[7], In 2004, permaculture designer Rob Hopkins set his students at Kinsale Further Education College the task of applying permaculture principles to the concept of peak oil. Aligned with the spirit of Transition being a self-organising model, please also note that we (Transition Network staff) do not create TI or Hub profiles. Transition US is the national hub. The REconomy website goes live! Transition towns have been featured in the plot line of the long-running BBC Radio 4 series The Archers. Elle évoque successivement les questions de planification et d'aménagement, en apportant des exemples d'outils mobilisés à travers le monde.Accéder à la transcription écrite :https://new.fondation-uved.fr/fileadmin/user_upload/Documents/pdf/Transcriptions/MOOC_UVED_ODD_Crambes.pdf - Transition Network", "Industrial waste account to boost industrial symbiosis | Yale Environment Review", "What is industrial symbiosis? This is an example of mainstream media attention the movement received a few years after being founded. [9], Hopkins moved to his hometown of Totnes, England, where he and Naresh Giangrande developed these concepts into the transition model. Two of his students, Louise Rooney and Catherine Dunne, developed the Transition towns concept. A large number of state sites have also been set up using the Ning social networking platform. LIFE Programme database - energy related projects. They plan to accomplish this by "inspiring, encouraging, supporting, networking and training individuals and their communities as they consider, adopt, adapt, and implement the transition approach to community empowerment and change".[28]. Joint Assistance to Support Projects in European Regions (JASPERS). It is set up to provide advisory support to urban authorities to facilitate, accelerate and unlock urban investment projects, programmes and platforms. - REconomy", "BBC - Radio 4 - Archers - The Archers - Transition Ambridge", "Communities, Councils and a Low Carbon Future What We Can Do If Governments Won't", "Beyond Westminster's bankrupted practices, a new idealism is emerging, 31 May 2009", Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, Convention on Biological Diversity (1992), https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Transition_town&oldid=984451802, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2015, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2016, All articles needing additional references, Articles needing additional references from May 2017, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2017, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 20 October 2020, at 04:45. [49], A number of books have been published on specific topics, including: how communities can develop their Transition town initiative. villages (Kinsale), neighbourhoods of cities (Portobello, Edinburgh), through council districts (Penwith) to cities and city boroughs (Brixton). 'Marguerite' fund for energy, climate change and infrastructure, LIFE (Financial Instrument for Environment and Climate Action), Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking. FASUDIR - … ", "Pioneering Welsh town begins the transition to a life without oil", "Local, self-sufficient, optimistic: are Transition Towns the way forward? The output of this student project was the ‘Kinsale Energy Descent Action Plan'. They document the progress of various initiatives: In 2008, the Trapese Collective published a critique called The Rocky Road to a Real Transition to which Hopkins replied. It is suggested that this process can help companies increase profitability by reducing raw material and waste disposal cost, reducing carbon emission, making their by-products a source of revenue to be bought by other business. These are created by you so if you want to update the profiles at any time but no longer have the login info or have forgotten who created the profile, please get in touch and we will re-send this information. The terms transition town, transition initiative and transition model refer to grassroot community projects that aim to increase self-sufficiency to reduce the potential effects of peak oil, climate destruction, and economic instability. A number of the groups are officially registered with the Transition Network. [43] Further, it sees the creation of local complementary currencies as reinforcing moves toward sustainable low carbon economies as well as being socially beneficial. [8], This looked at across-the-board creative adaptations in the realms of energy production, health, education, economy and agriculture as a "road map" to a sustainable future for the town. [46], Launched in 2007 the Totnes pound, which was redeemable in local shops and businesses, helped to reduce food miles while also supporting local firms. The terms transition town, transition initiative and transition model refer to grassroot community projects that aim to increase self-sufficiency to reduce the potential effects of peak oil,[1] climate destruction, and economic instability. The best yet. ", "What is a Transition Initiative? [12], The initiative spread and by May 2010 there were over 400 community initiatives recognized as official Transition towns in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the United States, Italy and Chile. [24], TN has run seven conferences: Nailsworth (2007), Royal Agriculture College, Cirencester (2008), Battersea Arts Centre (2009), Dame Hannah's at Seale Hayne (2010), Hope University, Liverpool (2011), Battersea Arts Centre (2012)[25] and Dame Hannah's at Seale Hayne (2015). It suggested a number of strategies could help, including fiscal localism[41][42] and local food production. ", "Local Food: how to make it happen in your community", "Local Money How to Make it Happen in Your Community", "Finally! fi-Compass is a platform for advisory services on financial instruments and is designed to support European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) managing authorities, Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) microfinance providers and other interested parties, by providing practical know-how and learning tools on financial instruments. [23], Some of the material has been translated and adapted to other languages/cultures, including Portuguese, Danish, German, Dutch, Spanish, French, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese and Irish. [13] This was also the year that the Transition Handbook was published. The term transition initiatives became common to reflect the range and type of communities involved - e.g. [citation needed]. Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy, European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities, LIFE Programme database - energy related projects, Smart Cities Information System - Concerto TMD database, ECODISTRICT-ICT - Integrated decision support tool for retrofit and renewal towards sustainable districts, FASUDIR - Integrated Decision Support Tool Overview, RIBUILD - Robust Internal Thermal Insulation of Historic Buildings, CETIEB - Cost-Effective Tools for Better Indoor Environment in Retrofitted Energy Efficient Buildings, EFFESUS - Energy Efficiency for EU Historic Districts’ Sustainability, Directive 2009/28/EC - promotion of use of energy from renewable sources, Directive 2010/31/EU - energy performance of buildings, Directive 2012/EU/27 - on energy efficiency, Energy Efficiency Financial Institutions Group (EEFIG) - Final Report, Energy performance in buildings (Territorial Impact Assessment), This site is managed by the Directorate-General for Communication, partnership of the Urban Agenda for the EU on energy transition, Directive 2008/50/EC - ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe, Regulation 663/2009 - aiding economic recovery by granting financial assistance to energy projects, Directive 2009/125/EC - setting ecodesign requirements for energy-related products, Directive 2010/30/EU - indication by labelling and standard product information of the consumption of energy and other resources by energy-related products, Aid, Development cooperation, Fundamental rights, Follow the European Commission on social media, reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by at least 20%, increase the share of renewable energy to at least 20% of consumption. Le mouvement de Transition est né en Grande-Bretagne en 2006 dans la petite ville de Totnes. They then presented their ideas to Kinsale Town Council. [33][34][additional citation(s) needed] It also suggests that repairing old items rather than throwing them away should be considered. [citation needed] The first comprehensive plan was created for Totnes in 2010, entitled Transition in Action: Totnes & District 2030. [3] Transition initiatives have been started in locations around the world, with many located in the United Kingdom and others in Europe, North America and Australia. [10], In early 2007,[11] the Transition Network UK charity was co-founded by permaculture educator Rob Hopkins, Peter Lipman and Ben Brangwyn. Le 13 mars 2020, le Cerdd organisait un 3ème webinar "Questions-Réponses" pour approfondir des thèmes, réflexions, issus du MOOC "Mon village, ma ville en Transitions… [44] Additionally, Hopkins also wrote that the movement does have an understanding of global economics and is critical of its systemic problems such as being "growth-based".[45]. REGIO project database. Totnes based, it was initiated to support the Transition initiatives emerging around the world. Amandine Crambes, ingénieure urbaniste à l'ADEME, présente dans cette vidéo (11'25) l'enjeu que représente l'appropriation des Objectifs de Développement Durable par les territoires urbains, qui concentrent de plus en plus de personnes et d'activités. Some transition towns have been involved in launching local currencies including the Totnes pound, the Lewes pound, the Stroud pound and the Brixton pound. ", "Heart and Soul Transition PDX Working Group Meeting #3 - The Dirt! | WRAP UK", "LIFE BEYOND OIL – THREAT OR OPPORTUNITY? The Transition Network proposes an alternative from business as usual, or from 'shocked/doomladen' reactions to peak oil and an end to unlimited economic growth. Anyone can get involved. A number of academic paper have been published looking at the concept's progress: UN Conference on the Human Environment (Stockholm 1972), List of community currencies in the United Kingdom, "Could the Transition movement help solve the NHS's problems? [2] In 2006, founding of Transition Town Totnes, in the United Kingdom, became an inspiration for other groups to form. Thus, furthering the spread of the transition movement while networking related organizations, projects, ideas and activities. The councilors decided to adopt the plan and work towards energy independence. It also disseminates the concepts of transition towns. [17][18], Influences include permaculture[19] concepts as described in Bill Mollison’s Permaculture, a Designers Manual (1988) and David Holmgren’s Permaculture: Principles and Pathways Beyond Sustainability (2003),[20] as well as David Fleming's work on community, culture and resilience. Urbis is a new dedicated urban investment advisory platform within the European Investment Advisory Hub. a shift to renewable energy and energy efficiency. [12], In 2008, the number of communities involved in the project had increased with many localities in the process of becoming "official" Transition towns. Initiatives so far have included creating community gardens or replacing ornamental tree plantings with fruit or nut trees, to grow food. As of November 2019, the Lewes pound and Brixton pound are active. [40], After the 2008 global financial crisis, the Transition Network added financial instability as further threat to local communities (alongside peak oil and climate change). Some Transition Network groups have 'Heart and Soul' groups to look at this aspect. Two films have been created by the movement about the movement. Some projects use the TN's guide the '12 ingredients', or the 'revised ingredients', when setting up their group. ECODISTRICT-ICT - Integrated decision support tool for retrofit and renewal towards sustainable districts. It trains and supports people involved with the initiatives. The debate was partly about how social change is brought about.[55][45]. [37][38], Transition towns aim to reduce dependency on fossil fuels, and one way they do this is by developing an EDAP. [31], Communities are encouraged by The Transition Network to seek out methods for reducing energy usage as well as reducing their reliance on long supply chains that are totally dependent on fossil fuels for essential items (see environmental calculator). JASPERS is the 'Joint Assistance to Support Projects in European Regions', free of charge for local authorities and promotors, which advices cities and regions on strategic planning in a wide range of sectors. L’enseignant en permaculture Rob Hopkins (qui retrace sur son blog ses visites au Luxembourg et France en septembre – en anglais) avait créé le modèle de Transition avec ses étudiants dans la ville de Kinsale en Irlande un an auparavant. It has published books and films, trained people and facilitated networking. [citation needed], The Transition Network (TN) is a UK charity set up to support Transition initiatives. [2][4] While the aims remain the same, Transition initiatives' solutions are specific depending on the characteristics of the local area.[5]. - Transition Network", "Transition Initiatives Map - Transition Network", "Kinsale 2021 An Energy Descent Action Plan – Version.1. For more information and other funding opportunities, please visit our dedicated funding page. Le réseau des villes en transition est un mouvement social qui rassemble des groupes animant dans leur commune une initiative de transition, c'est-à-dire un processus impliquant la communauté et visant à assurer la résilience (capacité à encaisser les crises économiques et/ou écologiques) de la ville face au double défi que représentent le pic pétrolier et le dérèglement climatique. Its stated vision is "that every community in the United States will have engaged its collective creativity to unleash an extraordinary and historic transition to a future beyond fossil fuels; a future that is more vibrant, abundant and resilient; one that is ultimately preferable to the present". Unless stated, the following books were published as a collaboration between Green Books and the Transition Network (under the label Transition Books):[50], In 2008, the Transition Handbook was the joint 5th most popular book taken on holiday during the summer recess by the UK parliamentary MPs.[53]. [39], In France, where the movement is called Villes et Territoires en Transition, the association négaWatt provides a theoretical support to the transition movement. However, to be called an official initiative certain criteria must be met. These state sites, under the umbrella of a national Ning site, were set up to help facilitate, network, inform, monitor, and house regional and organizational transition initiatives. It's here! Further, there are various 'hubs' to coordinate work at a regional level. [7][29], The Transition Network's (TN) stated aim is to promote awareness of sustainable living and building local ecological resilience. The Stroud pound and Totnes pound became defunct in 2013 and 2019 respectively. [35] According to Southend-on-Sea in Transition, A theme of the Transition Network is acknowledging the emotional impact of changing to a low energy world. [30], The Transition Handbook: From Oil Dependency to Local Resiliency by Rob Hopkins provides much of the framework behind the Transition Initiative and outlines ways for local Transition Towns to get involved. The term "community" is defined here as including local people, local institutions, local agencies and the local council. Des outils pour accompagner la transition des villes et des territoires ... qui concentrent de plus en plus de personnes et d'activités. [27], The stated aim of Transition US is to be a resource and "catalyst for building resilient communities across the United States that are able to withstand severe energy, climate, or economic shocks while creating a better quality of life in the process". [12] The TN's website contains a listing of the initiatives that have registered, some of which are officially recognised. The transition model can be applied to different types of places where people live, such as villages, regions, islands and towns. Transition Town Totnes (TTT) is a community-led and run local charity that exists to strengthen the local economy, reduce our environmental impact, and build our resilience for a future with less cheap energy and a changing climate.. TTT is a collection of local volunteers with a small staff team, who come together to work on projects. It supports the preparation of projects in areas benefiting from EU funds so they meet all the necessary standards. Project examples. [26], In the United States, transition initiatives have been started in many communities. The partnership of the Urban Agenda for the EU on energy transition has as objectives to have a long-term structural change in energy systems, i.e. Resource efficiency opportunities in the building sector (2014) [COM(2014) 445], European strategy for low-emission mobility, Driving Europe’s transition to a low-carbon economy - low carbon economy package, Innovation for a sustainable Future - The Eco-innovation Action Plan (Eco-AP), Energy and Smart Specialisation Platform on Energy (S3PEnergy), Open Data Portal for European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF), Financing energy renovation of buildings with Cohesion Policy funding (European Commission report 2014), Financing energy renovation of buildings with Cohesion Policy Funding, Progress on energy efficiency in Europe (2015), European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI), European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF), European Investment Project Portal (EIPP). [14][15], By September 2013, there were 1130 initiatives registered (462 Official, 654 Muller) in 43 countries. The term, "transition town" was coined by Louise Rooney[6] and Catherine Dunne. The generic term is "transition initiative", which includes transition neighborhoods, communities, and cities, although "transition town" is in common usage. In early 2006, Transition Town Totnes was founded and became the inspiration for founding of other Transition initiatives. [32], Business waste exchange seeks to match the waste of one industry with another industry that uses that waste material, sometimes referred to as industrial symbiosis. [16], In March 2019, the Transition Network encourage initiatives worldwide to reflect on their group's process with its 'health check' resource. [47], In 2008, the idea was also considered by three Welsh transition towns, including Cardiff.[48]. Additionally, there is nothing to stop an 'unofficial' initiative using ideas inspired by Transition towns. 2005", "The Transition Movement is 10 years old | Transition Black Isle", "The Transition movement: Today Totnes... tomorrow the world", "The Urbanite Magazine - KEYNOTE: POWER PLAY", 'The Late Dr David Fleming – Community, Place and Play', "A write-up of the 2012 Transition Network conference. To help further these aims the Transition Network setup up the REconomy Project, circa 2012. All EU countries must also achieve a 10% share of renewable energy in their transport sector. KEEP. In 2006, founding of Transition Town Totnes, in the United Kingdom, became an inspiration for other groups to form. The Transition Network charity was founded in early 2007, to support these projects. [citation needed], According to The Transition food is a key area for transition, sometimes the slogan "Food feet, not food miles" is used. Smart Cities Information System - Concerto TMD database. [21][22], Each transition town or initiative has a high level of autonomy.

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