Think 18 months for real consumer products in the most optimistic scenario. The Shortcut Buttons can be assigned to one specific scene at a time, and they will cost about $7 each. For the organizing the left is known for, there seems to be less organizing and more arguing going on... International Space Station (talk) 02:10, 3 August 2016 (UTC), UTF-8 and UTF-16 can both encode the entire Unicode character set, so I edited the page to say this. So at its base, this is an agreement in principle that the smart home needs that same basic level of common plumbing. “It’s just a phenomenal opportunity for us to learn the truest performance of the spacecraft,” Phil McAlister, the director of NASA’s commercial spaceflight development, said during a press conference. This is because the IKEA making their idea cheap and ubiquitous is great. It has a cast of stick figures,[3][4] and the comic occasionally features landscapes, graphs, charts, and intricate mathematical patterns such as fractals. The book was released on September 2, 2014. That’s an advantage in smart home products since the first one in is usually the ecosystem that a consumer sticks with. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License. {{Title text: ISO 8601 was published on 06 It was causing excessive waste as millions of good chargers were discarded every year. ", "Humble eBook Bundle is Now Five Times More Hilarious! This leads to all kinds of little headaches, particularly for programmers. For more information, see our ethics policy. This is annoying. Could we speed up Earth’s rotation, so that we do not need Leap Seconds? 88 and most recently amended on 12 Over 30 companies signed up. Tasha Robinson of The A.V. There are many strips opening with the words "My Hobby:", usually depicting the nondescript narrator character describing some type of humorous or quirky behavior. atmosphere, they’d be able to slow the Earth, but not by enough to 04. Organizers there were quite open about using Google-provided tools like Docs to coordinate. "[2] xkcd frequently features jokes related to popular culture, such as Guitar Hero, Facebook, Vanilla Ice, and Wikipedia. [18] Romance and relationships are frequent themes, and other xkcd strips consist of complex depictions of landscapes. schedule carefully to avoid overshooting. > >| This affects all companies, but in this moment it’s especially pertinent to Google. [10], On September 19, 2012, "Click and Drag" was published, which featured a panel which can be explored via clicking and dragging its insides. difficult. [‡ 10][16] In 2014, it won the Hugo Award for Best Graphic Story. Here’s a story my colleague Jake Kastrenakes wrote over five years ago decrying the dumb state of the smart home. Dexterous (talk) 10:19, 2 May 2014 (UTC), This particular comic is widely cited in about four different SDO's that I participate in 08:10, 12 November 2015 (UTC), This is more applicable to politics. exhaust would go into the atmosphere, which transmits the force back to “We do believe that for it to really be refined, normal human beings aren’t going to want to do it themselves. We need explanations for comics, characters, themes and everything in between.If it is referenced in an xkcd web comic, it should be here.. long run, it will definitely get larger as the Earth slows. You’re all CHOIPers. push: Even if the comet burns up in the atmosphere, its momentum is SITUATION: : Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions, "The 10 best webcomics, from Achewood to XKCD", "xkcd: A comic strip for the computer geek", "XKCD 'What if?' [‡ 11] As of 2014, he was using a Cintiq graphics tablet for drawing (like many other cartoonists), alongside a laptop for coding tasks. NO. Putting rocket engines on the Equator. He notes that other smart home technologies like Z-Wave or even Amazon’s proposed Sidewalk system won’t be obviated by this, in part because they support longer ranges. I’m eager to hear your feedback. One thing’s for sure, there are too many standards. Forget parties. This difference fluctuates over time based on weather and other effects This means you're free to copy and share these comics (but not to sell them). spinning at a more constant rate. [‡ 6][8] A fourth book, How To, which is described as "a profoundly unhelpful self-help book," was released on September 3, 2019. [‡ 31] The book was published by breadpig, under a Creative Commons license, CC BY-NC 3.0,[56] with all of the publisher's profits donated to Room to Read to promote literacy and education in the developing world. China passed legislation standardizing the charging interface because competing designs proliferated and were not interoperating. I saw it flying around Twitter a bunch yesterday in the wake of the announcement that Apple, Amazon, Google, Samsung, Zigbee, and a host of others have joined up to create a new smart home standard that would be open source and based on IP (an internet protocol address, not intellectual property). Or is it micro-USB? Throw in a little of Amazon’s penchant for openness, Google’s Thread networking magic, and Apple’s rigor around privacy and you might just have something good. All that’s required is the script included in your page along with a single node to render the chart. [‡ 3][2] Munroe states on the comic's website that the name of the comic is not an initialism, but "just a word with no phonetic pronunciation". The goal is to see how the Starliner holds up in the space environment. But at least we could stop worrying about leap seconds. This means you're free to copy and share these comics (but not to sell them). line with the Moon. First, let's get a few things out of the way: In real life, we can't put a metal pole between the Earth and the Moon. Please feel free to email me at if you have thoughts. JS part of the example. The book expands on the What If? This means you're free to copy and share these comics (but not to sell them). More details. Technical standards thus came to exist so that industries could avoid wasting resources reinventing the wheel, whilst offering their clients a certain amount of simplicity and compatibility between vendors. Geek: 14?! Anybody who’s watched gigantic companies try to work together to agree on standards for web browsers can attest to the fact that these things take time. the core to sync up with the crust, so we’d have to plan the impact This work is licensed under a This adds up to about one The book was released DRM-free, in two different-quality PDF files. Now, however, if the company starts more formally recognizing the work that influencers do, it’ll also be more responsible for the posts that show up, which is why taking down branded posts that don’t comply with its rules will be essential. On several occasions, fans have been motivated by Munroe's comics to carry out the subject of a particular drawing or sketch offline. Vox Media has affiliate partnerships. As a result, someone eventually takes on the challenge of creating a universal standard that everyone can rally around. A great start, but certainly not a complete solution — nor does it purport to be. Google, Apple, and Samsung did not. 2013 02 day, 02 + Labor board rolls back employee email rights after Google recommendation. Randall Munroe’s classic xkcd “Standards” comic is cited all the time for a reason: it perfectly describes the feeling everybody has when a new standard is proposed. It is trying to make, I think we need to take a minute thinking over what it is. It was released on September 3, 2019. The group wants to create a better low-level networking system for devices in the smart home. Go figure. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License. xkcd, sometimes styled XKCD, is a webcomic created in 2005 by American author Randall Munroe. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License. [‡ 4][‡ 5][7] The What If column on the site is updated with new articles from time to time. This means you're free to copy and share these comics (but not to sell them). At the moment, each day is about 0.8 milliseconds longer than the 86,400 The biggest reason for the discrepancy is that It’s easy to get started with chart.xkcd. 5 67 8 In one instance, he hired Lin-Manuel Miranda as an engineer and, in another instance, sprouted literal "endless wings". He is extremely sociopathic, and has dedicated his life to causing confusion and harm to others just for his own entertainment. }}, is best viewed with Netscape Navigator 4.0 or below on a Pentium 3±1 emulated in Javascript on an Apple IIGS, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License. bulges in the Earth, but the Earth’s rotation moves those bulges out of The working group is explicitly not adopting Zigbee 3.0 as its new spec, but what it’s proposing seems not very far off from what Zigbee already does. [1]For one, someone at NASA would probably yell at us. However, not all strips are intended to be humorous. Vox Media has affiliate partnerships. They don't accommodate every use case, they might have restrictions or royalties attached, and people tend to be plagued by Not Invented Here syndrome. There's more value to keeping IM as a. 01 Will this time be any different? And none of them even agree on how to route hot, cold, and sewage water. Davidy²²[talk] 09:19, 9 March 2013 (UTC), Is the mini-USB vs micro-USB standards rift a good representative example of what this comic is hinting at? The very layers of software abstraction that helped simplify the smart home are going to continue to exist and compete with each other. Given enough time, we could send a spaceship (captained by an anti-Bruce but even those aren’t big enough to make a difference. While there is no specific storyline to the webcomic, there are some recurring themes and characters. xkcd, sometimes styled XKCD, is a webcomic created in 2005 by American author Randall Munroe. [‡ 15], All xkcd strips have a tooltip (specified using the title attribute in HTML), the text of which usually contains a secondary punchline or annotation related to that day's comic. Europe is cosidering similar legislation. instead of 4.5), each day was 22 hours long instead of 24. It’s taxing. 1101 02 Surely one more can’t make it worse? The internet and nearly all other networks you use, by comparison, are IP-based: each device has its own address and communicates via common, agreed-upon methods. The influencer space has notoriously been self-run, and while that led to strange merch and other questionable ways that creators tried to make money, it gave Instagram an out: the platform could always say that this ecosystem existed outside of its machine. 05 Whoever set it up might know what the buttons do, but they’re arcane mystery boxes to everybody else in the household. The idea behind the the standard is to make it easier to get new smart home devices onboarded on to your network and to minimize the need for consumers to have to check to see what is or isn’t compatible with their smart home control system — whether that be Alexa, Apple HomeKit, Google Assistant, or something more professional like Control4. matter. C chargers, character encodings, instant messaging, etc.) 11011 [‡ 12][‡ 13][‡ 14] A facsimile of a made-up Wikipedia entry for "malamanteau" (a stunt word created by Munroe to poke fun at Wikipedia's writing style) provoked a controversy within Wikipedia that was picked up by various media. They were in sync in January of 1980 and probably For example, the clock in your smartphone’s GPS is 16 seconds out of sync with the phone’s system clock. An IP system is promising because everybody basically knows how it works and there’s also just more knowledge about how to keep that kind of system secure. 20130227 2013.02.27 27.02.13 27-02-13 What about a steady stream of smaller asteroids? Public Service Announcement: The below seems like such a simple thing but it’s genuinely one of the most frustrating parts of a smart home. In fact, it’s usually not. [9], xkcd began in September 2005, when Munroe decided to scan his doodles and put them on his personal website. Munroe states on the comic's website that the name of the comic is not an initialism, but "just a word with no phonetic pronunciation".. If asteroid B-612 in The Little Prince is four meters across and made of Fortunately, the charging one has been solved now that we've all standardized on mini-USB. It Soon: That’s a lot of work. Think of it this way: the smart home has a plumbing problem. [58], On March 12, 2014, Munroe announced the book What If? By hitting the Earth at the right angle, we would give it a [15] Cory Doctorow mentioned "Time" in a brief article on Boing Boing on April 7, saying the comic was "coming along nicely". Don’t walk away muttering the word from the last panel of Munroe’s comic, though. This can alter the length of the More details.. (it’s actually shortened a bit since the early 1990s), although in the gotten longer because of tidal forces from the Moon. This is a tough problem. [20][21] Another strip depicted an example of a topic that Wikipedia could not cover neutrally—a fictional donation to either anti-abortion or abortion-rights activists, determined by the word count in a Wikipedia article on the event where the donation was announced being either odd or even. Munroe states on the comic's website that the name of the comic is not an initialism, but "just a word with no phonetic pronunciation".. on the order of a billion liters of rock per second (several times the And it inevitably means some will get left behind, or busted, or worst of all: hacked. What is the thing they’re actually making and why does it matter? Randall Munroe’s classic xkcd “Standards” comic is cited all the time for a reason: it perfectly describes the feeling everybody has when a new standard is proposed. The following formats are therefore discouraged: Unfortunately, the steady high-altitude meteor shower would deliver just Right now it seems like the whole game in the smart home is getting as many people as possible locked into your ecosystem as quickly and firmly as possible. CCCLXV) 1330300800 [[this is the UNIX time for *2012*-02-27, Randall]] and changed again to "The end." Plus, not for nothing, an agreed-upon solution for this level of smart home plumbing would mean that these companies could use the resources they have dedicated to that towards building other stuff. XKCD Color Names. Well, Alexa and then the Google Assistant and then HomeKit, plus a side of Samsung SmartThings. Or is it micro-USB? Also. I am calling this "Connected Home Over IP Industry Working Group" thing ** CHOIP ** and nobody can stop me.CHOIP. Some of that pain is made invisible by software abstraction from Amazon or Google, but it’s still a snarled mess underneath. More details. After a while, the market for competing standards gets messy and hard to follow, and integrating systems built around competing standards gets burdensome. It was available for download only to those who donated higher than the average donated for the other eBooks. Let's first work on that and *later* argue about the specifics. 27 For example, earlier this year Amazon put together a similar industry group designed to ensure voice assistants could interoperate with each other — so that voice assistants could coexist on the same speaker at the same time. eventual death toll would be the same: Seven billion humans, plus four This has You should subscribe! Situation: there are too many competing smart home standards, create a new smart home standard that would be open source and based on IP, Project Connected Home over IP industry working group, Amazon put together a similar industry group, bare-bones website that was rushed up for the working group, Here’s a story my colleague Jake Kastrenakes wrote over five years ago decrying the dumb state of the smart home, Apple’s AirPods Pro are $30 off at Amazon. [17], Munroe has been a fan of newspaper comic strips since childhood, describing xkcd as an "heir" to Charles M. Schulz's Peanuts. programmers. [57][‡ 32], In October 2012, xkcd: volume 0 was included in the Humble Bundle eBook Bundle. Abrams has assembled a sweeping conclusion to Star Wars, pulling together stories that span both real and fictional decades. on the handlebars. This began very early, with the 8th xkcd comic, Red Spiders, which began a series showing the arachnids attacking humans. [49][50] The webcomic was nominated for a 2009 NewNowNext Award in the category "OMFG Internet Award". This won’t work because the In the text these references are preceded by a double dagger (‡): Other comics related to Wikipedia include: University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School, What If? Alan Cole, a student[24] at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School, critically analyzed the map, concluding that it is the most elegant and informative he has seen. [‡ 7], As a student, Munroe often drew charts, maps, and "stick figure battles" in the margins of his school notebooks, besides solving mathematical problems unrelated to his classes. Eventually released on November 24, 2015, Thing Explainer is based on the xkcd strip "Up Goer Five" and only uses the thousand most commonly used words to explain different scientific devices. Fellow Geek: Yeah! Willis) to perform repeated flybys of a comet. shortening each day by about 0.8 milliseconds. ((3+3)x(111+1)-1)x3 on July 26. never will be again. The 3,099-panel "Time" comic ended on July 26, 2013, and was followed by a blog post summarizing the journey. as much energy to the atmosphere that daily giant impacts would, and the Normally $250, the Apple AirPods Pro wireless earbuds are down to $220 at Amazon. with Earth. All of those systems work by adding a layer of software abstraction on top of that wireless standards mess. It also has the benefit of being agnostic to the kind of wireless radio it communicates over — it could be traditional Wi-Fi, 802.15.4, Bluetooth, or something else in the future. MMXII-II-XXVII MMXII(LVII Prices displayed are based on the MSRP at time of posting. Probably CHIP but CHOIP is funnier.) transmitted to the surface by wind drag (taking a matter of days). That's why in 1988 ISO set a global standard numeric date format. seconds out of sync with the phone’s system clock. The bare-bones website that was rushed up for the working group says that right now the goal is to “release a draft specification and a preliminary reference open source implementation in late 2020.” Which means that actual implementation of the standard in consumer products is surely even further out. More details. Right now, signs point to “yes and no,” which is very unsatisfying but also very likely true. In the 2008 Web Cartoonists' Choice Awards, the webcomic was nominated for "Outstanding Use of the Medium", "Outstanding Short Form Comic", and "Outstanding Comedic Comic", and it won "Outstanding Single Panel Comic". |<

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