunamis Devastate Fisherfolk of Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea", "Impacts of the Tsunami on Fisheries, Aquaculture and Coastal Livelihoods", "Food supply and food security situation in countries affected by the Asia tsunami – Indonesia", "Demand for FRP boats rise after tsunami", Tsunami's salt water may leave islands uninhabitable, "The Indian Ocean Tsunami: Socio-Economic Impacts in Thailand", Tsunami redrew ship channels, ocean floor. Ghosh Roy. Since the media coverage of the event was so extensive, many tourists cancelled vacations and trips to that part of the world, even though their travel destinations may not have been affected. Il est 6h25 en Suisse, l'agence de presse suisse ATS publie sa première dépêche concernant la catastrophe. Identically to Sri Lanka, survivors reported three waves with the second wave being the most powerful. The Persson Cabinet was heavily criticized for its inaction. Coastal villages were destroyed by the tsunami waves. Ce phénomène est observé le plus souvent dans l'océan Pacifique. The Phi Phi Islands are a group of small islands that were affected by the tsunami. [Evan Schneider - Keystone]. hauteur_vague_tsunami_japon. It claimed nearly a quarter of a million lives, as waves up to 30 meters high hit beaches around the Ocean basin. Merci pour votre inscription.Heureux de vous compter parmi nos lecteurs ! Tsunami, dix ans après. [67], The greatest run-up height of the tsunami was measured at a hill between Lhoknga and Leupung, on the western coast of the northern tip of Sumatra, near Banda Aceh, and reached 51 m (167 ft). For example, in the United Kingdom, the public donated roughly £330 million sterling (nearly US$600 million). Footage showed evidence of back-flowing of the Aceh River, carrying debris and people from destroyed villages at the coast and transporting them up to 40 km (25 mi) inland. However, tourists were reluctant to do so for psychological reasons. Ce dernier a dévalé sur sa planche un mur d’eau de 24,38 mètres à Nazaré. Beaucoup ont perdu la vie en pensant à tort, pendant des tsunamis, que le phénomène s'était estompé. Areas with dense coconut groves or mangroves had much smaller inundation distances, and those with river mouths or backwaters saw larger inundation distances. [80] [citation needed], Since 1900, the only earthquakes recorded with a greater magnitude were the 1960 Great Chilean earthquake (magnitude 9.5) and the 1964 Good Friday earthquake in Prince William Sound (magnitude 9.2). The flow depth at the city was just at the level of the second floor, and there were large amounts of debris piled along the streets and in the ground-floor storefronts. Les dégâts sont moindres. Tous ces éléments peuvent déterminer la hauteur, la puissance et l'impact de la vague ; ils modifient le tsunami à l'approche de la côte. One of the few coastal areas to evacuate ahead of the tsunami was on the Indonesian island of Simeulue, close to the epicentre. [156] Many charities were given considerable donations from the public. [27], The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake is thought to have triggered activity in both Leuser Mountain[28] and Mount Talang,[29] volcanoes in Aceh along the same range of peaks, while the 2005 Nias–Simeulue earthquake had sparked activity in Lake Toba, an ancient crater in Sumatra.

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